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Signed Up March 9, 2016
Last Posted August 31, 2024 at 12:20 PM
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#7068 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 5 years ago
#29 4v4 PASS Time Tournament in TF2 General Discussion
sandblastis there a mumble/discord for the pugs

posted about 5 years ago
#140 ESEA Season 29 Open Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

Am I wrong?

posted about 5 years ago
#23 pass_arena2 in Map Discussion

One thing to note in terms of medic is that holding the jack means all damage you take will be a minicrit, which can in some ways hinder you but in most cases hitting a surf on medic means going very far and many times scoring a goal, especially if it was the defending soldier's rocket that you surfed. This coupled with standard medic heals, good crossbow plays, and being able to melee and steal the jack makes medic invaluable and not only a staple healer but a staple offensive class.

posted about 5 years ago
#97 98 dpm in TF2 General Discussion

you win some you lose some

posted about 5 years ago
#19 pass_arena2 in Map Discussion
TwiggyOne last question: I understand you want this game mode to reward mechanics, would you say it's only that or is there team decisions to make like in 6s?

Having decent mechanics is essential however beyond those basic skills teamwork becomes even more important than hitting every shot.

example: In the meta that has formed through tons of playtests there will be a defender soldier. If you are trying to score solo, as you throw the ball he will pencil jump up and block your goal. Pencil jumping in front of the goal is a lot more reliable than hitting your head so you don't surf his rocket or airshotting you out of the sky. However if you bait his jump by diving in with the ball, then right as he jumps pass it to your friend who came in a second later, then your friend can score. Another way to do it was to pass to your friend and then jump the defender before your ball carrier and take a 1v1. Even if you died you could hold up the defender or kill him or make him too weak to jump. As long as you have basic mechanics you will be able to hold up this defender for 1-2 seconds which should be plenty of time for your scorer to get in if you time it correctly. this basic example is further complicated when there are offensive or defensive adds, for example, 2 attackers vs 3 defenders or 3 attackers vs 2 defenders.etc.

It is to the point where main calling can be important when executing plays. Sometimes you need to make decisions like in 6's where you need to play differently. Sometimes it's better to stop being offensive and play full defense. Sometimes you notice a player or positional or health add and you get aggressive then. This game mode was developed solely by people who play 6's, so we formed the game mode with a very fast-paced advantage based coordination based mindset. We limited or banned classes/weapons that slowed the game down or were unfun to play against. We took feedback from players during playtests and changed the map or the whitelist. This is why we are confident that this is the best pass time and that people who think of passtime as a failure could play this and enjoy pass time in a more refined and competitive state.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 TF2 medal designs (favourite/least favourite) in TF2 General Discussion

More visual stuff is always nice like the ugc plat ones that shine or the rewind II ones that are relatively bigger because its more noticeable on the player model.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 4v4 PASS Time Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

I won't be able to participate most likely due to work, however, if any new teams want assistance in learning the game mode at all I am more than willing to help a couple teams out. Coordination is way more important than DM in this game mode.

A note to all people thinking they will win by dm-ing things on the day of or to people who think won't be able to win because their dm isn't good enough.

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I can assure you going into it thinking your dm will carry you is a surefire way to lose. The game mode was designed to make the strategy "kill them all then score" not viable. Dm will help when denying jumpers or disabling defenders but it will not be the only factor by a long shot. Even if some high Invite team is formed, it is very likely that they will lose to teams who get a feel for it in advance. I'd like to make this apparent because I know some people shy away because they feel b4nny or some other top invite players will take all the prize money. What I can guarantee you is that you have a good chance to win even with that happening. I have seen 6's IM/Invite players with very good DM play the pugs and try to sit above the mid and airshot everything with no attempt to coordinate and lose. I have seen mid open players try to cover for teammates and selflessly play and win against people with far superior dm than them. If you all work together you will overcome others who don't in this game mode.
posted about 5 years ago
#4 4v4 PASS Time Tournament in TF2 General Discussion

Most people will call this retarded from the title, but I strongly urge people to at least try it out. There have been so many people who joined skeptical, agreeing to play only 1 playtest pug as a favor to a friend but ended up enjoying it and staying the rest of the night and returning on future nights. Very fun game mode.

posted about 5 years ago
#111 Crossbow is still dumb in TF2 General Discussion
Doughyill be honest luicrative, you are a fucking retard who lets nostalgia blind him from more interactiive gameplay.

Dont forget the cadmium yellow.

ur retarded

posted about 5 years ago
#6966 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#19 OMNI5 ESports sporadically return to Invite in News

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I woke up at 3:40 am and couldn't go back to sleep.
posted about 6 years ago
#132 favorite pokemon in Other Games

posted about 6 years ago
#6 LFT Episode III LAN in Recruitment (looking for team)

Bump, know 1 or two others who are lft. Haven't heard of any teams going yet that are looking for a Med. I know it's early.

posted about 6 years ago
#18 lft medic in Recruitment (looking for team)

posted about 6 years ago
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