The desire to win and respect for your opponents breeds good competition. Maybe some people in this community need a tangible incentive to want to win but I'd be willing to bet that the vast majority of players who don't already have multiple series championships under their belt simply care more about proving themselves.
Any new league will only be taken as legitimately as we make it. If we have loads of teams offclassing it kills competition and breeds even more foolishness because winning the league (or division) no longer proves that you are the best.
Also plat, you seem to say that esea providing a lan directly drives the top NA team's determination to win, however you reference the summer of 2012 as the peak of american competition. Why would you say competition decreased after that? We still have had esea lan, and we knew a team would be going to i49. Especially knowing that most likely only the s13 winners would go to i49, shouldn't the push to win that season have been even higher? The fact that it wasn't is evidence that the desire for players to prove themselves VASTLY outweighs and tangible gains we get from winning. After i46 you already had your international championship title, so that raw desire to prove dominance was diminished.
However, the majority of us still have that desire, and this is what drives us to play this game seriously.