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Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
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#48 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
toads_tfAimIsADickI didn't misinterpret anything here.Well, none of the calls you provided couldn't be expressed and easily understood in rudimentary English, so it would be easy to interpret what you said as misinterpreting what I said.

Well in the first place, you didn't define what "rudamentary" english meant, because that depends on what you consider "rudimentary".

Uh, you can't say "me uber" like you can in esperanto ("min uberu!") kritzkreig enemy using in english.

There are fundamental differences in those indeed rushed calls I made that can't be replicated in english, which is why I listed them.

Also: "Flankonto alsaltas min!" and "Poduope puŝas ili!" try and replicate those in english...

toads_tfI think if you had ever played TF2 or learned a language that people actually speak

Like Esperanto, [1][2][3] I cited lots of evidence earlier and you completely ignored it.

toads_tfyou would probably begin to understand that what you're saying is rather preposterous. Even if Esperanto's grammatical precision were so useful, then we would be using the grammatically precise elements of the English language, but we in fact see the opposite.

That's because of the culture that's been built up by natives, that prevents English from being used so regularly. There's no reason to have this today, and there's a reform propsal of English that's been sitting around for a century by now.

Also, foreign speakers of english do use grammatically precise elements of english against the proper forms, because learning all the irregularities is difficult for them.

I would easily have used the word misconflate, if I was allowed to. but y'all didn't allow me to. So actually, I don't see the opposite in english. I see the exact behavior I described earlier.

toads_tf"Spy enemy" is unclear because it doesn't correspond to any particularly relevant or useful callout, but an equally simple "spy scout" is crystal clear.

Or is it? is ¨spy scout" an infinitive and acusative, or an adjective and substantive, or a substantive and adjective?

toads_tfAimIsADickAlso, for clarification, there is no "conjugation" system (like Spanish) in Esperanto; you can combine any radical you want (normal, pronoun, preposition, etc.): like "dis'de" and "ŝi'ar'o".Ah, that bodes well for all of Europe learning this language, forgoing a core feature of Indo-European languages

Uh that makes word combination harder not easier, and Esperanto is an international, not just intereuropean, language.

posted about a year ago
#43 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
delete_my_accountthe title of the thread doesn't make sense, you don't even play or watch comp tf2, so why would you even care in the first place

It doesn't make sense for me indeed; but I just thought it would make sense for European competitive players.

posted about a year ago
#41 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
brodyAimIsADickHere is your table of calls that are not possible in rudimentary english: to misinterpret someones point that wildly and then still not even remotely counter the misinterpreted version of the point

Uh, thats literally what they said:

toads_tfAimIsADickSeriously what's wrong with the idea? Esperanto can be is a very efficient language; and I thought comp players love efficiency, especially when English is bloated with exceptions...

Language and communication errors can be detrimental in some games...
can you come up with an example of a comm that can't be expressed and easily understood in rudimentary english?

I didn't misinterpret anything here.

posted about a year ago
#40 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
toads_tfAimIsADick don't understand, you've given very simple english callouts with notably more verbose esperanto equivalents, how is the left column meant to be beneficial in any way?

Seemingly simple, but you are forgetting about are the irregularities of English that make itself harder to understand.

If I see an esperanto word, I can be confident in comprehending the word because of the lack of irregularities. I can't have the confidence in comprehending an English word.

Esperanto equivalents use already existing radicals so that the communicated doesn't have to learn another radical; that's how they're beneficial. The benefit is not having to immediately look at a dictionary again (or if needed, less often).

toads_tfYou are talking about language as if your brain compiles sentences into x86 or something,

because the brain needs time to think. actual thought requires effort and time, even if a very small amount; we just don't notice because we adjusted to thinking that our brain can tolerate it.

toads_tf the context you are experiencing directly affects your understanding of the sounds you're hearing. It requires a lot less "brain processing" to interpret someone briefly saying "they're kritz" than reciting your favorite daedric shrine "rapiddamaĝarilon Malamiko Uzas" even if the former isn't grammatically correct

You have to remember, it takes time to memorize multiple radicals; it'd be easier to understand a combination of words («rapid'damaĝ'ar'il'o») than to memorize a single different radical. (example: kritzkrieg, well actually, two different radicals lol)

You also forgot about abbreviation: in fact the english term "kritz" in this context is actually an abbreviation of "kritzkreig". I can abbreviate"rapiddamaĝarilo" to "rdai"o, in which the word ends up being as long as the english abbreviation "kritz". Another example is "Malamiko" to "M-amiko", whch is 1 letter longer than the english term "enemy", but requires less memorization.

toads_tfEnglish is indeed a flexible language because, among other reasons, you can interchange verbs, adjectives, and nouns and be intelligible; while it would be imprecise in writing compared to a language with strict conjugations, cases, and suffixes, it serves to transfer ideas verbally much faster.

but can you distinguish them when it matters? in exchange for the redundancy and the tiny few miliseconds, you get good clarity, which can be more important than just the general radicals.

What if I said "spy enemy"? When context gets complex, how would you know for certain whether those words were adjectives, an infinitive and accusative, or substantive and adjective, or adjective and substantive? How would you get the full context without seeing any other indicators (like finger pointing) at all?

