the international 2013 (tf2)
get valve to do this
I don't get it. Valve seem to be all about supporting esports for cs go and dota 2. Why not tf2? They know it's a thing but it's almost as if they don't want people to go from dota and cs to tf2. The only thing I can think of is that dota has the new banner system in which valve can monetise completitive matches. But still, couldn't they implement something like that into tf2? I really think tf2 can go so far as an esport but publicity is the bottleneck, at least in my opinion
because they have larger comp population base
all the pub players can be potential comp players
so they can bring more "PROFIT" from comp game to valve, remember companies care most about money
yeah and i think the chance of bringing comp tf2 or even fps back to the mainstage esport is slim unless some miracle happen
if we want to make comp tf2 prosperous, we have to make more people play tf2 competitively, not the other way around.