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Signed Up May 16, 2016
Last Posted March 31, 2017 at 2:57 AM
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#1 Daily cat gifs in Off Topic

Why? I don't really know.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 Nursay and Getawhale get ROASTED in TF2 General Discussion

The youtuber voice annoys me. I don't feel bad saying that because I don't think it's his real voice. I think he's putting it on because he thinks establishing some kind of brand or unique trait will get him views. I suspect the voice is part of an attempt to do that.

I wish it was still impossible to make money on Youtube. It was a community back then.

posted about 7 years ago
#10 ShdSteel LFT MED/SCOUT in Recruitment (looking for team)

He got stuck in mid open forever because of terrible luck with teams. I'm glad to see he escaped and made IM, and I'm not surprised he did either. Dedicated player, and a super nice guy on top of that. I know nothing about his skill these days, but I can guarantee he'll be a positive influence in mumble if nothing else.

posted about 7 years ago
#632 Vent your anger in Off Topic
mitchcliff123I hate people defragging, it just makes a bad environment

But it can help your computer run faster, and makes it possible to partition more space.

posted about 7 years ago
#29 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion
anderDm can carry you, brains cant

While this may be true, the question was about brains.

posted about 7 years ago
#630 Vent your anger in Off Topic
pyxelizei am doing jack shit with my life and i hate it but i also have zero motivation to change anything

i also want to make more videos for my own channel but i have this "i can't be bothered" mentality that ruins everything

fuck you, me.

Forgiving yourself is a good first step towards changing it.

posted about 7 years ago
#1144 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Luvsicwe were extending the game on purpose

That's rude as hell, and it drives people out of our dying community. Please never do this.

posted about 7 years ago
#20 lft gabi and trux in Recruitment (looking for team)

They've got good DM and I really like them as people. Picking up a duo that has experience together is a nice bonus too. I recommend them if you've got two scout slots available.

posted about 7 years ago
#13 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion
kosI really don't like this way of thinking, there isn't a prem decision making flowchart that if you follow will instantly make you a good player. A lot of this game is based on gut feeling (outside of wider team decisions i.e. where/when/how we will execute)

That's fair. But I do think that a lot of the basics and even a lot of stuff past the basics can be reduced to flowchart type thinking. Whether my advice is terrible or not will probably depend on what level OP is at.

Also, gut feeling is based on knowledge. It's a shortcut more than anything, and it draws on concepts you already have. IMO the best way to develop *better* gut feeling is to work on acquiring and simplifying more concepts. After all, what OP seems to be asking boils down to "how can I make the right decision faster, given that I'll always come up with the right decision if there's no pressure and lots of time?"

posted about 7 years ago
#10 How do I get better? in TF2 General Discussion

If you're having trouble applying what you learn to matches, try to come up with simple heuristics. eg "I should play passively if X, Y or Z. I should play further forward if these other conditions." "I should use uber to save my pocket if condition A, B, and C, but not D. Otherwise I should let him die."

And then as you're playing, try to keep track of all those conditions. If you think beforehand about what to do in each situation, you can focus all your attention on keeping track of what's going on around you and then make decisions based on your preset heuristics, instead of trying to figure out what you should be doing and missing details because your attention is divided.

Obviously you can't make a rule for everything, but start with the most basic things you're struggling with. Those will become instinct over time, and then you can make new rules for more specific situations. Then those will become instinct, and so on.

posted about 7 years ago
#1128 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

The ESEA servers are going against the grain

I wanted to say that ages ago, but tftv wouldn't let me. Also, I'm really disappointed that we couldn't play our match. We and the other team couldn't reschedule, and they're nice people who deserve better than that. I like to think we do too. Not happy with ESEA dropping the ball. If it were a free service, I'd shrug and move on, but I pay money I can barely afford because I'm a poor for this. I wish they could devote a few more resources to ensuring there isn't an incident like this every single season.

Ah well. Such is life.

posted about 7 years ago
#1116 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Serendipitygg to power surge

GG to you too.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 Might be a dumb question but... in TF2 General Discussion

I strongly disagree with the notion that you should never take 1v2s. TF2 is a game where the value of your life fluctuates a lot and IMO if you're playing to minimize your death count, you're not doing it optimally. There's not much of a difference between being 2 down or 3 down, for example. Either way, you're gonna lose a point at least, and so long as you don't stagger your deaths, you can afford to go down one more. I'll typically look for a quick 1v2 in that situation if I'm in a position to because there's really no downside to dying, but if you get really lucky, you can swing things back to even.

Similarly, if you're 3 up and you're in a position to 1v2 a med and a combat class or a demo and another class, you should probably do it if your team can't catch up before they leave. Even if you die, you're still 2 up, which is still pushable, and if you win, you can get 2 points instead of just one. Again, there's potential reward for no risk. 1v2s and hopeless fights are sometimes good to take.

As for why they go for the combat class first, imagine a situation where you're fighting a scout and a medic as a scout. There's really not much of a difference between a 185/tanked scout and a 125 scout if you fight at point blank range. You're at a disadvantage, but not a huge one. You may as well go for the scout first and clean up the med after, because it's still 2 shots to kill them, and they're probably easier to hit than the med because of position and needing to think about aiming. In the same vein, if you're fighting a pocket and a med, you should be able to fairly reliably win that fight if the pocket's on gunboats and the terrain isn't terrible. It's easier than diving for the med and exposing yourself to easy shots from the pocket.

I imagine it's different for soldiers, but I'm a terrible soldier so I don't really know. I'd expect them to mostly go for the med before combat classes, though.

posted about 7 years ago
#1112 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
eatbabiesmmg00d--message to all open players--

stop opening


--end of open player message--

Case closed?

posted about 7 years ago
#1096 ESEA-O S24 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
mackmonI am trying to, but our dudes have a rough schedule, and I refuse to forfeit a game because the other team was a no show.

That's entirely fair, but that's not the choice you were presented with. If the other team was joining at 15 minutes, you could have played the match. All you had to do was wait 30 seconds. 30 seconds is not going to be the difference between your players being able to finish the game and not.

mackmonIf any one of you actually knew or played with me outside of just seeing my posts on the forums, it'd probably be pretty clear that outside of mild retardation, I'm an ok dude.

I'm willing to believe this, and I hope everyone else is too, but right now, all we have to judge you by is your actions. And they don't reflect well on you. You can't do a shitty thing and then be shocked when people think you're a shitty person. The response here hasn't been unreasonable.

mackmonIf people still think I'm a shitty person, whatever, I tried

No. You did not try. And that's why the community is mad at you. Honestly, this post of yours has just solidified my opinion of you. It's a wall of text where you don't listen to any of the things people have said to you and then play the victim and fish for sympathy. Saying "I'm not fishing for sympathy" doesn't mean that's not what you're doing.

All of this started because of a choice you made. It's continuing because you're refusing to back down and apologize, and because you refuse to even consider the possibility that what you did was rude and against every bit of etiquette this community has.

posted about 7 years ago
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