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SteamID64 76561197968611036
SteamID3 [U:1:8345308]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:4172654
Country Germany
Signed Up October 1, 2012
Last Posted February 2, 2016 at 12:46 PM
Posts 159 (0 per day)
Game Settings
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Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input  
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Tt eSPORTS Ventus
Keyboard Tt eSPORTS Meka G1
Mousepad Tt eSPORTS White-Ra mousepad
Headphones Tt eSPORTS Dracco Captain
Monitor That gaming monitor from BenQ
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#36 Compiling competitive changes we want for TF2 in TF2 General Discussion

I have got to agree with #34. Valve is only making money with TF2, if people buy their items. Why would they give everyone an option to use all items without investing either time, effort or money? It would not be fair to ask for that.

I would also like to mention that an eMail with a similar list has been sent to the TF2 development team in the name of the world's major competitive TF2 communities and - leagues (namely ESEA,, VanillaTV, eXtelevision, FBTF2 (, ozfortress, TeamFortress.TV,,,, United Gaming Clans, VanillaTF2 and Wireplay). Some of the suggestions from this list have been implemented in the recent update (such as several map bugs and the option to display the time left on the hud).

It may be obsolete to send the same list again. To be able to focus on other things that have not been mentioned before, here is the list that has been sent to the dev team in May (implemented bugfixes/features in italics):


1. With multicore support enabled, using the “Go to” function in demo playbacks causes a crash.

2. The player hitboxes do not match the player models, as demonstrated for example in this video: Having accurate hitboxes to know where to aim is an essential part of competitive play. Even if it can not be implemented overnight, this would be a greatly appreciated fix.

3. The spawn locations on cp_granary are imbalanced. The players on the blue team start spawning on the left side of the spawn room whereas the players on the red team occupy the right spawn positions first. Because the first midfight is an essential part of competitive play, this is a slight yet significant advantage for the red team.

4. Pausing the game with the “pause” function still messes up the game a bit. The “ice skating” effect has been fixed a while ago but now the spectator scoreboard is frozen for the tv_delay time (usually 90 seconds). Also, it would be really great to allow a player to completely connect to the server, while the game is paused, and to allow more than one line of chat during pauses.

5. The jarate ( and bleed ( effects under DirectX 8 cripple the player view a lot more than under DirectX 9

New features:

1. Please add the remaining match time to the hud instead of the scoreboard only. The time left is an important information for casters and spectators and we feel it should be displayed at all times, not only when the camera man opens the score board. This option could be sv_pure 0 only or classified as a cheat variable, because it is primarily needed on STV relays.

2. Please add an option to scale the opacity of weapon viewmodels. This option has been introduced by the now broken OpenPlugin and was quite popular. It would allow to have the weapon model as an aim indicator but the weapon model would not block a big portion of the screen.

3. Please raise the picmip value cap to 4. Any value higher than 2 is currently classified as cheat variable, a higher value would allow more flat textures for those players who do not want to achieve the same effect with graphic driver settings.

4. Player outlines in spectator mode or on STV relays (like CS:GO has) would be an awesome new feature. Currently, the two major streaming organisations TeamFortress.TV and VanillaTV use an unsigned plugin on non-VAC-secure STV relays to display player outlines through walls. It would be great to have an official and less dodgy version of this.

5. Please raise the maximum field of view to 110. Any values higher than 90 are currently classified as cheat variable. This is something a lot of players are wishing for and will try to circumvent over and over again. 110 degrees seems reasonable to us and is, to our knowledge, as well the maximum field of view for Occulus Rift users. To remove any imbalances for people who are using 4:3 resolutions, an aspect ratio field of view cap could also be introduced.

6. Please add cp_snakewater ( as a community map to the Team Fortress 2 map pool. The map has been and still is extremely popular in all competitive communites for a long time and really deserves it. Map creator chojje ( would surely be more than happy to see this and give the map an overhaul.

