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Signed Up July 26, 2020
Last Posted February 26, 2024 at 8:36 PM
Posts 572 (0.3 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 2.21
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#2346 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
turbochad69sending a fake user agent achieves the polar opposite of whatever you seem to think it does

Well what do you think I am thinking of?

posted about 2 years ago
#2344 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
turbochad69AimIsADickpeople use faked user-agents.for what purpose? i don't think anyone does that

uh, Privacy. [1][2]

posted about 2 years ago
#2342 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
mastercomsAimIsADickI dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a symlink to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)
This "user error" mentality is why Linux desktop is not used by 99% of people.

Source on the 99%? (OS demographics are flawed because people use faked user-agents.)

Also, I agree that gatekeeping Linux from new users is bad; but there is a limit to how much leniency the user can have, before the fault can be applied to the user. e.g Blame a user for not clicking a button to install a program, when the button clearly works and is usable; but don't blame the user when the button doesn't work.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
tiram_Can you make me one for the quickie launcher please, I tried using this crosshair and now I can’t hit any quickies because the arc is all wrong

I'm confused. How is the arc wrong? The quickie launcher does not affect the velocity or trajectory of the sticky; so it would logically be the same trajectory

posted about 2 years ago
#161 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion

I never asserted that TF2 was FOSS; yet someone else did and here we are. LMAO!

jnkiBumFreezewhat a terrible page 6 so far. hopefully someone can turn it around!

sure thing

Flip it horizontally.

posted about 2 years ago
#15 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization
turbochad69AimIsADick256 x 256, in pixels.I meant what screen resolution for tf2, since the relative size of crosshair scale 32 compared to everything in the game you're trying to measure differs based on that

Oh. 1280 pixels x 720 pixels.

posted about 2 years ago
#13 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization
turbochad69AimIsADickI designed the crosshair around cl_crosshair_scale 32 (which is the default value), so that would be the ideal value to use.what resolution?

256 x 256, in pixels.

posted about 2 years ago
#9 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
ziamangryI'm pretty sure that taking the time to figure out the basic trajectory of a sticky would've been a lot easier than creating this.

Not necessarily. It's harer for me to determine the "basic" trajectory; that's why I made a custom crosshair.

Also, I like efficiency and I don't like waste. It would be more efficient to make a crosshair that helps determine the distance of a player than to just rely on the useless default crosshair.

posted about 2 years ago
#7 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization
zambzmy brother in christ just look up

I do actually. If the player's center is closer to the middle horizontal bar than the bottom horizontal bar, then that indicates I have to aim upwards.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 I made a custom sticky launcher crosshair. in Customization

Download Link (edit 3: Updated Download link)

I (and y'all) wanted me to make a sticky launcher crosshair, so here it is! I used Stadiametric Rangefinding again; but this time I utilized mildots for simplistic

Here is the explanation for the crosshair.

In the rangefinding window, the size of the target can be used to determine the distance; the smaller the target, the further away the target is.

  • A player standing in the rangefinding window at half the height would need some charge to be hit.
  • A player *larger* than the rangefinding window would be closer.
  • The bottom horizontal line approximates where the sticky launcher would land at a flat surface when aiming 0 degrees.

The crosshair was designed around `cl_crosshair_scale 32` and a resolution of 256 pixels.

EDIT: Some base measurements to help utilize stadiametric rangefinding.

* The sticky peaks 50HU above the player's eye. When an uncharged sticky peaks in height (relative to the player), it has already traveled 225H.
* An uncharged sticky will horizontally land ~625HU away from the player.

EDIT 2: Updated the download link. Crosshair should work now.

posted about 2 years ago
#8 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization
mmrarkteDo you plan to do a sticky launcher crosshair? Don't think I'm ready to play demo yet without it

Yes! I have an idea in mind for the crosshair.

DeadFXwhat crosshair size would be suitable for it?

I designed the crosshair around cl_crosshair_scale 32 (which is the default value), so that would be the ideal value to use.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 I made a custom grenade launcher crosshair. in Customization

I felt like doing it so I did it. This time, I wanted to experiment with utilizing reticle design techniques, primarily Stadiametric rangefinding. (If you use a left handed playstyle, simply flip the crosshair.

  • The vertically long line is the boundary that the grenade will not pass.
  • The highest horizontal line is the indicator of the grenade's peak height when being shot (relative to the player).

If a player can fill this box or is larger than it, then they are likely <= 0.636kHU away from you. Otherwise, they are further away and the other mil-dot needs to be used.

EDIT: The bottom line approximates where the grenade will land.

If a player can fit and fill within the pink area, then they are likely between 0.636kHU and 1.2kHU. The angled line at the bottom indicates that you need to shoot at a 45 degree angle in order for the grenade to hit them (or have the grenade launcher land ~1.2kHU away).

Here is the download link for the crosshair (The svg is the main file.) You can extract the zip to tf/custom/<whatever> to use it.

EDIT: vgui folder wasn't in materials folder. I fixed that so the crosshair should work now.

posted about 2 years ago
#2339 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

I dislike the renaming of the user folder. It's the user's fault that they hide the extension in their file manager, not the config layout. It's an unnecessary deprecation.

You can still setup a symlink to the user folder if you really want to continue to use the user folder. (Symlinks don't seem to work in VPKs.)

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Massive FPS drops in seconds in Customization

What is his desktop environment (OS, mods, hardware, etc.)?

posted about 2 years ago
#39 TF bots can airstrafe. in Customization
I suspect this is why airstrafing is so interesting and fun as a game mechanic: your motion during an airstrafe is just so much more complex, and it's so much more difficult to find paths, because of all of the aforementioned factors.

I agree.

bearodactylon the topic of bot airstrafing & miwos post there was a super cool project someone in the jump community was working on with using genetic algorithms to do jump/surf maps

demonstration of it 'learning' (they aren't really considered to be 'true' machine learning but its close enough) -
stages 1-4 on jump beginner surf map -
segmented jump map -

was actually going to mess around with trying to get it to work using deep reinforcement learning last year but got too busy, might pick it up as a side project tho cuz its a rly cool problem

found another video of some guy using GAs for quake airstrafing -

That is an awesome project. Thanks for posting these videos!

I think that machine learning will be a key to improving TF2 bots to be playable (or maybe even play in competitive); Good bots could increase the game's longevity and could automate good tutorials.

tommyI've dreamed of an RL algorithm discovering c-tapping, if it could discover rocket jumping, c-tapping would be right after. Would be so cool if we discovered a new tech (unlikely but a man can dream)


posted about 2 years ago
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