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Signed Up November 8, 2020
Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 7:50 PM
Posts 86 (0.1 per day)
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#17 #freeb0nes in TF2 General Discussion

the rules are there your friend is just stupid

posted about a year ago
#14 tips for teaching a future ultiduo med/comp med? in TF2 General Discussion

thank you all for the helpful posts, i have started with him using some of these and will continue to. just 2 days ago he said "yeah sniper is kinda fun" despite him having not great aim

posted about a year ago
#5 tips for teaching a future ultiduo med/comp med? in TF2 General Discussion
FactsMachineThere is no "ready." He can start comp at any time. I recommend Newbie Mixes.

ok you are wrong here as i said previously he doesn't know the basics (he asked me how spy works). i dont want him hopping in newbiemixes with him having absolutely no experience on any of the other classes. im asking how do i really kickstart his learning so where after he has done the basics he gets right into the comp scene instead of loitering around in a casual state (the key reason he installed tf2 was the idea of ultiduo)

posted about a year ago
#1 tips for teaching a future ultiduo med/comp med? in TF2 General Discussion

hi fellas ive gotten one of my friends on tf2 and now they really like it. ive gotten them the necessary meta items and all that for medic and he really enjoys the class, only problem is i really dont know how to get him prepared for competitive. hes super new (<50 hours total as of posting).

he already displays a good level of actual skill and despite him not knowing some of the basics he still proves to be a good medic despite being a fresh install. i am a 9 year vet but really only now have i ever had the opportunity to actually get one of my irl friends into tf2. what steps should i take to get him comp ready? we already play a ton of casual and ive gotten him on an ultiduo game before.

edit: i have little experience in medic, my main classes are soldier scout and demo and med is actually my least played class. if any of you meds (specifically ulti and 6s) have any tips that would be stellar

posted about a year ago
#1 name change in Requests

from whatever it is now to highvoltage

if that is taken then highvoltagefrags

posted about 2 years ago
#5 Memorial Day Grub in Off Topic
BrockIt’s begins

put those fucking jungle grippers away bro.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 cp_warmfrost_rc1 Callouts + DL (4v4) in TF2 General Discussion

hi budding 4s players (4v4 population 2022: 15)
here is some decent callouts (which do not cover everything) about the elusive 3 control point map warmfrost.

The download link for this map is here, since the one on UGC didn't appear to work (and other websites dont have)

posted about 2 years ago
#1 NA Ultiduo Tourney Saturday (April 9th) in TF2 General Discussion

Come on down and play! Prize pool is ~2.5 keys in either items or raw. We only got 4 teams right now and some good competition so run it up with us this Saturday!

Use #sign-ups to register your team name + members.

posted about 2 years ago
#1 Bring back old pl onedaycup medal (fresh opinion) in TF2 General Discussion
Looks clean
No words
Keeps color brightness to a minimum (it breaks when on dx8)
Cringe font
Odd shape

I mean ik the new medal actually explains the event a little better but the medic with team-colored gloves looks great and doesn't look bad on the mfs that got drip

posted about 2 years ago
#3 Why the WMO is the best mouse on the market in Hardware

or (or) you get a mouse that isn't older than tf2 and get a g502 with actual macro support and good software

posted about 2 years ago
#11 Ducky One 2 TKL in Hardware
torrithpqoeutorrithpqoeuwhat's stopping you from buying a cheap tkl with gateron reds or similar. why do you need a ducky specificallybetter build quality? i like my keyboards feeling solid and not flimsy
literally all these premade tenkeyless gaming red switch keyboards are more than likely made in the exact same factory with the same materials and by the same people. you are not paying for build quality
ngl i dont know much about keyboards but i got a vortex race 3 used about a year ago and im really happy with it, previously had a ducky zero and i thought it was good but this shit is definitely better made than that

redpill me on keyboard quality? do i really have to make my own if i want an all around good one?

since no one else replied, no you dont have to build one for good quality, you can just get a leopold f660 or 990 or whatever the fuck size and you're golden. keycaps are good, comes with mx black-housing switches.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 What do you look for when shopping for unusuals? in TF2 General Discussion

the cheapest one so i can buy food instead

posted about 2 years ago
#2 Interview with wG artist in TF2 General Discussion

can you tell him to make microwave noises

posted about 2 years ago
#29 why the fuck does a strange original cost $100 in TF2 General Discussion

because everyone needs to know i play quake in 2021 and im automatically a better mge player because of it.

posted about 2 years ago
#12 teams of fortress 2 in Other Games

who playin????

the video got taken down. i found some gameplay videos still up, this is hilarious

edit: theres an mvm mode too

posted about 2 years ago
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