Hello TF2 community,
Big news!
Tl:dr- New servers, push for TF2 content streams/youtube, and LAN plans for the future. Show your support!
First off about us, SYOPS (www.syops.net) is a group for gamers and a social network for anyone looking to connect with friends. Based on the key three principles of life: Integrity, Honor, and Respect. SYOPS is here to help anyone with a want, drive, or purpose to succeed. A friendly, supportive, honest, and helpful community created to help anyone, find their way and establish themselves with their true gaming potential.
Now to the big news, I am excited to announce the new SYOPS servers and content! We have added 4 servers so far. I plan on adding a DM server soon. And hopefully one of those amazing quake insta-gib servers.
Chicago MGE: connect syopsmge.game.nfoservers.com:27015
Chicago JUMP: connect tf2jump.game.nfoservers.com:27015
Chicago BADWATER/GOLDRUSH rotation: connect tf2badwater.game.nfoservers.com:27015
Chicago MVM: connect tf2mvm.game.nfoservers.com:27015
(Coming soon) Chicago DM server: TBD
(Coming soon) Chicago Quake insta-gib: TBD
Dallas pug/scrim server: Look in TF2 steam group for info http://steamcommunity.com/groups/syopstf2 feel free to join.
We encourage people to join our groups and website. Tell us what you like/don’t like, either in this thread or in our forums or to me on steam. I would like to eventually get us to the point that we can produce/run LANs. But we need to work on building up the community first.
So our first step was the servers. Our next step will be to put a big push on producing high quality TF2 content- youtube/streams to help build up/enrich the TF2 community. Those will be focusing on helping players better understand the meta and producing new interesting content. Then finally, I have been talking to SAPPER about making a yearly LAN. Kind of like the Insomnia Gaming Festival, but for North America. I know it’s a stretch, but everyone needs goals so here there is my whopper for the SYOPS gaming community. So be on the lookout for all these great things coming your way and help us out by spreading the word (feel free to put on that SYOPS tag). And help us out by showing your support by joining our groups/servers and enjoying our pugs.
Don’t forget to put your thoughts below. Hope you guys enjoy and support us for the big things coming.
Game on,
PS. I would like to thank our sponsor SAPPER for all of his continuing support for the TF2 community. I could definitely not be able to do this without you and your gang.
PSS. I can’t do this alone so feel free to ask to help out. I could use some admins for my servers. Or just bring me ideas. Or you can tell me what you guys want. Or just simply support us by joining our community.
Important links:
Official steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/syops
Official TF2 steam group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/syopstf2
Official SYOPS vent: vent.syops.com:4160