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SteamID64 76561198443218901
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:241476586
Country United States
Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
Raw Input  
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini Corded
Keyboard Integrated
Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
1 ⋅⋅ 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ⋅⋅ 38
#2179 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
DulZuroDoes anyone know what causes this lighting glitch on harvest?

This screenshot is from mastercomfig ultra.

I first noticed it when using mastercomfig medium high, and tried changing some of the lighting settings but nothing seemed to fix this.

Try running a clean installation of TF2. If the still occurs with only mastercomfig, then it's certainly a bug in mastercomfig.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 Massive FPS Drops in Q/A Help
griffith_KermitI take it you disabled everything possible in the radeon drivers? I'm pretty sure I had awful problems with those drivers, especially with ReLive and Radeon Chill.Uh.. I'm not really sure what you mean.. Disable everything as in the settings? or like literally disabling the drivers.. I think if i literally disabled the drivers i risk my monitor not working and i obviously wouldn't get any performance at all on the default windows ones.. As far as the settings go i checked them i don't have radeon chill on or anything.. Just minor things like enhanced sync (cause it's nice), I obviously have AMD freesync enabled, Image sharpening that's about it though.. Nothing that would really effect FPS like chill would.. In all honesty i'm thinking about restoring windows completely back to a fresh start it's a pain but it's what id do for my hat simulator game

He really means to disable the options in your Radeon drivers *and* the drivers themselves (I really think you should just uninstall the Radeon drivers), and also to uninstall Radeon software. Don't worry though; your computer will function fine as long as you don't disable drivers vital to the OS (like CPU or Storage drivers). If you uninstall any vital drivers, Window will just replace them with stock drivers. This procedure is just meant to check if the drivers are causing the problem. If they are then you can either install a previous version or if there is an update available, then update your drivers (through the manufacturer site, NOT Windows Update as it is too unreliable when getting driver updates).

posted about 3 years ago
#13 TF2 massive input lag after reinstalling in Q/A Help
zeloAimIsADickzeloAimIsADickDo you have a modules.cfg file? If not then mastercomfig low is just going to set that interp value back.

yup i do, although mastercomfig kinda throws me off, im too used to working with just cfg files. i tried my best to follow the guide tho. put my cfgs in user folder under cfg, modules.cfg into cfg folder and vpks to custom

P.S I don't recommend setting 15.2ms interp. Not all servers can properly handle it (cough cough bad servers) and it's not worth it to desync the interpolation between you and the server, just for faster interpolation that is quite negligable.

Also: do cl_showfps 2 in console and look at the number value with the suffix "ms" (that's frametime). Tell me the average of that value.

its going about 3.4 to 7ms

That tells me the frames aren't the problem here. Check your hardware and troubleshoot it to ensure that your hardware isn't the problem.

Also what mastercomfig options are you using? Actually what is your gaming environment (like OS, options, mods, hardware, etc.) in general?
ratawarTF2 process priority in task manager isn't set to anything wonky?
Yeah don't set the process priority to low, high, or realtime; only use the below normal, normal, and above normal process priorities, but even then they barely make a difference to begin with.

I'm sitting on r5 3600 with 2070 on 16 3200 ram and Win10. The cfg I used before (which was the snappiest i've ever come in TF2) was a heavily customized Comanglia Toaster but i heard it's outdated. As for mastercomfig i've chosen low preset with only changes being outlines on high and tweaked network settings to match my connection.

Are you getting packet choke or loss? Do net_graph 4 in console the next time you play to check.

yahooCheck if mouse is on 1k hz and set windows power plan to high perf

Do the former of this comment.

P.S Try using another mouse if you have ≥2 mouses.

posted about 3 years ago
#10 TF2 massive input lag after reinstalling in Q/A Help
alfadid you check that mouse smoothing option when you downloaded mastercomms? Idk how it might affect this but check if it helps

You mean the flat mouse addon? That just sets mouse cvars so I highly doubt that is the issue.

posted about 3 years ago
#9 TF2 massive input lag after reinstalling in Q/A Help
zeloAimIsADickDo you have a modules.cfg file? If not then mastercomfig low is just going to set that interp value back.

yup i do, although mastercomfig kinda throws me off, im too used to working with just cfg files. i tried my best to follow the guide tho. put my cfgs in user folder under cfg, modules.cfg into cfg folder and vpks to custom

P.S I don't recommend setting 15.2ms interp. Not all servers can properly handle it (cough cough bad servers) and it's not worth it to desync the interpolation between you and the server, just for faster interpolation that is quite negligable.

