Account Details
SteamID64 76561198040399924
SteamID3 [U:1:80134196]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:40067098
Country United States
Signed Up January 29, 2013
Last Posted June 23, 2023 at 12:09 AM
Posts 1213 (0.3 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.1
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder
Keyboard Logitech G610
Mousepad Steelseries Qck Heavy
Headphones Sennheiser 569
Monitor ASUS VG259QM
1 ⋅⋅ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ⋅⋅ 80
#3279 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Changed up TargetID and damage numbers.

posted about 10 years ago
#382 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

What would I edit to increase the size of the panel for PlayerStatusHealthValueTargetID and its shadow? Trying to rework my TargetIDs to be a bit cleaner and I cannot figure out this part.

EDIT: nevermind Goat helped me, you need to edit SpectatorGUIHealth in TargetID.res

posted about 10 years ago
#1 IM Team LFP Scout/Demo in Recruitment (looking for players)

We've recently finished playoffs 5th place (3-2) and are planning to reform in IM next season, with a few minor adjustments due to some players leaving for other teams and real life issues. We're currently looking for a scout who prefers to hang around the combo. Currently our roster is as follows:

Pocket: Unii
Roamer: Benroads
Scout: Rastsy
Scout: PinKushin
Demoman: Kuestif
Medic: Dr.shdwpuppet

Backups: Prime

Team page:

Add myself or Dr.shdwpuppet for tryouts or other questions.

Also looking for some backups

Playing more Promode is recommended but not required.

EDIT: We have picked up our demoman from our playoffs run
EDIT2: We have picked up a scout thanks to all who tried out and sorry to those who we could not get in, good luck next season


posted about 10 years ago
#5 Koth Nikori in Map Discussion
downpouridk, quake had jump pads, why not tf2

Mostly because push triggers in source don't work in the same was as push triggers in idtech. Mainly ones in source are really inconsistent and generally buggy. Compare if you were to drop onto one of these jump pads versus one in Quake 3/Quake Live.

As far as general feedback goes, I am not a fan of map level teleports and yours seem to be a bit buggy, at least the little thing you have to identify the thing as a teleport does not stay in place.

Having brushes instead of overlays for healthpack/ammo identification is kinda silly imo, these things can easily mess up splash and movement if someone is unfortunate enough to try and jump next to it.

These should be bulletblocked/playerclipped and maybe think about making them a bit more even or just a ramp for simplicities sake.

Clip these edges off

If you insist on using jump pads maybe look over a few quake maps and see how they're generally set up. Normally with a bit of cover since taking one puts you in a somewhat shitty situation. Seems like the way you've laid them out right now could be fairly easy to abuse given what classes and weapons exist in this game.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Fps counter font in Customization

Delete sourcescheme.res

posted about 10 years ago
#19 Reflex (Arena FPS) Kickstarter is up in Esports


Probably can't read it but basically they decided to pull the plug on kickstarter and are going to be doing steam early access in the next few months.

posted about 10 years ago
#40 Strangest person you've met in TF2 in Off Topic

5:05 PM - Sozo-Teki ™: Hello there. We met before last night on the hightower server. You know i want to talk to you about something and well i want to thank you as well if you dont mind.
5:05 PM - Benroads: er alright whats up?
5:07 PM - Sozo-Teki ™: i will be honest, this week have been...well..crazy.. the team i was in, cowarded out of Highlander, college is being a stress and well..I am gonna say, i was thinking was i even worth playing as a solly, but the way you played last night boosted my spirits. In a way it given me a Mind reburst. So in a way i want to thank you. And by that means

I'm fairly sure I was playing shotgun jumper in a Hightower pub when I "met" this guy.

posted about 10 years ago
#15 Mikey lft demo open in Recruitment (looking for team)

So I had the misfortune of playing with mikey. He was my team’s demo for a while and was nothing but problems. When we needed to scrim, he wouldn’t join mumble until we had multiple people asking him to get in mumble because he was off playing a lobby. Subsequently, it got to the point where he removed all of us excluding our medic from his friends list because of it. It ended up getting to the point where he was constantly shittalking not only his teammates but the other team as well and blamed specific teammates for team-wide mistakes. He was baity to the point where baiting his own team was the only thing he was capable of as a participating player and cared a LOT about making his stats look good – he’d bitch and moan if a server we were scrimming on wasn’t connected to sizzlingstats or Did not even bother showing up to mumble before our playoff match and then posted this in match comms

He’s just not worth your time for anything above UGC.

posted about 10 years ago
#72 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Tek Syndicate did a short part on Reflex

Starts at 15:24

posted about 10 years ago
#67 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Since the dev was fairly involved in CPMA I'm sure he'd have "competition" configs in mind with high picmip and reduced effects. Something that really interested me was that they said they were planning on having ever cvar be accessible through the menu with an explanation. Even today in games like QuakeLive and Quake3 there are a bunch of "voodoo" cvars that a bunch of people are not 100% what they do. Having the ability to do all your config customization through the menu is gonna be really nice for people who don't want to spend an hour or two messing around in a text file.

posted about 10 years ago
#55 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Interview with Devs

posted about 10 years ago
#53 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Entik and a few others from #USCPMPICKUP playing 2v2 on what appears to be a remade xfdm2?

He has a few vids showing FFA duel and a defrag styled mode on his channel as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#50 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Escapist writeup:

also fjoggs is currently streaming mapping and playtesting while newborn and other devs are doing a sort of Q/A in chat.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Stream Greenlight stuff

posted about 10 years ago
#44 Reflex: Arena shooter in development in Other Games

Quake 3 mapper Fjoggs streaming reflex mapping

posted about 10 years ago
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