Of course, too much redundancy is also bad; that is why Esperanto has the grammar it has.

Also, for clarification, there is no "conjugation" system (like Spanish) in Esperanto; you can combine any radical you want (normal, pronoun, preposition, etc.): like "dis'de" and "ŝi'ar'o".

And finally, in Esperanto, you can replace (only) the -o ending, to communicate the substantive, and (only) the -a of the article with a line. this is because the substantive can communicate an adjective and adverb. example: «ŝiler'» for «ŝiler'o».

Fundamento de Esperanto16. The a of the article, and final o of substantives, may be sometimes dropped euphoniae gratia, e. g. de l’ mond'o for de la mond'o; Ŝiller’ for Ŝiller'o; in such cases an apostrophe should be substituted for the discarded vowel.
posted about a year ago
#36 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
toads_tfAimIsADickSeriously what's wrong with the idea? Esperanto can be is a very efficient language; and I thought comp players love efficiency, especially when English is bloated with exceptions...

Language and communication errors can be detrimental in some games...
can you come up with an example of a comm that can't be expressed and easily understood in rudimentary english?

Depends on what you call "rudimentary", but yes I can.

Here is your table of calls that are not possible in rudimentary english:
These are the general calls. (If you want, I could try my hand at making map callouts in esperanto. ) However, there are already general differences between the esperanto and english forms:

  • The esperanto forms have consistent endings marking redundancy, so the brain doesnt have to do extra processing after hearing or reading; in contrast to the english forms which are not immediately distinguishable
    at the time of reading or hearing, so the brain has to do more work in processing ambiguities.
  • The esperanto forms are much more free in word order; the english forms are less free in word order.
  • The esperanto forms have consistent sounds, so the brain can do less audio processing than in english.


So generally, calls in esperanto would be very consistent and would require less processing than calls in English.

In competitive TF2, processing calls as fast (down to the millisecond) and as clear as possible is very important; so therefore, making calls in esperanto would be good (for efficiency) right?

I've done this in an hour and 16 minutes. (50 minutes was spent on actually generating the damn table lmao.)

posted about a year ago
#35 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
enthrowThanks AimIsADick, I'm glad to see another TFTV poster who speaks the truth about childhood vaccinations. Its not a topic that comes up a lot on here, but its important. As a vaccine-injured individual (circumcised) I appreciate the solidarity.

Circumcision indeed sucks ass; wish I was never born in this country...

I don't really care about that vaccine pseudoscience crap though.

posted about a year ago
#33 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
toads_tfNot only did you utterly BTFO brody in honorable debate, you have single-handedly debunked the 21st century CDC childhood immunization schedule.


posted about a year ago
#32 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion

I didn't say I'd quit making stuff for TF2:

posted about a year ago
#29 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster

So brody didn't respond once to the above comment, so I'm guessing that they did not study it for any length of time. In that case, it is very hypocritical of you to talk down to me for being arrogant in comp knowledge, but to then not even study Esperanto and arrogantly spread incorrect information about it, not even providing evidence.

Also I linked you sources, multiple times, (this one in particular:

posted about a year ago
#28 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
brodyim glad we all already speak english so we can have this discussion

Well, how much did you study Esperanto? I've been studying it for a year and 1 month.

posted about a year ago
#2426 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
aieraAimIsADickI still love mastercomfig and I still use it; but man it is getting BLOATED. It should STAY a performance config; not get warped into an all-in-one suite.

Hitsounds do not belong in mastercomfig; there should be dedicated places to hitsounds.

Same goes for killsounds and huds, like

and shit, it got bought out by comp players...
you do realize this project is literally cash negative right? wasnt bought out, it shut down because no one supported it and it was literally a money pit

No I did not know that... that's gotta suck.

Still in the first place, no one should be forced to pay to survive... or get anything for that matter. This is yet another result of capitalism being disastrous for humanity.

posted about a year ago
#25 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
Wild_Rumpusi mean this with love but 0% chance anyone is reading all of that

Most of the length was from quote blocks though...

posted about a year ago
#2424 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
pleasetakeyourtimeAimIsADickand shit, it got bought out by comp players...bro you're on a forum dedicated to competitive tf2

I know... I wish I didn't return. I just felt like I had to say something.

posted about a year ago
#30 Returning back after a year. in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tfAimIsADickdelete_my_accountwhat did you do during your year long break?Learnt Esperanto and Common Lisp.this is grounds for intervention, i'm calling your parents right away

Whats wrong with Esperanto or Common Lisp?

edit: meant to respond to the quoted person, not to all.

posted about a year ago
#24 Esperanto should be the language of EU competitive in The Dumpster
toads_tfthere's NO WAY you got so upset about people on a tf2 forum complaining about your neologism that you logged off for a year and learned a retarded meme language dude. NO WAY

Esperanto aint retarded, nor a meme. It's actually pretty intelligent. much more so than English.

only 16 rules and all letters have consistent sound; any root words can be junctioned with each other; theres no grammatical gender; and there are completely no exceptions:

there's a reason Esperanto is the only other language I've managed to properly learn.

posted about a year ago
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