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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
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#65 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
mastercomsAimIsADickFrametimes can vary in each frame (e.g one frame could take 100ms to render while another could take 400ms, but 1⁄2 = 500 ms)
That first frame you mentioned is 1 frame / .1 seconds = 10FPS, and the second one you mentioned is 1 / .4 = 2.5FPS. See I made the FPS vary each frame too.

Thing is that frame rate would be extremely misleading here, since the variance is practically invisible with just frame rate. The frame rate would only match up the total amounts if all of the frames rendered in the same amount of time, which isn't always the case. I'd feels like I'm just repeating my self here tho…

mastercomsAimIsADickwhy bother deriving the frametime from frame rate when the frame time will vary anyways? I mean frame rate is counted over a second right?
This is like asking why the SI unit hertz exists when we have seconds. They're used for different calculations and comparisons.

Can you elaborate on this point actually? I don't understand what you mean.

Hang on a second. I thought we were arguing on the reliability of frame rate, but we're really arguing on whether frame time is the same metric as frame rate. I think I get your logic here (that since frame rate is a frequency, frametime can technically be derived from frame rate and thus be used to get the frame rate), but I just don't agree that derivative metric are the same as their parent metric.

If this turns out to be basic stuff, then sorry about that. I just didn't learn about this beforehand.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Why aren't the other parties talked about anymore? in The Dumpster

<rant>When people think of political parties, they think of the left and right party. Sadly those two parties are the only ones publicly recognized, which causes problems since if one side loses, the other gains control. There are far more political parties than those two, and if we can have more political parties to choose from, then may be politics won't be so fucking oppressive. </rant>

posted about 3 years ago
#60 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
alfaYou made a whole thread and all this shit just to recommend mastercomms?

That is a huge oversimplification; there is more to this guides than just mastercomfig. I also recommend frametimes over frame rate and tell people that bad servers will cost you performance.

posted about 3 years ago
#58 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
mastercomsWhen you're driving a car, the speedometer does not show an average of your speed over the last hour, despite reading "miles per hour".

Good point…

mastercomsAnd you can easily calculate hours per mile by taking 1 over your speed. This is just how units and math work.

I have to be missing something at this point. Frametimes can vary in each frame (e.g one frame could take 100ms to render while another could take 400ms, but 1⁄2 = 500 ms), so why bother deriving the frametime from frame rate when the frame time will vary anyways? I mean frame rate is counted over a second right?

posted about 3 years ago
#56 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
alec_dont talk about it, be about it. wheres the fucking guide??

It's right here. I forgot to set a download link for some reason…

turbochad69AimIsADickI was wrong when I said that frame time and frame rate were the same metric. They clearly aren't the same. You can't just derive frame time from frame rate (like frame time = 1⁄framerate) as that ignores any variations in frame time. Instead you have to record both frame rate and frame time.Framerate and frametime are exactly the same metric, period. The 'rate' in framerate comes from comparing frametime to a set time interval (1 second, in frames per second). You can derive one from the other simply by taking its reciprocal, as that's all they are: reciprocals of each other.

Thing is that deriving frame time from 1⁄frame-rate assumes that every frame has rendered in 1⁄frame-rate seconds (even when assuming that the frame rate is recorded in instantaneous rates of change), which isn't always the case in reality. e.g 60 frames were rendered in a second. 50 of those frames each rendered in .2 seconds, while 10 frames rendered in .8 seconds. In this example the frame times are uneven, but we still get 60 frames so by deriving the frame time from frame rate, the frame time would be 16.6ms despite the actual frame times recorded being uneven. This is an oversimplified example so I'll probably edit this later.

turbochad69The difference you believe you've discovered between frame time and framerate is actually you discovering the difference between instantaneous and average rates of change. Average framerate communicates the exact same thing as average frametime (they are the same), and instantaneous framerate communicates the exact same thing as instantaneous frametime (they are also the same).

You're looking at the difference between average framerate and instantaneous frametime, noticing that they are indeed not the same thing, and then saying that the reason they are not the same has to do with framerate vs. frametime when in reality it has to do with average vs. instantaneous rates.

It is true (as you've been saying) that having consistent frame pacing is important, but you can measure that pacing in either frametime or framerate, as they are interchangeable, measuring and communicating the exact same thing.

I think I'm getting at what you were trying to explain. I do remember referring to the average frame rate when I argued that frame rate ignored any variations. Now I definitely agree that I should have been arguing with the context of an instantaneous frame rate counter, but I still don't think that just because a metric can be derived from another metric that means the two metrics are the same. I'm probably going to go search about this topic for my self to see if I can understand the argument there.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 if ur getting recent fucky input lag / mouse sens in Q/A Help
KZalso while you are at it disable full screen optimizations. Do the same for your game .exe files like hl2.exe. I didnt experience any weird mouse things because I had done those things before.

