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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
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#117 Proper Performance Guide on TF2. [UNFINISHED] in Customization
micwoj92mastercomsBob_Marleyare SSDs actually very helpful for games like tf2? I would think pretty much everything could be loaded into memory when actually playing... So, my gut feeling is that reading stuff from disk isn't that common?
SSDs can help with dynamic model loading (cosmetics) and some sound loads.
Is this what the sound cache files are for?

Yes! the sound cache files are for caching sounds.

posted about 2 years ago
#35 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
YeeHawAimIsADickIt doesn't really matter that much at long distances anyway…How do you expect anyone to use this if you're not going to be precise?

Oh yeah I forgot. There is a limit to the distance I can support though; eventually the horizontal bar would be too long to communicate information properly.

Anyway, I'll update the crosshair to fix that.

posted about 2 years ago
#33 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
tiram_AimIsADickI ALREADY TRIED!Hi just want to say some advice if you are a new user, you can press control and f and search for quickie launcher and you might find it faster

I did. Here's the result from emacs `find-grep`:

-*- mode: grep; default-directory: "~/REPOSITORIES/tf2_2018_src/" -*-
Grep started at Sun May  8 07:24:08

find . -type f -exec grep --color=auto -nH --null 'quickie launcher' \{\} +

Grep finished with no matches found at Sun May  8 07:24:37
posted about 2 years ago
#32 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
YeeHawDoesn't take into account the random deviation of stickies. B-

I only accounted for the deviation at a 0° yaw angle.

It doesn't really matter that much at long distances anyway…

posted about 2 years ago
#16 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization
rollerbringing out nasa measuring equipment to aim pipes

Yep. I love utilizing real reticle design techniques to improve my aim with minimal effort.

posted about 2 years ago
#29 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
dbkAimIsADickYou didn't answer the question: Where is the location, in file and line number, of the quickie-launcher-specific code? You keep claiming that it exists; but refuse to elaborate the file location and line numbers of the code.Find it yourself bud :)hpqoeuIf you are a zealot of FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) like you claim and you use either Linux (or as I've taken to calling it, GNU/Linux because Linux by itself is just the kernel while the GNU Project provides the core tools) or another similar free operating system such as FreeBSD or OpenBSD, then might I recommend that you search through the source code using the tool `grep'. This tool is considered a standard in the Unix and Unix-like world, and thusly is usually part of the core utilities meaning it should be part of the base system without having to install a package.

For example, in this situation you would be looking to use `grep' with the `-nri' flags, to get the line number (-n), do it recursively (-r) and do it case-insensitively (-i). I recommend checking out the manual pages (this is done with the `man' command).



posted about 2 years ago
#26 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
eddiieeAimIsADickeddiieeAimIsADickWhere is the code that changes the trajectory?
You can find it in the jungle inferno source code leak
Where (as in the file and line number) can I find it?

I searched tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher.cpp and tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher.h for code that changes the trajectory for the quickie launcher; but I don't see any code that does this.

No attributes changed by the item schema are related to the trajectory (force, angle spread, and speed).

The only attribute I could see affecting trajectory is the model; but this thought is unproven.

There is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not looking through the jungle inferno source code properly, when the code is clearly there and readable; but don't blame the user when the code isn't there[1].

In this case, the code is in the jungle inferno source code leak[2], but I'm not going to spoonfeed[3] you if you're not willing to do the legwork.


You didn't answer the question: Where is the location, in file and line number, of the quickie-launcher-specific code? You keep claiming that it exists; but refuse to elaborate the file location and line numbers of the code.

posted about 2 years ago
#24 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
eddiieeAimIsADickWhere is the code that changes the trajectory?
You can find it in the jungle inferno source code leak

Where (as in the file and line number) can I find it?

I searched tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher.cpp and tf_weapon_pipebomblauncher.h for code that changes the trajectory for the quickie launcher; but I don't see any code that does this.

No attributes changed by the item schema are related to the trajectory (force, angle spread, and speed).

The only attribute I could see affecting trajectory is the model; but this thought is unproven.

posted about 2 years ago
#164 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
stephi would pay tftv admins money to ban this guy ^

I'd just make another account anyway.

stephanyway the spy fix has been given to rgl along with source code so it's in their court now. it might be very easily bypassed if you know how it works, but I haven't tested enough to determine that. ill do some testing when i get around to it, if theres no way i can find to get around it, ill dump it don't you worry.

That's good to know. Game is so outdated that Valve does not seem keen on taking code contributions. (There is the trauma from the community updates to consider though.)

posted about 2 years ago
#2348 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but blame don't the user when the button doesn't work.
my dude it's a single folder

OK. That can still matter.

mastercomsand to everyone else, i really don't want this thread trashed with a long argument like this guy has done to 99% of threads here, so just ignore the irrelevant nonsense please.


posted about 2 years ago
#5 What does this mean in my console? in Q/A Help

It's just the precache system being buggy; it means that the particle system failed to cache a particle.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
tiram_I just spend 3 days analysing the source code and you’re wrong it does have a different trajectory

Where is the code that changes the trajectory?

posted about 2 years ago
#19 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization

Well mastercoms doesn't play competitive. Is she an alt?

posted about 2 years ago
#16 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
Seinfeldi take back everything ive said about you. you are a genius troll

How so? I'm not a troll.

posted about 2 years ago
#14 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
wiitabix69420AimIsADicktiram_Can you make me one for the quickie launcher please, I tried using this crosshair and now I can’t hit any quickies because the arc is all wrong
I'm confused. How is the arc wrong? The quickie launcher does not affect the velocity or trajectory of the sticky; so it would logically be the same trajectory

yes it does

How so?

I checked the Jungle Inferno source code leak (multiple times), for measurements, while creating the sticky launcher crosshair. There was no code specific to the quickiebomb launcher.

posted about 2 years ago
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