Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040399924
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40067098
Country United States
Signed Up January 29, 2013
Last Posted June 23, 2023 at 12:09 AM
Posts 1213 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.1
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Steelseries Qck Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser 569
Monitor ASUS VG259QM
1 ⋅⋅ 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ⋅⋅ 80
#3 Class binds in Customization

I don't think you can rebind the ready up thing since I have mine set to load loadout preset 4 and it does not work while in tournament mode. Would be a nice fix for when they implement a bunch of QOL fixes though. If you wanted to have it like that you would just do something like this:

bind F1  "join_class scout; exec scout"
bind F2 "join_class soldier; exec soldier"
bind F3 "join_class pyro; exec pyro"
bind F4 "join_class demoman; exec demoman"
bind F5 "join_class heavyweapons; exec heavyweapons"
bind F6 "join_class engineer; exec engineer"
bind F7 "join_class medic; exec medic"
bind F8 "join_class sniper; exec sniper"
bind F9 "join_class spy; exec spy"

Modified version of the script I use for mine, I have the exec class.cfg there for when I need to reexec a config and found it handy in the past, pretty simple to remove if you do not want it.

EDIT: ninja'd by Frost Bite since I didn't actually hit submit post for like 5 minutes, also was not aware of the player_ready_toggle command, I don't think it works in tournament mode but I will check now.

posted about 9 years ago
#49 ESEA-IM S19 Week 1 Power Rankings in News


posted about 9 years ago
#52 pocket open in Recruitment (looking for team)

Has the DM to hang with playoff teams and has always been a nice guy to me over the few years I have known him.

posted about 9 years ago
#15 koth_viaduct_pro6 release in Map Discussion

Few things I've noticed looking over the map

Not sure what this trigger does or why it's there but you should probably have something back there so you do not just stare into the skybox.

Still kinda unsure why these are solid, I guess you could use it to jump off the wall but seems pretty strange since there's like 1 other window thing you can stand on and the rest are decorative.

Not a huge fan of how you did the two houses, I was pretty fine with them both having the same color and I really do not think people ever got the mixed up.

Really dislike this change, looks quite a bit worse and the splash bug probably could have easily been fixed by using some bulletblock, honestly never had splash problems in that area to begin with so I don't really see the need for the change either way.

Basketball hoop looks really out of place and just provides another strange hiding spot.

Seems like you forgot a window prop or something there.

Here too

Brushes are not lined up.

You can get caught on like every single one of the metal sheets and the bar that extends off at the end

How this rock is clipped off is really strange, I would say contour it back so you can fully move around on that top rock instead of having a really small inaccessible part for no reason.

Overall I think you've made some decent progress with the fixes, I would really like it if you made a complete change log including all of the small changes just for reference. Looking forward to playing it this season and the changes you will (hopefully) be making in the future.

posted about 9 years ago
#80 ESEA-IM S19 Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Wu Tang Club is still looking for a Demoman and a Pocket (or maybe Roamer), please add myself or shdwpuppet if you are interested in trying out.

posted about 9 years ago
#39 Why can't we add a button? in TF2 General Discussion

Considering all of this is on a HUD level you could probably bother the popular HUD devs to add a little thing about or on the home screen since I had a custom HUD long before I knew anything about competitive. I'm not sure if external links will work on a HUD level but maybe something to pop it open in the steam browser?

posted about 9 years ago
#60 cp_metalworks feedback thread in Map Discussion
testifyI don't think scorpiouprising has worked on any tf2 maps for awhile unfortunately.

22:53 - <<Scorpio Uprising>>: if you can get a list of things people might want, i'd think about it, the one thing to keep in mind is that its pretty solid in NA leagues, so I wouldn't want to make crazy changes that would upset people there
22:53 - <<Scorpio Uprising>>: but if its minor stuff, and I clear it with some NA players i don't see why not

This was sent to be before I did any of this, hopefully he does do a bit of work on the map since I think a lot of the problems with the map do lie in the details.

posted about 9 years ago
#58 cp_metalworks feedback thread in Map Discussion

I was told you were looking for some feedback and this seemed to be the correct thread to use despite it being fairly old. I'll go over some of the problems I have had with the map in the past.

I would suggest moving all the spawns forward so that they are at least all on level ground, there has been many times in the past where my medic could not reach a demoman because he was on an opposite level and had to either have everybody crouch and the demo jump or vice versa.

I would make his whole wall flush leading to the door so that you cannot get caught on the wall when trying to exit spawn. Also I would clip the corners of the door so you cannot get caught on the metal frame of the door in the same fashion.

Lighting error under the fence prop, not really a big deal but since you're in RC you should probably fix it anyway.

The door on this shed should be clipped over and maybe have the roof on it be similar to the roofs on viaduct so you do not get caught on it when you're rocketjumping.