I'm pretty sure only the Source Engine has issues with full screen optimizations. I don't ever remember those optimizations causing any issues on Steam.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 How do I get enough motivation to hunt down a job? in Off Topic

I'm 16 years old currently (will be 17 in 2 months and 17 days from this post) and I want new hardware. Unfortunately due to the current and estimate world state at the moment (fucking terrible), my motivation for job hunting has already sunk. I'd rather stick with shit hardware than suffer at retail, despite wanting better hardware. Help pls?

posted about 3 years ago
#52 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help

I was wrong when I said that frame time and frame rate were the same metric. They clearly aren't the same. You can't just derive frame time from frame rate (like frame time = 1⁄framerate) as that ignores any variations in frame time. Instead you have to record both frame rate and frame time.

posted about 3 years ago
#18 AimIsADick Blocker 9000 in The Dumpster
delete_my_accountAimIsADickHeh. Hilarious.

(I really shouldn't have joined this forum…)
I think they want to block you because you sorta give off pretentious vibes.
Also looking through your post history is kinda funny. You claim college is a scam but every time you ask for tech help from someone on the forums, they most likely had some sort of higher education.

edit: not saying you have to go to college or anything, I just found it ironic.

I don't like being pretentious at all, because it's not fun; I just go nuts over incorrect grammar and improper wording.

delete_my_accountYou claim college is a scam but every time you ask for tech help from someone on the forums, they most likely had some sort of higher education.

Cool. Then I get to learn more about them. Even then I can easily get the information from higher education just through the internet alone. That's why I think college is a huge scam if you don't plan on getting into a STEM job.

scrambledKinda sad because frametime/framepacing is actually something that people might want to be aware about. Someone who clearly did a google search about frametiming and talking down to the likes of mastercoms just turns people away from the idea though.

I'm trying not to talk down or insult to anyone, but I guess I must have accidentally done so. Will look out for that in the future!

CarboThese include, but are not limited to:• ⁠Rudeness towards other Redditors, • ⁠Spreading incorrect information, • ⁠Sarcasm not correctly flagged with a /s

Explain? I always refrain from ad hominem attacks and rarely insult people in formal discussions.

You know this tampermonkey script could be expanded to be a filter list that blacklists bad posters/posts and removes them…

posted about 3 years ago
#18 Massive FPS Drops in Q/A Help
StipeMiocicAimIsADickJust another reason why you should just use Linux (which is soooooooooooooooooo much better) instead of Windows/MacOS.I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.

Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I learned this fact at some point, but I forgot about this until you mentioned it. Anyway yeah the correct name is GNU/Linux.

posted about 3 years ago
#6 AimIsADick Blocker 9000 in The Dumpster

Heh. Hilarious.

(I really shouldn't have joined this forum…)

posted about 3 years ago
#14 Massive FPS Drops in Q/A Help
griffithIt was literally just a windows issue.. Windows randomly decided to start effecting my TF2 experience for absolutely no reason at all it was beyond my control who knows why..

Just another reason why you should just use Linux (which is soooooooooooooooooo much better) instead of Windows/MacOS.

posted about 3 years ago
#92 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
EntropyTFSolarLightAimIsADickDo not begin a technical argument with AimIsADick. Just ignore him before the essay and massive quote posts start rolling in.

So that's the reputation I gained on this forum…

posted about 3 years ago
#91 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
SolarLightAimIsADickThe only problem I have with the new FACEIT servers is that they limit client side settings. They force the updaterate/cmdrate to 66 and as a 128 tickrate server, this is always a bad idea; Just set the maximum updaterate/cmdrate to 128 and leave the other limiting cvars alone (sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate, sv_mincmdrate, sv_client_min_interp_ratio, and sv_client_max_interp_ratio). They. enforce a minimum rate (or bandwidth) of 128 Kilobytes (or 1 Megabit), which is way too high! Can someone tell the server operators to remove these limits (by setting sv_minupdaterate and sv_minrate to 0)?
This is a misconception, these servers are not running at 128 tick. 128 tick actually causes several bugs in TF2, from what I remember.

You have a point. Still though they shouldn't be limiting clientside network settings (or in other words the player's network settings).

posted about 3 years ago
#86 faceit tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

The only problem I have with the new FACEIT servers is that they limit client side settings. They force the updaterate/cmdrate to 66 and as a 128 tickrate server, this is always a bad idea; Just set the maximum updaterate/cmdrate to 128 and leave the other limiting cvars alone (sv_minrate, sv_maxrate, sv_minupdaterate, sv_mincmdrate, sv_client_min_interp_ratio, and sv_client_max_interp_ratio). They enforce a minimum rate (or bandwidth) of 128 Kilobytes (or 1 Megabit), which is way too high! Can someone tell the server operators to remove these limits (by setting sv_minupdaterate and sv_minrate to 0)?

posted about 3 years ago
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