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Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
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#32 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
aieraAimIsADickI can't just "put in the effort"; I struggle to complete a task. I have ADHD and I struggle with executive dysfunction; so I struggle with getting enjoyment.i assure you people with adhd can "just put in the effort" there are plenty of successful people with adhd

No they fucking can't! Just "Putting in more effort" would result in burnout (which can lead to suicide) and extra stress! ADHDers can't fix executive dysfunction through willpower; this is a dumbass misconception that hurts the reputation of people with ADHD!

Effort is important, sure, but people with ADHD struggle with sustained focus due to executive dysfunction. Willpower is not going to change that.

  • Can someone beat cancer through "putting in more effort"?
  • Can someone beat COVID by "putting in more effort"?
  • Can someone beat an autoimmune disorder by "putting in more effort"?
  • Can a traumatized person wipe away their trauma by just "putting in more effort"?

Successful people with ADHD likely struggled to get their success;

For fuck sake. I have ADHD; I constantly struggle to do my goals, even with luck; I struggle with consistently performing hygiene tasks; tons of my project ideas get scrapped because I can't generate enough motivation. (I, probably, would not have survived without meds.)

Also, the success isn't exactly worth it if I just come out with a worse mental state. (Just listen to people with ADHD!)
But please elaborate your highness, you ADHD "expert". How does willpower fix my executive dysfunction? How does willpower fix my poor working memory?

Holy fuck that is an invalidating statement!!

aieraAimIsADickAlso, YouTube is a surveillance shithole. I am trying to practice my privacy; because it is easy to identify a person's sensitive information. I avoid YouTube because Google requires a phone-number (which can easily identify someone); I will not freely give my phone number again.schizophrenia

Oh really? [1][2][3]

aieraAimIsADickI don't like working with other peopleyou sure seem to post a lot very publicly for a guy who "flies solo"

How is sharing projects related to working in teams?

aieraAimIsADickSome people need an alternative explanation or graph to understand a concept. How would I design a YouTube video? Is it really difficult for people to just download a file and play it locally?for something people barely even care about? yeah that's asking a lot.

Yep. That's why I didn't make a detailed video.

aieraAimIsADickIf I did that, then I would not have finished the project ever.posting about your projects doesn't seem to get them done any faster judging by your posting history

How is sharing projects related to working in teams?

aieraAimIsADickI think I understand the topic I am writing about well enough to write well about it, so I know what I'm talking are not writing well

How so?

aieraPosting about stuff that you aren't done with releases dopamine


aiera, and will demotivate you to actually finish, just do the work instead of posting about it.

I'm already demotivated from executive dysfunction; how is posting on social media going to make a difference?

posted about 2 years ago
#22 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
GrapeJuiceIIIaimisadick im gonna be real bro i clicked your link and saw i had to download a demo and decided i didnt wanna do that just to see a bot airstrafe once


GrapeJuiceIIIalso youtube doesnt require a phone number

YouTube does not require a phone number; but Google requires a phone number for me when I try to sign up.

GrapeJuiceIIIgood job though, getting bots to airstrafe. nobody's done it yet so you are breaking new ground

Thank you! :)

posted about 2 years ago
#19 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
bearodactylpro tip mr AimIsADick bot is used as an Insult towards Bad or Stupid players (and mge servers dont have bots lol)


bearodactylpro tip #2 if you want people to be interested in what you are doing maybe don't cite your own laziness (which sounds like an excuse for not actually knowing how to do it, which it is fine to admit lol) and put in the effort to upload a youtube video cuz nobody is going to download a fkn mkv file to watch your proof of concept video

I can't just "put in the effort"; I struggle to complete a task. I have ADHD and I struggle with executive dysfunction; so I struggle with getting enjoyment.

