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Signed Up March 9, 2016
Last Posted August 31, 2024 at 12:20 PM
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#6648 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#6 clips? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#15 PASS Time Federation - Competitive Pass Time TF2 in Projects
Hunter_2_0The whitelist doesn't really address any issues.

Hitscan classes in general still have the ability to completely deny ball movement by shooting the ball out of the air.
6s offclasses still have the ability to turtle and make the game boring and unfun.

For anyone ignorant to passtime, if any hitscan class hits the jack for any point of damage it immediately goes neutral, and while neutral it can't score, therefore anything short of dunking the ball is easily denied which takes away from the skill of being a defender and makes it less fun for offensive players. This was the main reason that in 4v4 passtime we banned shotgun on soldier and ruled out scout.

posted about 6 years ago
#2 up frag to un ban telephone _ fan in The Dumpster

if i downfrag can i extend his ban?

posted about 6 years ago
#6 PASS Time Federation - Competitive Pass Time TF2 in Projects
Brian_ No custom maps, but we will have a custom whitelist and class restrictions :)

You should contact Jaguarfiend about this as we've have been experimenting with Passtime for over a year now. We did lots of testing with many different versions of passtime with many different class limits and many different weapon restrictions. He's even created his own custom map that gets play tested almost every week on Saturday at 10 est.

Some of the biggest issues we came across were allot like 6's in that inherent classes made the game unfun for others. Passtime inherently needs open spaces to allow for teamplay but in order to achieve this sniper sight lines become huge. Trying to score past an engineer and a heavy is also annoying. Whats more heavies can run at scout speed as long as they stay withing the range of their scout holding the ball/jack, Using high movement classes to try and traverse ground and stop ball carriers proves futile if they have a heavy ready to deny them. Once more Krits after capture is an annoying thing to deal with. these are some of many issues inherent with stock valve passtime.

On jag's current map there are only 3 classes allowed (gunboats soldier, demoknight, and uber medic). there are hard weapon restrictions as to make it not mega aids. And through this after lots of play testing a meta has even formed in terms of play styles and roles. view videos below for more info.

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Stuff from his youtube:

Basic Guide:

6v6 config, whitelist and map playtest:

4v4 config, whitelist, and playtest:

4v4 Soldier POV:
posted about 6 years ago
#6498 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#25 The Tragedy of Jake in The Dumpster
Brimstoneit was funny the one time aim dumpstered a 2fort shit talker in mge on stream

link anyone?

posted about 6 years ago
#6 TF2 Competitive Newbie Cup season 3 in TF2 General Discussion
p4rsaI know, we just need more exposure because so far we only have 2 teams signed up.

I wonder why....

posted about 6 years ago
#4 TF2 Competitive Newbie Cup season 3 in TF2 General Discussion

on the other hand,

Newbie Mixes is a group that has been alive for many years now, helping people get into 6v6. Basically every Friday we organize new players into pugs with a mentor and they play the pug getting feedback from the mentor.

These last 2 seasons we've also had the newbie drive which allows players to sign up and be a part of a team in ESEA open. You will be given a season long mentor and some help with ESEA fees. Many very good players ranging between High Open-Invite this last season got their start on a Newbie Mixes open team. If you plan on playing the official valve chosen format and extend from either pubs, valve matchmaking or lobbies, please consider joining the group and showing up to Newbie Mixes every Friday starting at 9 pm est.

If any newer players want to see why 7's is a bad game mode and why 6's is better, there is a heated discussion on this forum post:

posted about 6 years ago
#3 LFP Mid-High Open S29 in Recruitment (looking for players)
MikeMata sociopath, a pedophile and donkey kong walk into a room...

it is the shortbus

posted about 6 years ago
#1 LFP Mid-High Open S29 in Recruitment (looking for players)

enough tryouts for now

posted about 6 years ago
#12 SVIFT SA overhaul roster in News

legit on his main

posted about 6 years ago
#57 Can someone explain the benefits of playing ESEA? in TF2 General Discussion
BeersyA special thanks to slicerouge, who, even though I didn't mention names, had to be misinformed or skew the information in his post, and try and make me look bad. Best of luck to you in IM!Beersyeven though I didn't mention names

Yeah because people who scrim their team, people who do demo reviews for members of the team, people who can look up my newbie team in the newbie mixes drive thread/steam thread, people who can look at your own esea history aren't gonna know who you are talking about and judge those players accordingly.

Beersyand try and make me look bad

You just blatantly lied about your situation on a public popular forum making your ex-teammates look bad for no reason and I called you out for it.

BeersyBest of luck to you in IM

Thanks, Best of luck to you in UGC Steel knowing you threw away a team dedicated to improving, A free dedicated mentor that wouldve helped you improve drastically, because your toxic attitude and ego got in the way.

posted about 6 years ago
#794 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Brimstonethis has been a psa, please be more creative

most of us are not talking about open. we are talking about sniper in general, especially at higher levels

edit:someone make a thread so we dont derail open thread further
(unless this is a tactic to get more posts on the open thread)

posted about 6 years ago
#788 ESEA Season 28 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Rainnjust bomb me or everyone peek at the same time i cant kill all 6 of u lolSpaceGhostsCoffeethe amount of times i see teams get rolled by snipers while the soldiers sit around doing jack shit is actually mindblowing
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in both of these situations you are pretty much guaranteed either a net kill or a trade as the sniper. the non sniper team bombing a soldier in means that the soldier is taking a percent chance of actually killing the sniper, many times the soldier wont be successful. When he is he dies right after to the sniper's team. This means the team without a sniper cant push or anything because its an even trade and effectively a reset. Then the player can just come back up on sniper. its the same for spy. in most situations using a spy to get a sniper means the spy will die right after and still has a chance of being spotted early, being heard, etc.

"all of you peek me at the same time" is another bad argument because you just shoot one of them without putting yourself in any danger and instantly create a player advantage for your team. you dont even have to headshot them you can hit someone for 150 and call it and your other scout can pepper that guy a few times from a safe distance and he's dead.

The only viable counter I can see is battalions backup which is an incredibly situational weapon and you have to build it up first meaning you have to peek the choke which means you run the risk of getting sniped many times before you get the banner.


posted about 6 years ago
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