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Country France
Signed Up July 27, 2014
Last Posted December 19, 2014 at 1:58 PM
Posts 75 (0 per day)
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#4 need help with outdated 5MD (yahud) in Customization

here you go, i had to move the control point up a bit, otherwise it would clip with the timer backgrounds. I also fixed the map label & killstreak.

Is there any chance you could actually update this HUD? (with stuff from the last updates, such as damage in scoreboard)

posted about 10 years ago
#135 medHUD in Customization
Intellectualand how does this look as a loadout screen?
i want to release v18 some time soon, i want a few more suggestions before i do to make the update more meaty.

Looking gut, although maybe make the icons for taunt selection/weapon selection smaller? It seems pretty big.
And i might be blind or something, but the "B" of the loadout slot is missing?

posted about 10 years ago
#2768 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
collycatwolfenstein new order inspired mess

Do you plan on releasing? it looks too damn hot ;w;

posted about 10 years ago
#46 bastHUD in Customization
droidNeat control points! If you don't mind, how did do them?

Zimmy's Control Points.

posted about 10 years ago
#21 MorgHUD in Customization
MorgusI finally got around to updating it, added support for most of the new shit, only MvM, arena and robot destruction aren't done

You shouldn't really bother with the robot destruction thing, As it's still on beta and it changes every update, Which breaks it.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 No hats on server in Bug Reports

Maybe tf_true plugin? I think it sometimes disable hats by default.

posted about 10 years ago
#130 medHUD in Customization
Intellectualsorry to not have gotten back to AmirBnk and Avenger, but i have been trying to figure out how to fix.

@AmirBnk i have no idea with the scoreboard, i tried a ton of things but i cant shove the stats to the left and make them show up.

Maybe try to use a different font/size for 4:3 scoreboard, then? I don't have really experience with huds editing, but i think it could work.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 waeHUD in Customization

Plz make it 4:3. It Looks great.

posted about 10 years ago
#125 medHUD in Customization
IntellectualAmirBnkHey there.
So yeah, Installed the HUD now (v17)
And I seem to have a problem with the scoreboard:
I'm running 1280x1024, 4:3.
this is really weird, i'm trying to figure this out now. once i figure this out, this fix will be released in v18, which will include a new loadout screen.

Also, In one of the last updates (Not sure which one), You disabled the black dot crosshair by default. How can i get it back?

posted about 10 years ago
#123 medHUD in Customization

Hey there.
So yeah, Installed the HUD now (v17)
And I seem to have a problem with the scoreboard:
I'm running 1280x1024, 4:3.

posted about 10 years ago
#183 bwHUD in Customization
FuntomAmirBnkNot sure if anyone told you already, But there's no damage/support counter on the scoreboard+No taunt menu.


Idk, then. I downloaded and still none of these are there.
Or maybe the 4:3 scoreboard is just not updated, Because i'm using it.

posted about 10 years ago
#182 bwHUD in Customization

Not sure if anyone told you already, But there's no damage/support counter on the scoreboard+No taunt menu.

posted about 10 years ago
#924 yahud in Customization
ComputerFrom now on I will be calling my version of yahud CPUHUD. If you want updates, join my steam group:

Says "There isn't a GitHub Page here."

posted about 10 years ago
#6 Updated BlackHUD in Customization
Mr_HarvardAmirBnkLooks amazing.

Two things, though.
Promotional Codes' button:,6YuR1qN#1 (Button is off-placed)
And 4:3 Scoreboard:,6YuR1qN#0 (BLU side is somewhat messy, Can't see the full team name, Neither avatars of the BLU Side. Yes, I checked it on actual server with real players and no avatars for BLU. And also, Still two [unknown] in the right upper corner of the scoreboard and still no Support/Damage counter)

Other than that, Great job.
no, dont give me praise, i literally did it as a 5 minute job, i literally did it to keep the hud alive for a few people that asked me to.
the promo codes thing is weird, i personally dont see it, neither does 1 of the people i updated the hud for sees it, but the another person does

i may or may not fix it, depends on if i have time

What 'bout the scoreboard?

posted about 10 years ago
#4 Updated BlackHUD in Customization

Looks amazing.

Two things, though.
Promotional Codes' button:,6YuR1qN#1 (Button is off-placed)
And 4:3 Scoreboard:,6YuR1qN#0 (BLU side is somewhat messy, Can't see the full team name, Neither avatars of the BLU Side. Yes, I checked it on actual server with real players and no avatars for BLU. And also, Still two [unknown] in the right upper corner of the scoreboard and still no Support/Damage counter)

Other than that, Great job.

posted about 10 years ago
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