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SteamID64 76561198443218901
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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.21
Windows Sensitivity None. Accel: 1.9
Raw Input  
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Viper Mini Corded
Keyboard Integrated
Mousepad None
Headphones None
Monitor Integrated
1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ⋅⋅ 38
#28 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
turbochad69AimIsADickI mean that it helps with your network performance in game, since independent DNS servers are a lot more reliable and faster than ISP DNSes.I refuse to believe you're not trolling at this point

I'm not trolling. Why would I put 2 months worth of effort into this guide, or create one in the first place if I was trolling?

posted about 3 years ago
#27 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
FakeIn your own source, it uses 97th percentile FPS numbers and not frame times for measuring. 99th percentile or 1% lows FPS is the defacto way to measure a games smoothness, because people know what 30FPS is as opposed to 33.33ms each frame . AVG Frames per Second = AVG Frametime (or Seconds per Frame). Check out this video for more info.

Interesting to note.

FakeAlso, AVG frametime and AVG FPS effectively communicate the same amount of information because they are the same metric. They don't measure input latency directly either, because that depends on your mouse, monitor etc.

Yeah they are the same. What I was saying is that just getting the averages may remove any outliers that could be present or not show lower frame rates/times than actually shown.

FakeI observed 5% improvement in FPS going to directx 8 on a ryzen 6 core and RX 580, which is modern imo. Also on a GTX 960M laptop with a 5700HQ, it improved performance by 10+%. Definitely didn't make my game run worse than DX9 when I used it.

How did you test this? Also frame rate is not as reliable as frame times, so that performance boost could just be because DX81 renders less stuff.

posted about 3 years ago
#23 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
NUTSto anyone hoping to get a boost out of this: just install mastercomfig, set your pcs performance plan to high performance, tweak your nvidia settings and stop trying to do voodoo magic to your pc

Outside of optimizing your OS and removing bloatware, yeah. Guides that require you to modify the registry or modify/run system variables/commands are likely snake oil.

posted about 3 years ago
#21 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
elektroAimIsADickchaning DNS serversignoring everything else, i genuinely want to know how you think this solves any issues with performance, especially because you haven't mentioned it in your reddit post or your github

I mean that it helps with your network performance in game, since independent DNS servers are a lot more reliable and faster than ISP DNSes.

why should I trust someone who doesn't use line breaks when they code

Ey! I prefer to write containers (if the line isn't too long) that way. It's called an- uh…programming style.

SetsulHDDs store content on magnetic discs and read/write from/to them with a platter, while SSDs store content in integrated circuts, where they can be read from or written to.This hurts.

Yeah that was a terrible explanation. I should have just said that SSDs are faster than HDDs with sources and left it at that.


Woah nice anagram!

posted about 3 years ago
#9 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
elektroAimIsADickUse frame time as the performance metric instead of frame rate (like frames per second or FPS). Frame rate is often misleading.why are you still on about this

Because it's a prevelant problem in the gaming industry. Frame rate is a worse metric to use for troubleshooting, because the actual frame rate could change while rendering a part of 60 frames.[1][2]

elektroyou claim to want to write a proper "comprehensive" guide but just end up sourcing mastercoms 10 times, are you sure that mastercoms documentation isn't comprehensive enough?

That is a huge overexaggeration. I cite more sources than just mastercoms, like Dell, a college lesson, and some tech articles. The mastercomfig documentation leaves out some tips like chaning DNS servers, finding good servers that don't have high frame time variance, using 30.3ms interp and never 15.2ms, etc.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization

That one must have gotten taken down. On my side it still seems to be up for some reason. In any case I'll provide an alternate link:

posted about 3 years ago
#75 What legacy will you leave for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

To be the best Dragon's Fury and Bonk! Atomic Punch player.

posted about 3 years ago
#1 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization

Link to the guide cuz I'm too lazy to actually reformat it.

Alternate link:

Markdown file install:

Can we start using markdown?

Update to the markdown file (Linked here) and alive reddit posts: Corrected some grammar mistakes and added more examples.

posted about 3 years ago
#3 8000Hz in Tf2 in Hardware
kbtoHey guys, been looking at the Razer Viper 8K, and apparently in certain games 8khz polling rate fucks with the game engine and you see choppyness of movement and stuff, does anyone have this mouse can anyone tell me if these issues exist within tf2?

I currently use the Razer Viper Mini and I haven't encountered any issues with the high polling rate. If it does fuck you over for some reason, you can always lower the polling rate in Razer Synapse.


elektroA high polling rate does have a very bad effect on tf2. You should look for a mice with adjustable polling rate (such as the Razer Viper 8k) polling rate should be less than 2k for optimal experience. I will edit with a video example when I get home in ~3 hours what the differences are.

Wait really? I must have never noticed. What's exactly the problem with 8k polling rate in TF2 tho? For reference my polling rate is at 500. Also btw Razer Viper's polling rate can be adjusted, but only with fixed values.

posted about 3 years ago
#2188 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
_KermitClean TF2 doesn't work on sv_pure servers any more, you can't get your game to look like this in sv_pure 2 at all now.

Are you able to preload the mod in to sv_pure 2?

posted about 3 years ago
#81 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help


det-AimIsADickIt feels like you're being serious and sarcastic at the same time. One of those is definitely true


posted about 3 years ago
#77 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
Adnurakplunkaimisadick who has contributed nothing to notewatch how you talk about the man who solved the ubersaw conundrum

It feels like you're being serious and sarcastic at the same time.

posted about 3 years ago
#75 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
plunkwho would win? mastercomms who has opened the video game up and optimised it or aimisadick who has contributed nothing to note

I mean I made a generator to simplify the process of creating command-based voicemenus. I'm also thinking about a TF2 chat translator, and I have a (somewhat abandoned but cant have enough time to work on) project to document launch options from the 2018 TF2 leak.

That's about it tho… mastercoms definitely would win rn.

posted about 3 years ago
#70 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
KevinIsPwnAimIsADickDon't derivative metrics measure different stuff?no.

miles/hour communicates the same thing as hours/mile. there is no functional difference. even if hours/mile were better at communicating the measurement linguistically (there's a decent argument there), there's no benefit worth switching to an entirely new system.

i have no idea if a frametime of __ ms is good or bad, but i immediately know what __ fps means.

Ohhh. This whole time I conflated representation with function. Yeah nevermind I agree with you and mastercoms now.

posted about 3 years ago
#67 I'm writing a proper guide to performance. in Q/A Help
KevinIsPwnAimIsADickThing is that frame rate would be extremely misleading here, since the variance is practically invisible in frame rate. The frame rate would only match up the total amounts if all of the frames rendered in the same amount of time, which isn't always the case. I'd feels like I'm just repeating my self here tho…
fps changes every frame. it's not actually measuring the past second.

it is much easier for us to think in terms of fps because it operates on a much easier scale for folks to understand (generally 30-300 except in extremes) as opposed to spf which is weird (.3-.03 i think lol?)

it's like how we measure car speed in miles/hour, but it's not actually the amount of distance we've traveled in the past hour. just the amount we would travel if we were to continue at that exact speed the next hour

Yeah I noticed that with cl_showfps. It was changing constantly and I don't believed it properly counted the amount of frames rendered in a second. So if FPS changes every frame, then what would be the proper metric? I really think it's just better to display the amount of frames as an amount rather than a frequency.

KevinIsPwnAimIsADick(It feels like we're getting nowhere with this conversation…)I promise you that isn't mastercomm's fault.

It's likely my fault at this point then. I just don't understand this logic that derivative metrics = their parent metrics. Don't derivative metrics measure different stuff from their parents?

posted about 3 years ago
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