Hey there everyone! Brooky had this cool idea to make a last minute team and save tf2 or something. So here we are: the Hong Kong Cavaliers!
We're going to be predominantly a noscrim team, so we're here to have fun and play some TF2, and hopefully get better along the way. I expect we'll be low-mid open, we're not idiots but we don't have a huge amount of collective experience, either.
Here's what we've got right now:
Medic: tsc
Demo: Mirrorman
Pocket: Panda
Scout: Alkaline
Scout: Mash
Roamer: brooky12
Any-class backups: [you]
We're looking for gamers who are:
1) chill
2) ready to join and be paid up soon
3) motivated (we might not be scrimming much, but we still want to be serious in game)
4) cavaliers at heart
Add Brooky if you're interested: https://steamcommunity.com/id/brooky12/