Also: do cl_showfps 2 in console and look at the number value with the suffix "ms" (that's frametime). Tell me the average of that value.

its going about 3.4 to 7ms

That tells me the frames aren't the problem here. Check your hardware and troubleshoot it to ensure that your hardware isn't the problem.

Also what mastercomfig options are you using? Actually what is your gaming environment (like OS, options, mods, hardware, etc.) in general?

ratawarTF2 process priority in task manager isn't set to anything wonky?

Yeah don't set the process priority to low, high, or realtime; only use the below normal, normal, and above normal process priorities, but even then they barely make a difference to begin with.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 Massive FPS Drops in Q/A Help

Try doing a full reset of TF2 first. If that doesn't work then either your OS or hardware is causing the issue.

Switch away from closed-source/proprietary programs as they are known to be slower and less efficient than Free and Open Source programs (FOSS). Examples of them are Google Chrome, Adobe Photoshop, and Windows 10.

If you're stuck on Windows 10, then try a Windows 10 privacy tool (like W10Privacy). Look out for any indicators that the creators of those programs are cooperating with Microsoft in some way.

Backup everything important on your computer and reinstall your OS. If you're using Windows 10 then I recommend just installing a Linux Distribution instead because those are 1000x better than Windows will ever be (here's a questionaire if you're unsure of which distro to use). After the reinstallation and optimizations if you still have input lag issues, then it is certainly your hardware.

posted about 3 years ago
#5 TF2 massive input lag after reinstalling in Q/A Help

Do you have a modules.cfg file? If not then mastercomfig low is just going to set that interp value back.

P.S I don't recommend setting 15.2ms interp. Not all servers can properly handle it (cough cough bad servers) and it's not worth it to desync the interpolation between you and the server, just for faster interpolation that is quite negligable.

Also: do cl_showfps 2 in console and look at the number value with the suffix "ms" (that's frametime). Tell me the average of that value.

posted about 3 years ago
#291 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware
mustardoverlordviper mini probably

I guess that could work.

EDIT: After checking the B100 size, yeah the Viper Mini should work for me.

posted about 3 years ago
#288 The Mouse/Mousepad Thread v2 in Hardware

I'm already getting sick of the short lifespan (3 to 5 months I think) of the Logitech B100 mouse, but I only have 47$ on me. Any long lasting options that have a similar size to the B100?

posted about 3 years ago
#48 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help

Man isn't it lovely to get downvoted just because you said the Übersaw is overrated trash, or some other "controversial" opinion that no one bothered to actually read and think about?

posted about 3 years ago
#46 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
turbochad69AimIsADickBumFreezemiles per hour is a very misleading metric. i measure my speed in hours per mile. its soooooo different and so much better!!!Strawman.What do you mean strawman? Miles per hour has the exact same kind of relationship to hours per mile as FPS has to frametime. It's identical.

Go look at what an fps indicator does, it's literally 1 over the last frametime. Here's cl_showfps for instance

Actually I don't think it's a strawman but rather a false equivalency. I haven't thought through this yet, so I might be wrong. Either way there's still a difference in that comparison even if it isn't a fallacy. Miles is a form of distance and hour is a unit of time. Both give the exact same amount of information because at the end of the day the fundamental units that make them up (miles and hours) give enough information for the information difference to be nearly imperceptible. (e.g 5 miles per hour and 5 hours per mile both carry the distance traveled and the time it took, but not the variations in between the time/distance units.)

By contrast framecount and frametime, while they both are the same metric type (they're not literally the same metric), carry a clearly noticeable different amount of information from each other; frametime is the time it takes to render a frame which can be handy for tracing the issue to a bottleneck, delayed renders, or just slow processing power in general, while framecount is the amount of frames that can be generated in a specific time frame, which can only give whether you're getting enough frames in a second. A significant factor here is that frametime can will vary a ton in between seconds, and that variation is nonexistent in framecount per time, which is why I consider framecount per time as an inferior metric.

Honestly I should have just been referring to frame pacing from the start.

posted about 3 years ago
#44 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
BumFreezemiles per hour is a very misleading metric. i measure my speed in hours per mile. its soooooo different and so much better!!!


Wandumshitposts these days just arent what they used to be

Yeah it's sad really...

posted about 3 years ago
#41 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
StipeMiocicI'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as frames per second, is in fact, frametime, or as I've recently taken to calling it, frame pacing. Frames per second is not an efficient means of measuring performance unto itself, but rather a measurement pertaining to the number of frames generated in a single second, but does not take into account the amount of time it takes to generate a frame.

