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Country France
Signed Up April 28, 2013
Last Posted May 13, 2021 at 5:58 PM
Posts 159 (0 per day)
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#203 TFTrue in Projects

Released an update to fix the auto updater.

posted about 3 years ago
#7 TFTrue not installing on my server in Customization

Hey, TFTrue should be fixed now, the download link is still the same

posted about 3 years ago
#200 TFTrue in Projects
kodeeeyHmm, I'm having some issues with getting this to work on my server. I put both the latest TFTrue.vdf and TFTrue.dll file
(Its a windows server) in my server tf/addons folder. Whenever I reboot the server these messages show up in the console:

[TFTrue] The plugin is up to date!
Failed to load plugin "addons/TFTrue"

Does anyone know what could be causing this problem?

I can try to take a look when I have some time but in general windows plugins break quite easily, I'd suggest to use a Linux server for the best reliability and performance.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 FACEIT Major in CS2 General Discussion

See you there :)

posted about 6 years ago
#656 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
RobotCan you explain, why do you have rate 128000 on TF2 servers? Other commands locked at 66 but it seems, that client and server still transfering packets twice as much usually and it does not make any sense. And yes, do you plan to add servers around the Europe, not only in the Netherlands?

I don't remember why these values were picked exactly, but 128000 matches a 1.0 Mbps connection, which most people should have in Europe and NA nowadays. Do you have a worse connection than this?
A higher rate does not make the server transfer twice as much as it usually does, but it *does* allow the server to transfer more packets if there is that amount of data available. Otherwise, if your rate is not high enough, you will get choke. I guess TF2 will most likely not reach 128000, so there will be most likely no difference at all between a rate 80000 and rate 128000, except maybe on round start/end, I guess the game sends a full update at that time.

Right now there are very few matches, so it may not make sense to add more locations. Netherlands was picked because this was generally the location that was requested the most by the players. If the community grows, we can add more locations.

posted about 7 years ago
#654 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
MouldWithin reason right? Surely we don't have enough players in europe to play only with/against people of the same level

Hopefully the new system should bring back some players that were disappointed with the current system. We will also be able to try captain pick.

posted about 7 years ago
#652 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I've updated the plugin to a new version:
- Player names are now properly forced to FACEIT names to make players easier to recognize
- The match will now start as soon as all players are connected
- Blocked game exploit that allow players to bypass class limits

Also, due to many complains about the quality of the matches, we have temporary changed the minimum hours to register the game to 200. We are working on a new system that will allow players to only play with other people of the same level, and will remove the restriction when that system is ready.

posted about 7 years ago
#649 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
rowpiecesI know that the faceit team is supposedly releasing an update soon, but I still think it is important to outline some of the main issues on faceit currently.
-The biggest problem i am seeing so far is that there is literally no moderation. Literally every game i play there are blatant throwers and players who go AFK, and the same people do it consistently without fault. The current admins (all i know of is saam) don't use faceit enough or at all which means they aren't giving out justified bans for these players. The entire system is very flawed. People can get their friends who are on the other team to throw or go AFK to make the game 5v6. If there were new admins introduced, admins who actually play faceit on a consistent basis, this problem would be solved literally instantly.
-nexu brings up a good point in #632. I am positive that literally anyone would rather have a system that represents the traditional pick-up game, with captains picking players instead of just maps. Currently, its literally just a game of luck at this point. I have queued up with friends in the past, and we try our absolute hardest to win, but can't because we are given literal chimps because of the ELO algorithm. 100 times out of 100 a team with mid ELO will destroy a team with 1-2 players with high ELO and 4 chimps / russians with 300 ping.
-Both of these issues combined pressures players to use alts / get their friends to throw because they literally have a 0% chance with winning on their main
-In some games players can't decide on who plays medic, but for the most part it is fine. The bigger class issue is definitely the offclass / class limits. It's extremely frustrating to see someone play fulltime sniper / pyro / spy (looking at u roga) and lose you the game because of it. Hopefully, if they introduce new admins, there can be set rules on offclassing.

1) You are right, we definitely lack of admins right now. If you know anyone in EU/NA that is interested, feel free to contact us on the TF2 discord (past admin experience is of course preferred)
AFK kick was disabled and was enabled a few days ago, so it should help to get cooldowns to people that stay AFK for too long.

2) Captain pick is definitely something that would be good to have. We actually already have the system, but can't really use it right now as it lacks auto-pick (or a cooldown) in case one of the captains never pick. The current system is more suited for professional competitions where there is a much lower change of people dodging the match. Once the auto-pick is implemented, this is definitely something we can consider.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 Help test new FACEIT beta in TF2 General Discussion
ProbablyAlligatorb4nny mentions the faceit client in his video: do the new changes make the client required now (screwing over anyone who's not using windows)?

It is a different client that give you similar features as the website, not the AC one (which is currently Windows only).

posted about 7 years ago
#196 TFTrue in Projects
FargothWeapon restrictions are working perfectly, thanks AnAkkk. Love this plugin btw.
I can't seem to get class restrictions working though, tried re-installing the plugin and restarting my server a couple of times but I can still go on heavy with tf_tournament_classlimit_heavy set to 0

Is this with mp_tournament 0 or 1 ?

posted about 7 years ago
#193 TFTrue in Projects
GentlemanJonAlso getting crashes with windows servers. Would greatly appreciate an updated dll as well

Updated the windows version now, it should work fine after auto updating :)

FargothHi AnAkkk, i think valve may have broken some more parts of this plugin in the latest update. I use tftrue to limit weapons and classes on some public servers but that functionality seems to be not working right now.
There's no error when you put the command "rcon tftrue_whitelist_id block_everything" (or tftrue_whitelist_id 0) but all weapons remained allowed.

Should be fixed now :)

posted about 7 years ago
#187 TFTrue in Projects

I've released an update for linux servers crashing after last TF2 update.

posted about 7 years ago
#23 OPTIONAL TF2 update for 3/14/17 in TF2 General Discussion
saamsaamMy (tragic) server is down completely, along with all the DM servers.

Anyone know if there's a fix?

I _think_ it's TFTrue causing the crash

TFTrue is fixed now.

posted about 7 years ago
#573 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

Sorry for the delay, 6 of them have been banned now. They will be banned more quickly in the future.

posted about 8 years ago
#506 faceit TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
DatDrummerGuyOne of the servers I played in today literally froze every 30 seconds (connection problem message for 10 seconds), this needs to be fixedZetsuDatDrummerGuyOne of the servers I played in today literally froze every 30 seconds (connection problem message for 10 seconds), this needs to be fixedyeah servers have been lagging alot lately

What is your ping ? Does that happen on every match ? Does it happen for everyone on the server or just few players ?

posted about 8 years ago
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