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#463 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
lynaMaxiWhy don't they just make it so when you start a lobby you can select the number of each class you'd like to allow in your game and have it defaulted to 1 playe ron each class so highlander is easy to start and 6v6 would take nothing more than selecting 2 on scout and soldier, 1 on demo and medic, and 0 on everything else? Would easily allow for 6v6 without directly supporting it...

Also if its all the same to everyone else it'd be nice if format-bashing was left out of the thread.
Holy shit. That's a fricking genius idea. It's really good imo, valve should do exactly this.

Agree completely. It's so simple and flexible. This really is a great idea.

posted about 11 years ago
#458 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Honestly, just because Valve is intent on 9 classes doesn't mean there is no opportunity for 6's now. The stuff this community has done without Valve's help is impressive, who knows, there might be 6's mode later on. And even if not, people could still utilize resources for custom modes. No one is really suffering from this move.

posted about 11 years ago
#448 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Ruwin57R4c3I think tweaking might work, sounds like good idea. Also how exactly can you pick/ban weapons with such a small pool of items? And what if someone has a specialty - like they can DH really well yet in the game people decide to ban it. How would it be fair for a person like that?
most fps games, including tf2 are meant to be picked up, played and put down with relative ease. heck, you could even play a map on your lunch break at work. going to a lobby before a match, playing, going back to a lobby and having to wait on everyone to buy their desired weapons with the points would take ages. i believe the point of this lobby system is to eliminate a reason to ban any item. through statistically based tweaks, valve can make every weapon viable. with the only difference from weapon to weapon being what situation to use them in.

I see your point now. You can make most weapons viable after a couple of tweaks, sure. In fact, if Valve can do that without banning most weapons, everything is pretty much solved and waht you said works completely. You can definitely start with all of them, assuming every weapon is already balanced in relation to the others - but doing that might take a long time. Much longer than simply slapping a time limit of 30 seconds to chose a sidegrade.

Look at the atomizer. It's a weapon that changes playstyle completely and would most likely be banned but on the flip side, if something like that were in the game, maybe you could see a 'sick new strat.' I'm not saying to include it, but now suppose you have a heavy now with the Gloves of Running Urgently enabled - that changes playstyle too. So if a Heavy can have more speed, the scout should be able to jump more etc. There will be so many conditionals and 'if-that-why-not-this' - would all of us agree to everything? Suppose even if after a little tweaking some weapons are still powerful, why not just make them harder to get instead of denying people a chance to play with them at all? Valve wants the items enabled, I don't think they would take to it if we banned too many of them.

posted about 11 years ago
#431 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
thank you for bringing your suggestion to the table! your suggestion seems like a tf2 raid encounter more than a pick up and play experience. how long are you expecting these players to be playing for? one full attack defend with vanilla (already a majority of your player interest there) then you can choose what unlocks you want through earned poins? so now you're forcing players to play for points so they can play with items they already have and want to use? to my understanding, the major driving force behind the rollout of an in-game lobby system would be to tweak under/overpowered items. so they would more than likely be looking to implement whatever system gets them the most amount of this data as quickly as possible. a pick/ban system in the lobby, similar to dota gives them the exact data they want/need. i'm fairly confident this is not up for question.

Thanks. I didn't mean for it to come across as an MvM raid but the first round, yes stock would be fair. I understand playing for points could be a problem so why not just simply award more points to doing the objective? If people are that focused on points, they'll go after the bigger goal, but that doesn't mean players who are pulling their weight don't get to contribute as well.

Also no one would have *unlock/sidegrade weapons in the first stock round, they would have to be earned. Sure, they exist within the game and may be in your BP already, but for lobbies they couldn't be equipped in the stock round.

I think tweaking might work, sounds like good idea. Also how exactly can you pick/ban weapons with such a small pool of items? And what if someone has a specialty - like they can DH really well yet in the game people decide to ban it. How would it be fair for a person like that?

posted about 11 years ago
#424 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Ok here goes:

Hey. Just wanted to introduce myself. Lurk around here but don't really post. I play pubs only, and follow comp TF2 sometimes, namely 6's. Got exicited reading this thread because Valve is actually trying to do something for this community - even if it isn't 6's, it's a great place to start. A person like me would definitely be interested in this.

I read the OP and can summarize into these bits:
1. Valve is willing to implement an in-game lobby system
2. They want 9 player teams, each class plays
3. They want players to use unlocks/sidegrades
4. They want a weapon pick/ban system

These things are a must. Without them the system won't run. So considering these limits, I thought about this for a while and have a major suggestion of my own now.

I don't know if you're reading this Robin/TF2 Team, but I think you've already created a similar system that works. If you made a few changes to that system, an in-game lobby system could work really well.

I think MvM is the best example to demonstrate this. Imagine an in-game lobby like MvM - players can join a team, they work together towards the goal, they are rewarded for it, and can "unlock" better abilities and weapons for the next round. Imagine if this were a lobby instead focused on high level play:

1. You have 2 teams of 9 players joining.
2. Every first round starts with stock (fair and will encourage stock use)
3. Players obtain "group points" for their team based on actions like kills/ubers/headshots/sapping/building, etc.
4. After the first round ends, the team group points allow each individual player to "unlock" a weapon/(s) of their choosing.
5. The more powerful ("op?") a weapon is, the harder it is to unlock, so essentially a team is rewarded for playing well while others will have to adapt <non-stagnant gameplay
6. Since it's beta, at the end there could be a voting session on items and whether or not they should have stats changed.

This idea has most of your wishes in it, and opens other opportunities (you can cash in on lobby items like strange parts and awards, achievements, etc). You can add more maps/arenas. There's a lot of starting ground already without having to alter much. You could make changes as you collect data as well.

Some major concerns:

This team point system - make it so every class can shine. There are power classes in TF2 who take all the glory - an ubered heavy combined with a medic will always be more powerful than a lone player. Because of this, most comp games will center around them medic/heavy/soldier and everyone else just goes to the sidelines. This might be causing the stale strats. You don't want that. And you want people to use more items.

Then reward the classes equally - medic kills with assists should always be worth less than kills done without a medic. Sapping a well placed sentry takes effort, reward the spy, building uber without dying should be bonus points, airshots - each specialty should be judged fairly and rewarded fairly so ALL classes feel like they've done the same effort without just having a medic uber them and getting easy kills. Now add in sidegrades. This would introduce different styles of gameplay and encourage different form of gameplay.

Looking at things in the future, this revised point system for lobby could work, but people might abuse it as well. Teams would become too focused to get points. But perhaps you could make it so upgrades would contribute less points or something, I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to create a good system of balance.

Nothing here is absolute. I just wanted to give a good starting ground on something that I could immediately visualize for this game. I enjoy playing TF2 a lot and this and maybe any other lobby in-gamesystem would be better. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope it comes into the making soon!

posted about 11 years ago
#422 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

Post does not exist.

posted about 11 years ago
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