Many computer users are advocating for frames per second being the standard unit of the measurement of performance, without realizing the superiority of frame pacing. Through a peculiar turn of events, frametime has been all but erased from the internet due to FPS supremacy revisionists, and unbeknownst the the general populous, the glory of frame pacing has been veiled.

There really is a frames per second, and these people are referencing it, but it is just a part of the FPS agenda. Frame pacing is really at the heart of the matter: the unit of measurement in the game that takes into account the allocation of the machine's resources to generate a frame. The time taken to generate a frame is an essential part of any video game, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a running video game. Frame pacing is normally used in combination with the measurement of performance: the whole game is basically individual frames with a certain amount of time added, or frame/[time taken]. All the so-called "FPS" supremacists are really just pawns in a chess game.

I think I'm going to refer the synchronization of frames as frame pacing as that seems to be a better name for it. Anyway this is what I've been saying for a while, but no one except a few people got the message.

posted about 3 years ago
#2 con_logfile - Position not saving in jump script in TF2 General Discussion
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5; getpos; resetLogfile;"

Here's where the error is occuring. con_logfile must have the txt or log file extension (e.g

con_logfile cfg/test.txt

) otherwise the logfile will not be created.

Here's a future list of rules with con_logfile (source: 2018 code leak of TF2):

  • Newlines and carriage returns are not allowed.
  • Network paths (\\), Absolute Paths (:), and the parent file path character (..) are not allowed.
  • con_logfile must have the txt or log file extension.

So the script should really be:

sv_cheats "1"
sv_allow_wait_command "1"
tf_weapon_criticals "0"
tf_damage_disablespread "1"
tf_use_fixed_weaponspreads "1"
mp_waitingforplayers_cancel "1"
mp_disable_respawn_times "1"

give func_regenerate
bind mouse1 "+attack; impulse 101"
alias regen "give func_regenerate; alias regenloop +loop; regenloop"
alias unregen "ent_Fire !self sethealth 200; alias regenloop null"
alias regenloop "+loop"
alias +loop "impulse 101;wait 100;-loop"
alias -loop "wait 100;regenloop"

echo "#### Regen activated ####"

//Offline Teleports
con_timestamp 0
con_logfile console.log

bind F1 gotoPosition1
bind F2 gotoPosition2
bind F3 gotoPosition3
bind F4 gotoPosition4
bind F5 gotoPosition5
bind ALT +savePosition

alias +savePosition "bind F1 savePosition1; bind F2 savePosition2; bind F3 savePosition3; bind F4 savePosition4; bind F5 savePosition5"
alias -savePosition "bind F1 gotoPosition1; bind F2 gotoPosition2; bind F3 gotoPosition3; bind F4 gotoPosition4; bind F5 gotoPosition5"
alias resetLogfile "con_logfile console.log"
alias savePosition1 "con_logfile cfg/position1.log; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition2 "con_logfile cfg/position2.log; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition3 "con_logfile cfg/position3.log; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition4 "con_logfile cfg/position4.log; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias savePosition5 "con_logfile cfg/position5.log; getpos; resetLogfile;"
alias gotoPosition1 "exec position1.log"
alias gotoPosition2 "exec position2.log"
alias gotoPosition3 "exec position3.log"
alias gotoPosition4 "exec position4.log"
alias gotoPosition5 "exec position5.log"

echo "##### Listen server teleports loaded #####"
echo "#  Use <Alt> + <F1> to save a location   #"
echo "#  Use <F1> to teleport to that location #"
echo "#  <F1> - <F5> are available             #"

// Noclip button
bind mouse4 noclip

// Disable waiting for players and respawn times again (on demand)
alias annoyingshit "mp_waitingforplayers_cancel 1; mp_disable_respawn_times 1"
bind mouse3 annoyingshit

echo "#### Jumping script loaded #####"
posted about 3 years ago
#38 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
Peteoh no..

I get it man, you have a passion and you wanna see this through, but you don't have the knowledge base or time spent on the subjects you're talking about to provide the information that you want. You're just googling stuff and obviously you found some sources but they aren't good
dbkThere's a reason this kind of stuff has taken mastercoms years and thousands of hours to compile. It's good to see someone passionate about something like yourself, but the starting point for that should be doing your own research into the topic, not undermining someone who actually has done that work.

I'm aware of that which is why I'm quite willing to put in a lot of research into this guide. That being said I think that mastercoms might be better for this job actually, because she already has years of knowledge under her belt so the only to worry would be the production time.

posted about 3 years ago
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