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Signed Up March 9, 2016
Last Posted August 31, 2024 at 12:20 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ⋅⋅ 60
#6 Where are all the in-houses happening? in TF2 General Discussion

I host west coast pugs every night at 12est/9 PST. We have people who come and willingly play with 80 ping. Currently it's probably the most active pug group that is an open group. You could also try and get into quindali pugs but I you need to know someone to get in.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 Copenhagen Games 2019 recap in News

hamaham: they are so free

posted about 5 years ago
#14 Best lan you've been to and why? in LAN Discussion

CPG19 was the best overall LAN but I played the best and had the best team at Rewind 2

posted about 5 years ago
#11 bea/boxcar/whatever else u wanna call me in Recruitment (looking for team)
beatricebump my team is still alive but i wanna c if there's any offers out there

How about you just play for the team you are on rn as you def aren't the best player on that team and could probably do well learning and working with them. That assessment is purely made based on scrims I've had against your team.

posted about 5 years ago
#1 West Coast Pugs in Projects

Hi, I am trying to host west coast pugs.

This is not restricted to west coast gamers but the pugs will be run on a LA mumble and server. If you are a west coast player and want to play tf2 without 90-60 ping then this is the group for you.

Join here:

Im hoping to get regular pugs going but in order to do that I need enough members to be able to have players to keep pugs alive.

posted about 5 years ago
#8875 stream highlights in Videos
ReeroBuffMcStrongHugedonovinyou get downfragged if the clip sucks, bonus downfrags if you clip it urselfYou could have a sick clip but if people don't like to see you doing well you could just as well have 30 downfrags. .have u ever had this problem

Only once, this happens all the time though with lots of people. Funny how reero donovin and dishsoap are posting in this thread considering all of them are in the ether mumble circlejerk. I'm pretty sure everyone kinda knows all of this already though. I'm gonna stop posting so we can get real stream highlights and not me ranting about tftv highschool.

posted about 5 years ago
#8862 stream highlights in Videos
donovinyou get downfragged if the clip sucks, bonus downfrags if you clip it urself

Don't forget if a cirlejerk doesn't like you, thats A big source of downfrags. You could have a sick clip but if people don't like to see you doing well you could just as well have 30 downfrags. This is why noone should really care about downfrags, because this is literally on par with a highschool student government election.

posted about 5 years ago
#8857 stream highlights in Videos
dishsoapSelf-Clipping Will Never Be Tolerated.

Except for when it is, because the people who are cool self clip all the time and get upfrags.

posted about 5 years ago
#135 ESEA Open S31 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Drshdwpuppet used to say this all the time in newbiemixes. If you are over the age of 18 and cant afford to pay for your own esea then you shouldnt be committing as many hours as you do to tf2 each week because you should have way bigger problems to solve with your life with the time you would be spending on esea

posted about 5 years ago
#2 lft open/im scout in Recruitment (looking for team)

hp was on my team at copenhagen. He is definitely mid-high IM capable. On top of being sick at the game hes a cool dude as well. Highly recommend.

posted about 5 years ago
#50 Leagues meet to discuss future of North American TF2 in News
JarateKingbut I think most of the community is fed up with the decision making being opaque and feeling like it's just the whims of whoever's talking loudest, with what seems like 0 effort being being put into improving the process or consulting the entire rest of the community (outside of when a particular decision is completely hated and has to be reverted).

Lucrative is the only person who hosts new map pugs every week and invites all players to join providing good feedback to mapmakers. Many of those map makers actually come in and watch the pugs as they happen. he posts publicly on tftv asking people to join and playtest the pugs. after every map he asks the entire pug if anyone has feedback and then when he has a batch of solid maps he sends out a poll and has people vote on which ones they think are most competitive ready before presenting them to league admins and discussing what they should do with them going forward. i dont understand how this is someone with the loudest voice speaking... It looks to me like there are plenty of chances for the community to be taking part in map discussion but unfortunately people arent taking advantage of whats being provided.

I also think that you are trying to get people who never take part in map testing, who never put time in to do solid long term testing of weapons, to show up and voice their opinion completely ignorant of the other side. its one thing for someone to show up to the map pugs do the weapons testing, show up to the discussion and then voice an opinion that is against b4nny or luc or whoever else is there, its another to do nothing and expect to be invited to the discussion. people who played the non restriction sixes seriously all season long are probably way more informed on whats broken having tried it multiple times ingame than others who used it for a couple pugs one week during testing on pugchamp. If I remember correctly propoganda was played by multiple invite teams in a new map cup and got feedback, then improved on that feedback and was then allowed into esea. Before that it was played in quindali pugs for a while and given tons of feedback, going through multiple versions.

posted about 5 years ago
#20 Excellent Theory of Dunk scores SPOT in INVITE in News
Air_brandedImagine cutting legit
imagine thinking a sniper main is better than phone

except legit is a pocket main.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Simulating a TF2 World Championship in Projects
riotbzTHEBILLDOZERI'll put 1000 dollars on froyotech taking it allI estimate a 1% profit margin from this bet

10 dollars is 10 dollars

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Doughy in The Dumpster

ban doughy

posted about 5 years ago
#15 ESEA Season 31 announced in News
MikeMatlucrativeYou always complain that new maps never get played but you're in favor of the system that makes it so new maps never get played

The system doesn't make it so new maps don't get played. The players ban those maps or try and coordinate bans with other teams and that's why the maps don't get played. Blaming the system because you and the other team decide to ban everything but process snake and gully isn't the systems fault.

If you want a successful system a few things could be improved, but adding more maps while keeping a 3 ban limit would inevitably get more maps played. Alternatively you could just not coordinate every ban to try and play the same 3 maps. The issue with what you are saying is that there are only 8 weeks, meaning that you have to remove maps to add new maps. Knowing this community people aren't going to remove a map from play for a new map that hasn't been played for 10 years.

posted about 5 years ago
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