Also, YouTube is a surveillance shithole. I am trying to practice my privacy; because it is easy to identify a person's sensitive information. I avoid YouTube because Google requires a phone-number (which can easily identify someone); I will not freely give my phone number again.

bearodactylif u want to make a post (on mapping forum or tftv) that people will respect u should instead reach out to a mapper or someone who can help you turn it into an actually useful idea (e.g., tr rocket shooting with bots that strafe, or even a simple map demonstrating the proof of concept, not just a nav mesh that ppl have to download and figure out themselves lol)

I don't like working with other people.

bearodactylthe thread on tf2maps u posted these incredibly poorly designed and unnecessary images

How so?

bearodactylwhich demonstrate a concept that a two year old could understand lol

ok. Any person could understand the concept, regardless of age.

bearodactyl, makes it really hard to take you seriously (all u had to say was 'yep it turns out u can have nav meshes in the air and they will obey them! here's a youtube video')

Some people need an alternative explanation or graph to understand a concept. How would I design a YouTube video? Is it really difficult for people to just download a file and play it locally?

bearodactyli feel like whenever you post it's always half-baked and super naive,


bearodactylif you want people to not shit on you whenever you post you should probably wait until you have a more fully fledged project

If I did that, then I would not have finished the project ever.

bearodactyl(or acknowledge that it's only the start and ask questions

I do.

bearodactylrather than declaring things as if you're some all knowing god...

I dont.

bearodactylthe problem is your posts often seem overly confident and authoritative

How so?

bearodactylas if you know what you're talking about when most of the time you do not, hence why people call you out)

I think I understand the topic I am writing about well enough to write well about it, so I know what I'm talking about.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
CollaideJwWe're one step closer to a training map where you can practice airshots vs bots that strafe like real players. Cool post!i thought you could do that on the mge maps already

Most MGE maps do not have consistently airstrafing bots though; the bots are static.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
JwWe're one step closer to a training map where you can practice airshots vs bots that strafe like real players. Cool post!


posted about 2 years ago
#8 Source Engine Nav Tool in Projects

Thank you. :)

posted about 2 years ago
#153 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

No. (BIND)

posted about 2 years ago
#151 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 2 years ago
#11 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization

I finally posted a video demonstrating the bots airstrafing. Should have done this better though.

I'll add a link to my dem file. Done! I added a dem file for the example, though you will need the pl_vigil map and my custom nav mesh. (For later versions of pl_vigll, you can just rename the nav mesh to "pl_vigil_<latest version>.nav". The patio route will still align correctly with the map.)

posted about 2 years ago
#9 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
tommyI think that this is pretty cool.


MILKy_AimIsADick are you a scientist for brain or something how you this smart i dont get it

I just had a thought that bots only checked for a nav area, and not being grounded. I was right.

batemanhey brother dont let these euros get you down theyre just mad because bots can now do what they cant

Thank you. :)

nowahis there an example .bsp and .nav where this works?

Yes. I have a nav mesh where I implemented the airstrafes: pl_vigil_rc7.nav (for pl_vigil). At BLU spawn, there is a patio, in the back, near the ceiling. I have added a nav mesh route to get to the patio.

(Unfortunately, bot_moveto does not work, so you will have to create an enemy flag (through `ent_create item_teamflag`) to get the bot to move.)

I don't have a .bsp setup ; I probably should one up. (Laziness is getting to me.)

nowahalso is it actual airstrafing or just they hold a / d when in the air?

Airstrafing is holding a / d and looking at a direction, so yes technically. However, I can modify the groundless nav areas to change the way bots attempt to airstrafe. (So I could get bots to crouch while airstrafing, Add multiple routes for airstrafing, etc.)

posted about 2 years ago
#1 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization

posted about 2 years ago
#7 replace AimIsADick with TheGamingMetaphysician in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactyl replace AimIsADick with TheGamingMetaphysician

Who is "TheGamingMetaphysician"?

posted about 2 years ago
#4 I have a list of nav meshes for TF2 maps. in Projects

I updated my koth_soot_a18a nav mesh.

posted about 2 years ago
#6 Source Engine Nav Tool in Projects
WandumAimIsADickHopefully this tool will be helpful to Counter-Strike Nav Mesh Editors.
sir this is team fortress 2 forum

Yes. I stated:

AimIsADickHopefully this tool will be helpful to Counter-Strike, TF2, and other Source Engine Nav Mesh Editors
posted about 2 years ago
#149 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

Are there any updates on the plugin to patch the spy cheat?

posted about 2 years ago
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