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Signed Up October 7, 2014
Last Posted April 14, 2016 at 4:34 PM
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#29 Cherry Dating Tips - How to get any girl you want in The Dumpster

The key is to take your time and find a woman you like on your local escort website.

posted about 8 years ago
#43 DreamHack Summer TF2 Online Qualifiers by TFCups and Razer in News
KanecoThats great news. Just wondering whats the point of the tfcups org then, I assume it will serve as a launchpad for future tf2 tournaments when the games starts to take off a bit more with matchmaking but then it will render that anonymity useless.

The guy behind TFCups is an avid comp spectator that doesn't have the time to play much himself but loves the game and wants the scene to grow. I expect TF2Cups to be a useful, independent service at some point but it does seem early to be advertising the brand from a business perspective. It's a great time for sponsorships/tournaments to build hype for comp tf2 however and he's honestly that keen.

His choice of anonymity isn't anything sinister. He's not the type to seek personal praise and probably prefers his platform to garner any attention at this point.

Worth noting I am in no way affiliated with TFCups. I just give its founder the occasional dicking on badlands spire.

My only concern is that this logo was rejected:

posted about 8 years ago
#64 Second matchmaking stress test thoughts in TF2 General Discussion

Very positive experience overall.
I had lost interest in tf2 but played both stress tests until I was kicked out at 3-4am.

Impressed with how quickly games were found.

Going from my normal 130 fps to 40 during fights was brutal. I do have an old GPU so I can't complain too much.
If I'm not allowed disable rag dolls or gibs I'd like to see the detritus toned down. Half the map covered in blood can't be helping my frames.

Noticed some bugs. I'll send Valve an email in detail but the worst was while queuing with a friend we had to remake the party after each match or else he'd be unable to connect to the next game despite being listed in my party and I'd have to play a 5v6. He didn't get any abandon warnings/penalties at least.

Nearly every game was a roll but skill balancing is obviously not the focus at this stage of the beta. Had a good laugh watching my Medic, Spy, Pyro, Engi, and Sniper get lost on the way to Snakewater mid against Zoob and some of his comp buddies. Preventing solo queues from meeting full stacks down the line would be nice or I could see that being essential to get to the top ranks.

It was great to see so many pubbers interested in comp and keen to win. Had a medic every game and even some voice coms (which sounded clearer than I expected).

posted about 9 years ago
#44 Kotaku article on TF2 mm in TF2 General Discussion
trashunderstanding melee as a spectator is almost instant, since the core mechanics all immediately connect to each other, in ways I can't see an FPS ever reasonably doing.

What's confusing about tf2 mechanics? New spectators mightn't appreciate clutch med arrows or speedshots but they'll generally know how characters are being controlled. As a complete outsider to Smash, I can't see Melee as more than unintelligible pixelated noise.

6s is hard to follow because the action is spread across a map. The camera and casters can't catch everything. You see comments like "6s is stale" and "it's just players running around doing random stuff" from new viewers because they don't have the gamesense to fill in the blanks and see the bigger picture. They don't expect it to be complicated to begin with. Instead of teamwork like bait plays or pushes, pubbers see class lineups. It's a widely held belief that TF2's strategy goes no further than a rock scissor paper game of class selection.

The lineups are so ridged that you rarely encounter a moment where you need to solve a problem on the fly like a normal game of tf2 you might be playing against a team that's 3 engineers two heavies and a medic
posted about 9 years ago
#12 Highlight: clockwork vs. -bird noises- in News
LightstrikerFor me it feels satisfying to watch clockwork shoot or frag just because of his consistent meatshots.

Personally I like how good he is at killing the guy

posted about 9 years ago
#15 Maps to warmup offline in TF2 General Discussion


tyler_shooting + bots have regen so you can hit doubles, triples etc.

posted about 9 years ago
#32 Crowdfunding Site for TF2 tournaments and players in Projects

There's definitely a niche for a videogame crowd funding site. It's a cool startup idea but really awkward to gain the necessary reputation as a trustworthy service and a lot of work like Sideshow said. So Manhattan wants a small community on his site's resume before expanding to SC and beyond. Is that the idea?

This service isn't useful to us because we trust who we donate to more than 3rd party randoms. Froyotech refunded a $1300 donation on request. I heard no complaints over how TLR handled their donations after not delivering to get SDB to LAN. Plus this stuff has us wary:


Good luck with your project.

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Viaduct : Sun or Snow in Map Discussion

Some maps look good with snow. Viaduct isn't one of them.

Moot point until Valve solves the snow fps issues.

posted about 9 years ago
#13 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

17 minutes of highlights was a little much for my tastes. Maybe a single "play of the game" for each match would be better? I could be watching too much Overwatch...

Really like the idea though. Keep it up.

posted about 9 years ago
#1088 Saloon.tf in Projects
AFlyingWhaleHmm. I can't bet with the reason being my trade URL being incorrect. I updated it over on Steam and copypasted here, problem persists. Anyone else with this?

Have had the same issue for a couple weeks now. It let me bet on a couple matches randomly but can't payout. Tried new tradeurl links as well.


posted about 9 years ago
#258 Overwatch Event Impressions in Other Games

Really not keen on the "5 KILLSTREAK!" "4 PLAYER MULTIKILL" notifications taking up the centre of the screen. Game looks chaotic enough without them.

Seems like a fun game that won't sate my need to click on gamers.

posted about 9 years ago
#113 What was the best fragmovie you ever watched? in Videos
JermHalo 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7ZnqLeatIg

If we're talking Halo,
Roadblock's Final for gameplay: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9s8E-qLjmLw
Legacy for editing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdHO_8pb_8U

Zebbosai Solly frags: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSXmxXbIfYU
Kaidus' more frag: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aiRZPfo_qJs

posted about 9 years ago