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Signed Up July 22, 2012
Last Posted January 11, 2017 at 10:03 PM
Posts 515 (0.1 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ⋅⋅ 34
#17 whats your sensitivity ? in TF2 General Discussion

I was looking for dflame to post this. :P

But here is the invite/prem sensitivity list around invite ESEA S12/ETF2L PREM S13 -


the forum where it is discussed with some statistics - .

posted about 11 years ago
#31 TF2 Lobby in TF2 General Discussion

floor_master has done it again. rofl.

posted about 11 years ago
#93 Investing! aka the TF2 hat ETF thread in Off Topic

So question, as a recent college graduate and you get your first nice salary job. But you still have college loans to pay off, new/used car to purchase, and bills to pay... what is the best way to invest your money? I have always been interested in the stock market, but how do you play that game. Just seems a bit risky in my opinion. What other alternatives or just tips for investing within the stock market?

posted about 11 years ago
#26 Getting good. in Q/A Help

Damn Epoch that was literally amazing.

But here are my top 7 medic tips (and some extra learning tips) I try to think about while I play. Some might be a repeat of what you said.

1) Awareness when healing (ie heal the people outputting the damage) + dodging damage

2) Positioning- based upon uber advantage and team's health

3) Do not drop combo on ubers-- keep head on swivel and flash those who take damage

4) Keep head on spindle overall-- don't just focus on those you are healing in front of you

5) Never hesitate on pushes

6) Knowing overall advantages - ie other team's health + uber

7) Know your enemy- "being a good medic also requires good knowledge of the game and who you're playing against. if i know im playing against dashner i watch out for mackey offclasses/b4nny sticky traps, against experiment i would watch for wonderwall bombs and carnage +forwarding into the combo. i normally take into account who im playing against and position myself accordingly." - harbleu

Learning tips--

1) Confidence - try to always sound confident even if you are wrong your team will back you up more often

2) Take criticism from people you respect

3) Ability to control your own temper and you have to respect (or sometimes ignore) others' temperaments

4) Stay relaxed- "if you are too focused on staying alive you are not going to be focused on uber advantages or anything else. just go with the flow of the game and adjust as you play." - harbleu

5) Don't go to bed upset-- learn what you need to improve on. "... try not to fall asleep playing this stupid class fuckfuckfuck" - harbleu

And most of all whoever you decide to play with make sure people--- Keeping mental strength - don't criticize a medic during a game (brush off bad plays) and give credit for good plays where they are due

Decent medics are consistent and get their team to know when to expect heals for certain situations. Where as the best medics orchestrate their team into playing their best with their heals. So just encouraging the people around you to do certain things with heals.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Confession of a SWAG hacker... in TF2 General Discussion

Rofl get trolled. - STEAM_0:1:20422555 (real bunny) - STEAM_0:1:45677696

posted about 11 years ago
#9 Fog LFT Open Roamer in Recruitment (looking for team)

Free bump for the Fog-man. Get this awesome dude a team.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 ESEA Season 14 Announced in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#44 Passive vs aggressive scout roles in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnCHEERISS Because they think Momma scout (passive scout) is not powerful (please refer to cyzer/ruwin)
ruwin isn't exactly a passive scout >_>

True, I just like watching ruwin because he is so smart with his heals. But if you watch him he is not just constantly pushing flanks when his team needs him. I guess what I am saying is, buff ruwin ... miracles happen. :D [Like I said, the roles are not always one scout pushes w alot and the other is smarter.]

posted about 11 years ago
#42 Passive vs aggressive scout roles in TF2 General Discussion

Marxist's write up is awesome. In my opinion, it should be a quick article on It's a great description for the current meta-game. Unless, everyone wants to keep this idea on the down-low.

But the passive scout v aggressive has always tripped up newer teams/scouts. Because they think Momma scout (passive scout) is not powerful (please refer to cyzer/ruwin) and aggressive scout is just +forwarding all the time (refer to clockwork/yz50). When in fact, the aggressive and passive scout roles are not just +forwarding vs protecting. If you watch the top IM/invite scouts, you will see that it is not always clearly defined. They both protect when they need to, cap when they need to, and find holes in the opposing team's defense whenever they have an opportunity. That's the beauty of scout, both scouts can dictate how strong a team is (or even weaken a team if they pick bad times to be agg or passive).

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Vector Gaming LF Hat Sponsor in TF2 General Discussion

Rofl. You better all get flames. :)

posted about 11 years ago
#14 I need a good medic hud in TF2 General Discussion

I like omp hud - It is a clean and minimal hud. I do have a some tweeks but they are not necessary for medic.

posted about 11 years ago
#8 Voice/Narrator stuff maybe? in Off Topic

I always thought Zalfy had an announcer voice. Haha. So yeah, I think these are good.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 All Class LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Cool dude. Excellent taste in humor... maybe...

I think in time he can become a great medic (not that he isn't already), experience never hurts anyone. Solid pick up. /Repeat everything Marxist said./ :)

posted about 11 years ago
#185 SKILL_ENHANCER in Mentoring

Teach me how to dougie... I mean medic.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Order your youtube collection while you can in Off Topic

Damn my order's total is $1,085,121. I guess I'll stick to watching them online. I really wanted that pack mule to deliver them though. :<

posted about 11 years ago
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