>letting bear play in Main
There are a crap ton of other advanced/invite level players playing in main, some of them on their main, because not enough advanced teams formed/they wanna have a chill season/they wanna play with friends, or play on a developing team. i.e. tojo, leasty, raphaim, majority of blanc, mono, rktking, kevito, penny, phrakture (but i guess he left his team), brimstone (who is also on my team), screwb, yet no one talks about them.
Our team ended up dying because our pocket hurt his arm and our scout had to deal with irl stuff. we just reformed with some players who were lft. I'm good friends with bear and asked him to play pocket and he was down for a lower scrim schedule. I asked Grape Juice before about the roster and he approved it. Don't see what the issue is here, especially with the top 3 teams fielding the players they have.