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Signed Up March 9, 2016
Last Posted August 31, 2024 at 12:20 PM
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#6 LFP RGL in Recruitment (looking for players)

Every time ive rang for this team they have been a joy to play with.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 Copenhagen Games IRL Footage (& VODs) in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#31 Granary in Map Discussion
Menachem The problem is initiating those fights.

yeah if you are playing by the textbook that everyone learns to get out of mid open then for sure you will stalemate on granary. Unlocks, off classes, 2 mans, trades, kritz, etc. make it a lot more interesting because you have the time during a stalemate to set those plays up.

Example.) Battalions backup. Sac your pocket instead of your roamer, if he fails to do something he comes up banner, since both teams are stalemating you have time to get your banner up and push with banner add.

Doughy specifically posted above that you need patience. that doesn't necessarily mean the game is boring if you actually use your brain and are somewhat willing to try things out.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Granary in Map Discussion
Voxi This just goes to show why we should give higher level players more voting power regarding map pools and whitelisting imo...

higher level players are just as guilty of the same thing regarding not trying maps out though. There were quite a few invite players who were asked to playtest propaganda before its addition to esea, Lucrative hosted New map pugs and publicly posted on tftv however not that many invite players actually frequent the pugs to test the new maps. There is a very select group of people that actually religiously tryout new maps. and then people don't feel like they had representation when a map is added and they don't like how the map plays. Recently new map pugs were hosted for a new version of granary, yet not many invite players actually showed up to test it. This same concept can also be applied to whitelisting. only a select amount of invite players actually take part in actively testing the weapons to see if they are actually broken.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 Granary in Map Discussion

I'd say a good majority of players have never played prop yet voted against it. most people haven't played gran since voting in esea either, yet they vote against it too. I don't understand how you can have an opinion on a map if you haven't played at least (note I said at least) a couple of times to truly get a grasp on it.

I'm not saying that those who have played it and have the opinion of it being bad are wrong, but I am saying that many people haven't and voted against it since they don't want to learn a new map.

People will play worse on new maps because they haven't become accustomed to it. Many people blame their bad play on the map on the first playtest then never play it even though they didn't even have a chance to fully grasp the map. People tend to think maps are too big or have too many doors on first playtests because they aren't used to covering everything or know the good pathways or jumps to cover ground the best. Most of the maps tend to be as big or smaller than process. Koth maps tend to be as big or smaller than viaduct. Maps seem to have too many props because they haven't learned how to traverse the map backwards as they have with every other map.

I remember there was another thread regarding how to fix granary, and dagger released a new test version that literally fixed most of the issues that people agreed upon in the thread, and then most of those people complained about those changes that were made and how dagger should revert it back even though his changes were good changes based on feedback.

edit1: another good example of this is koth_bagel. Many people tried to play bagel like viaduct and called it a shit map. But that map isn't good for scouts like viaduct is. Every strong scout position is easily spammed by demo or easily contested by a soldier. flanks are indoors with more splash options and high ground awnings are smaller so its harder to maintain the high ground as a scout. As such you need to be much more soldier-centric, but when it was on pugchamp and picked, everyone thought it was so awful because they'd tank their scouts like viaduct and run them through the chokes of bagel and get annihilated.

TLDR: people don't want to learn how to play maps, yet vote against them. granary is fine just learn how to play it.

posted about 5 years ago
#9249 stream highlights in Videos

Disclaimer-his mic is very loud

posted about 5 years ago
#18 The State of the North American Scene in News

I think this will be an unpopular opinion however I will voice it anyways out of respect for those who admin and run the leagues.

1.) I don't think someone who pours their time and money into making sure that their league has been running smoothly should just sacrifice their work and brand and league to come together and make a community league. Honestly its quite disrespectful to people who actually spend the time and effort to run the leagues. Saying that they should just give up on everything they've been working on and become a martyr for the rest of the tf2 community is asking a little too much of someone and shaming them for doing that is really awful. I don't like RGL 7's or HL and I didn't play unrestricted 6's but I can at least respect that sigafoo put his time and money into the game, made a league despite everyone giving him shit, and made it a respectable enough league to be a contender for the replacement of esea. Yes, he made mistakes but to ask him to give up all that work seems pretty unjustified. Administration work is not a fun task, I personally don't mind them reaping the benefits of their work.

2.) Voted admins may seem like a good idea at first, but the most liked admin isn't always the best admin. In a perfect world, the best admin would be voted in but that's just not going to happen. There are too many social factors to take into consideration.

posted about 5 years ago
#12 What is your tomato tom name? in Off Topic

Starfruit Slicerogue


posted about 5 years ago
#13 Bank of America Esports LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)

We'd Like to welcome our new banker Pyxelize to the team. Unfortunately zam has left us saying he hates his teller position (scout) and hopes to play pocket with 140 ping in open (essentially being a Banker for Wells Fargo, very poverty, I know). as such we are no longer lfp pocket but lfp combo scout.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Toy lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
-Toy-I can only play medic

liar, shoutout to those who remember toy scout.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 in TF2 General Discussion

how dare you, I pay for it and you steal the up frags...

posted about 5 years ago
#5 The Official Ford Gaming Ultidickl Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

ultidikl is very fun, strongly recommend playing in advance to learn how to use the urethra.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 Captain Zidgel LFT RGL O/IM in Recruitment (looking for team)

very nice gamer. will give you many good rounds.

posted about 5 years ago
#25 darwin/grapejuice lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

good gamer, does the big frag, would walk through scary dark tunnels in Copenhagen with again.

posted about 5 years ago
#19 AMA in Off Topic

Is phelon still sane after driving this whole time with you? What are his tips and tricks?

posted about 5 years ago
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