Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198044798178 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:84532450] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:42266225 |
Country | Canada |
Signed Up | September 6, 2012 |
Last Posted | March 25, 2013 at 7:28 PM |
Posts | 91 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 0.7 |
Windows Sensitivity | 6/11 |
Raw Input | 1 |
1800 |
Resolution |
1366x768 |
Refresh Rate |
60hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | Razer Spectre |
Keyboard | Dell |
Mousepad | Qck+ |
Headphones | |
Monitor | Dell |
wareyaThe "name" attribute in ClientScheme.res has to be the same as what Windows thinks the font name is.
but what if windows thinks their names are same
ompTry changing the "name" attributes in your ClientScheme to simply "Comfortaa", and not "ComfortaaRegular".
but i have regular,bold and light
i cant change them to the same one
vile"Comfortaa-Regular40" should be "ComfortaaRegular40"
I put a new font in my resource folder and edited my clientscheme
suppose to look like this
but it ended up like this
srsly someone should make a courser xhair
you don't even need to practice anymore
i would like to use it if it doesn't have reduced reload speed
make the registration close next week so we have more teams
tragicHow does it look when you're buffed with the health cross?
it grows bigger
i personally dont enable the bonus image
Roololhow do i turn off the health cross?
find PlayerStatusHealthImage and PlayerStatusHealthImageBG
change xpos to -9999999
-2 I haven't test 4:3 yet
-3,5 i hate white so much :3, greenyellow color for health because it is most different from buff color (blue) and warning color (red). I will change the ammo color if anyone has a good idea.
-4 They are the same.
the edited kn hud
I added m0re's scoreboard and made it looks somewhat different from kn hud
give me some feedback please
I dont know how to get them :P