Lighting error

That fence prop is the only one on the map that will eat rockets, I would change it to be like the others for consistancy. Not sure why you have the wall indent there since it only provides a place to get stuck on, would recommend clipping it over or just making it flush. Also there are a few lighting bugs with the vent props just above that indent.

Another thing you should probably clip off or make flush imo. I would also add a clip brush to prevent getting caught on the door frame and maybe make it one solid piece so that there is no weird strip in the middle. In the corner there also seems to be a small gap in your brushwork, probably worth patching up.

Another prop to clip over.

Would suggest making this flush to prevent getting caught where the curved and straight walls meet.

Another prop to clip over.

Lighting bugs in the corner and you forgot to put a door handle on one side of that door :^)

I cannot exactly show it off in a screenshot but as many people who have played this map (with player shadows on) have noticed that you can see peoples shadows projected on this wall, while I know this is an engine level bug I would try to fix it as it's one of the more annoying things about the map right now.

Would suggest having a full clip brush over this leading into the ground to allow for slides on the pallets, right now you can get caught at the area where the two props meet. Also probably remove collision on the propane tank as the top part of it sticks a bit out from underneath the ramp and people can get caught on it.

Lamp prop is not centered over the door (As it is on blue side)

Should clip over both of these doors.

Probably should remove this hiding spot since it's kinda dumb because of the shadow bug anyway, also clip over that door.

Clip the corner between the box and the wall so people do not get caught there.

The prop collision is pretty bad on this truck, I would try working with it slightly so people do not get caught on every single random part of it.

Fairly sure you have already done this but bulletblocking bottom edge at the stairs and the edges around the area under the point would also be nice.

This clip brush to cover up the lamppost is pretty weird since you can still get caught on both sides of it.

The last two things were sent to me by JackyLegs and I was told to add these into the post.

Room filled with missing textures, if I remember correctly this used to have the "Do I sound cool" picture in it but was removed from rc3-rc4?

This one only really annoys me in DM but it does look pretty weird so I would maybe have the door go into the floor instead of out through the roof?

I will probably update and revise this in a day or two but for now that is all I can really think of off the top of my head.

posted about 9 years ago
#50 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

Not a fan of the medium ammo pack in the normal hold spot, conserving your ammo and not spamming blindly is a pretty big part of granary and having such a large amount of ammo in the typical holding spot would only really encourage stalemates even more so than the last already does, I would suggest you put maybe a small/medium ammo and a health bottle on these planks similar to how Snakewater has it near the tower. If you were to do this I would probably remove the other small pack on the little platform but it could go either way honestly.

I have no idea what this little thing is, didn't show up as a clip brush but might just be a displacement bug? Either way I would probably fix it since it's kinda random and annoying.

Dislike the idea of this area being far more open, would make it really easy to get in and out of upper and would probably open up some pretty annoying spam angles. Besides that I would recommend clipping those pipes over so you can't get caught on them as well as clipping over/removing the little wood brushes that jet out from the walls. Also building cubemaps would be nice as well.

Please make bulletblock/clip brush ramps for all of the stairs on the map, these and the small steps leading into choke are probably my biggest complaints.

I would say put the ammo back where it was before and consider adding a small pack on the left side of the forward spawn area since that area currently has almost no purpose and could be slightly closer than going for either of the mediums (Right yard, near second point) while not being far too easy to get to.

I think this area under the vent could be a nice spot for a small ammo pack as I mentioned earlier.

Please center props :~)

Prop clipping in red forward spawn

The mirrored mid is quite nice but I would probably say remove this barrel or just make a clip brush for it since prop clipping is kinda wonky at times and could be really annoying.

I am pretty interested to see how the slightly larger choke plays out, seems like it's not too large but maybe will be a bit easier to push through and less of a deathtrap for flank classes. Will probably update this post later once I look at it a bit more and maybe get a game or two in on it.

posted about 9 years ago
#90 users in Off Topic

posted about 9 years ago
#29 First waifu and current waifu? (anime girlfriends) in The Dumpster

posted about 9 years ago
#24 IM Team LFP Scout/Demo in Recruitment (looking for players)

Since our pocket has been missing in action for the past few scrim days we're going to be looking for someone to fill in his very tiny shoes until his return. I'm not sure if you will be playing matches at all but bar him coming back tomorrow you will be getting some scrim time at the very least. If possible would prefer someone who can play other classes at this level but right now pocket is our focus.

posted about 9 years ago
#43 Snapchat Ghosts in Off Topic

Update didn't seem to take after a couple tries and a phone restart, username is benroadz though.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 QUAKE LIVE in Other Games

posted about 9 years ago
#73 Single Player games in Other Games

I really enjoyed Shining Force 1 and 2, you'd need to get a genesis emulator and the ROMs but they're pretty easy to find. Played through both of them on my phone between classes and while waiting for the bus. As for PC games I really liked Torchlight 2, was a ton of fun to play with a friend and I still enjoyed it in single player.

posted about 9 years ago
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