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Last Posted January 1, 2018 at 10:31 AM
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#110 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

The desire to win and respect for your opponents breeds good competition. Maybe some people in this community need a tangible incentive to want to win but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of players who don't already have multiple series championships under their belt simply care more about proving themselves.

Any new league will only be taken as legitimately as we make it. If we have loads of teams offclassing it kills competition and breeds even more foolishness because winning the league (or division) no longer proves that you are the best.

Also plat, you seem to say that esea providing a lan directly drives the top NA team's determination to win, however you reference the summer of 2012 as the peak of american competition. Why would you say competition decreased after that? We still have had esea lan, and we knew a team would be going to i49. Especially knowing that most likely only the s13 winners would go to i49, shouldn't the push to win that season have been even higher? The fact that it wasn't is evidence that the desire for players to prove themselves VASTLY outweighs and tangible gains we get from winning. After i46 you already had your international championship title, so that raw desire to prove dominance was diminished.

However, the majority of us still have that desire, and this is what drives us to play this game seriously.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
PlatinumCommunity wants to abandon esea to join xx league for "fun competition", we offclass to have fun and prolong a match, bring out the pitch forks. Do you see what happens when there is nothing to play for? For the rest of the esea season, no matter what we do our lan seed won't change. With nothing to play for, fun is the only option and therefore competition dwindles. Even after a few minutes 6 cuties joined in on the fun because - nothing mattered - exactly what will happen if some new league sprouts up that has no incentive to try your hardest.

If that's your new definition of fun then there are hundreds of public servers that would be glad to have you fellas

posted about 11 years ago
#6 November 22nd in Off Topic

posted about 11 years ago
#70 The ESEA abuse thread in TF2 General Discussion

If anybody posting here is actually affiliated with CEVO, UGC, or etf2l can you guys please identify yourselves and your relationship to the organizations? It'll help us know if these leagues are actually looking to put in work to expand and accommodate a huge influx of higher level players that expect fair division splits or if it's all just nobody's spouting hearsay.

With the exception of marxist's relationship to ugc, i have no clue if anybody else has any official connections at this point.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 Sandbagging in TF2 General Discussion
thrasherJohnMilterNeither of my teammates seem to understand that trasher thinks esea dropped the ball by not moving his own team to main.
I'd be lying if I said that we werent asking to be moved up. We scrim main teams all the time and it's always a good game. I'm also talking about teams like AG and Dream Boat tho. Those teams would be highly competitive in main.

The same can be said for top main teams being competitive with lower invite teams, and top open teams being competitive with lower IM teams. There is never a large skill gap between the top and bottom of neighboring divisions.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 scout LFT backup/starter high open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Gonna be a big name soon. Unlike most open players he actually understands that teamwork and communication are important.

posted about 11 years ago
#247 insom in TF2 General Discussion

There is no tf2 police.

The only authority over esea is esea. If they don't ban him then he's free to play and that's that. Fog decides if he can play on his servers and Enigma decides if he can post on Outside of that, he just needs to find five people willing to play with a guy who hacked in CS:GO. Some people see this as something that destroys his credibility in tf2 and some people don't think it's a big deal at all. The bottom line is, unless you're one of the five other people he's trying to be on a team with, or hold power with esea, then your opinion doesn't really affect much.

posted about 11 years ago
#114 insom in TF2 General Discussion

Every time I open this thread and see a post about who got the most +frags ever instead of something about insom i am thoroughly fucking disappointed.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Rebuilding the dumpster fire in Recruitment (looking for team)

Radium's an absolute bro. Knows options for cooking eggs.

posted about 11 years ago
#41 YouMustMike Demo Reviews in Mentoring

It's ok Mike, I'll be right there with you after I listen to all the shit I did wrong. Thanks in advance.

posted about 11 years ago
#32 YouMustMike Demo Reviews in Mentoring

My scout pov of our scrim vs your team tonight on gully.

It would be amazing to get your insight, having been on the other team. The demo starts a little after the first midfight because i forgot i had removed prec for esea.

posted about 11 years ago
#183 GXL Resurrection 2013 in LAN Discussion

Get those pictures uploaded

me and Pun in the convention center.

posted about 11 years ago
#123 GXL Resurrection 2013 in LAN Discussion
frknradiumfrknAnybody want to meet in Philly Friday afternoon for cheesesteaks?
That's an affirmative.
Me and radium are going to be awfully lonely :(

Also, where is the place to go for a philly cheesesteak


I'd love to join you guys but I won't be rolling in till around 3. If you guys are meeting south of philly i can be there a bit earlier.

posted about 11 years ago
#140 ESEA S15 NA IM Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

I'm on the edge of my seat.

posted about 11 years ago
#105 GXL Resurrection 2013 in LAN Discussion
frknwelp hopefully i can afford the gas to get there since im not getting paid starting tomorrow

I have room in my car leaving from College Park if it helps. Not sure if you're still on the eastern shore or not.

posted about 11 years ago
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