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Signed Up July 18, 2012
Last Posted April 15, 2017 at 10:45 PM
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#69 anyone play LoL? in Off Topic

i only got banned when i played with those 2 riot guys

posted about 11 years ago
#67 anyone play LoL? in Off Topic

(i am god @ both)

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Ben "yz50" Ock At ESEA S12 Lan Videos Private in TF2 General Discussion

his name brings up tf2 stuff within 3 pages

youre reaching crumpet levels of saying dumb shit on a regular basis btw pls stop it

posted about 11 years ago
#7 Statistics in TF2 General Discussion

i had no python experience and managed to do some site scraping with beautifulsoup in around 30mins

if you're interested in a "lifetime" dpm stat (across someone's entire esea history or something) the difficulty will be in if it's easy to navigate to all of the links in an automated fashion

if you just want current match stats displayed that should be pretty trivial

posted about 11 years ago
#63 anyone play LoL? in Off Topic
ArxHaving limited champions available to you is actually a benefit, not a drawback.

well thats a stretch. if people want to learn how to learn heroes in an inefficient way, or be bad at the game, why wouldn't you just let them? you have an elo system so people of same skill will be wandering around with other people of the same level anyways. you have no proof that some gradual buildup in hero availability is actually better for learning regardless. the reality is the only reason it's done is because they wanted to have as many addictive elements in the game as possible and get people to buy as much shit as possible.

posted about 11 years ago
#61 anyone play LoL? in Off Topic
Ggglygyyeah fuck you op i'll take my objectively better f2p dota2 master race game instead of your shit kiddie p2w trollfest of a game


doesnt get better than this baby you betchur sweet gaming rig it doesnt

are you able to make highlights off of someone elses channel? there's been so many missed golden moments on the glorious neorussia stream.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Ben "yz50" Ock At ESEA S12 Lan Videos Private in TF2 General Discussion

potential employers seeing videos of you unable to turn on computers is no good

posted about 11 years ago
#6 Free-4-All Tournament Registration OPEN!! in TF2 General Discussion

i hope u guys are edge gamers


posted about 11 years ago
#35 hhhhhrnnnnnnnnnnngggggg in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
#3 Name Change in TF2 General Discussion

why dont you make a new account instead of burdening people with your inconsistency

posted about 11 years ago
#32 twitch_down in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#153 Gpit Tonight in TF2 General Discussion
harbleu2sy_morphiendharbleuRuwingrapeLuck can win a team a round on gpit much more easily than it can on a cp or koth map, and matches being best of three only makes it worse.
Not to nitpick or anything but what place does luck play in this game exactly?

I understand that one misstep can make or break the round but I just don't see how 'luck' is involved.
There is no luck in your team fucking up. If the enemy teams sniper is able to push out long and snipe your medic while you're defending B then you fucked up. There is no luck about it. Gpit is great, it rewards teams that are coordinated and players for playing their roles properly. Teams with worse DM can end up winning if they are more coordinated or have better strats then their opponenets. Please stop blaming your losses on luck.

There is luck involved or at the very least there is "artificial difficulty." The luck factor here is that you have no means of knowing what the opposing team is running outside of the incredibly likely roamer/demo bomb and beyond that you're pretty much guessing. The other two classes can be a second soldier, sniper(s), spy(ies), late heavy and any combination of that you can think of. What it comes down to is that you have to defend the roamer/demo bomb which is more than capable of putting out 150 damage through sentry fire onto your medic either killing him or forcing him to pop. If you do make your way through the shrine of the silver monkey, you still have literally 0 idea what else you are dealing with since any sort of wacky pick class shenanigan can happen. Did they run a spy out of short? Did he go long? Did a sniper come out when we were dealing with the bomb? If a sniper peeks out of short it's not exactly wise to be on the roof, so what happens if they peek a sniper out quick and gets your roof soldier, pretty much guaranteeing that their bomb is going to succeed?

It isn't exactly possible to account and counter for all these occurrences unless you have information that is not accessible to you. So while it may not strictly be a true rng "luck" scenario you are still operating on a guess that can not be more than that. So if it is not qualified as "luck" it is certainly artificial difficulty.
No... just no. Everything you said here is wrong, sorry. If your medic dies to a bomber he fucked up. Don't act like there is no skill involved in any of these situations. Gpit is without a doubt the toughest medic map, but that doesnt mean there is any luck involved in it, that just means most medics are bad. I've said it many times there are very few medics i truly respect in this game, and even less actually playing the class currently. Just because open/im medics get forced by bombers doesnt mean they're unlucky, it means they fucked up and should have positioned themselves better or had better movement. Don't blame the map mechanics for players lack of skill. Im not going to go through and point out how every situation you said was wrong but i assure you all of them are. If people do want me to give my analysis on the map i will but i don't feel it necessary.

Gpit and viaduct are the only maps i truly enjoyed playing medic on, and neither of them are 5cp. Its not a coincidence. Its that both of them have the highest skill ceiling for medic on and where the difference between a good and great medic makes the biggest difference between your team winning or losing.

it has always bothered me that, even including invite, there are only 15-20 people in this game with the proper mentality of "you played wrong" rather than placing the blame on some intangible metric so everyone can feel better about themselves. it's understandable for people not playing at top level to hit that brick wall, but it's kind of sad to know there are top players that get away with being top players while blaming stuff on this kind of shit.

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Gpit Tonight in TF2 General Discussion

i think a lot of you would be fine with 10 weeks of badlands

posted about 11 years ago
#13 Slin's Boner in Off Topic

(because ur gay)

posted about 11 years ago
#12 Slin's Boner in Off Topic


posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 ⋅⋅ 71