7. For automatic in-eye demo recording, the competitive community use the signed client plugin “P-REC”. You can find more information on the plugin here:
The plugin automatically records a pov demo when both teams set their status to ready and introduces some more features, like automatic deletion of a recorded demo, kill streak counters and automatic screenshots of the status console and the scoreboard (both are usually needed to submit results for any matches in cups and leagues).
The problem with this plugin is that it occasionally breaks on TF2 updates (it is not working under Steam Pipe, for example) and the developer has long left the TF2 community. An official option of the mentioned features would be a great asset to any competitive player.

8. For major Team Fortress 2 events (such as league finals), we would love to see more help with the promotion from Valve. The short blogposts on the blog are already a help but we feel that front page posts on the blog rather than posts in a sub section (which happened last August for the first ever international Team Fortress 2 LAN at insomnia 46 in the UK), ingame notifications/news or stickied SPUF threads would be an even greater help and would still require little effort from your side.

9. Improve the default setup for TF2. Turn on hit sounds, damage numbers, and auto-reload. All 3 things would drastically help newer players. Sadly many don’t realize these choices are available.

10. Add a quickplay option for “advanced” pub servers that have removed the random aspects of gameplay - no random crits, no damage spread, no weapon spread. Would be at least a small step towards putting competitive play in the spotlight.
posted about 10 years ago
#52 Worst Movies Ever in TF2 General Discussion

Abraham Lincoln vs. Zombies. Even for someone who likes trash movies, this was just too bad.

posted about 10 years ago
#272 Fatal1ty vs relic - Taipei 101 in TF2 General Discussion

It is here

posted about 10 years ago
#12 ESA Opening Tournament in News

Thanks, this was an awesome day! I am sure the semi final between broder and zaibatsu will be used as a reference for an intense match for a long time.

Big up to the casting crews of VanillaTV and TeamFortress.TV for covering the whole day!

The first ESA rankings are now up here:
Not all teams have a ranking yet, they need to play more matches first.

posted about 10 years ago
#7 ESA Opening Tournament in News

I would like to create the brackets 15 minutes before the tournament starts so I'd like to ask all teams to check in until 12.00 CEST!

posted about 10 years ago
#6 ESA Opening Tournament in News
DroidsterNow all I can do is hope my team doesn't get seeded against Epsilon for the first round :l

Get your team to add Steam IDs to their profiles!

Seeding will be live shortly before the tournament starts.

posted about 10 years ago
#94 Pledge vs Slin in Sleep MGE in TF2 General Discussion

I destroyed the hopes of all Europeans. Sorry.

posted about 10 years ago
#4 First TF2 (semi) Daily: Daily Dispenser Thurs 6EST in TF2 General Discussion

Hey, that is not even too late for Europeans! I am excited :)

posted about 10 years ago
#37 ESA opens in TF2 General Discussion

The ESA director pledged a £1,250 + hardware free tournament for each of the 4 launch titles. For this tournament you will not need premium to collect your winnings.
The TF2 tournament will run on Sunday, June 23, more signups on the launch will follow later.

Also, we are proud to announce the partnership with Ozone, a global gaming peripherals manufacturer that already supports teams like Decerto, MVP, K1ck and many more.

posted about 10 years ago
#9 killing, make an esea client for linux in TF2 General Discussion

Yes Killing, do it!

posted about 10 years ago
#24 ESA opens in TF2 General Discussion
dan_cSo does that mean that the first tourny is free with a 1,250 prize pot and after that the format changes or does that mean that you need to subscribe for thee first tourny then that contributes to a (currently) zero dollar prize pot? I'm just a bit confused after reading through your blog post about it.

Each subscription contributes at 100% to the prize pool during the opening months. The total prize pool is then divided by 4 (current plan: 4 tournaments on every Sunday in July) and that is your prize pool per tournament. Sponsored tournaments may follow later but first we need to get the ball rolling.
To be eligible to win money, you need a premium account. If, for example, a team has only 4/6 premium members and wins £100, the total winnings of that team will be two thirds of the listed winnings or £66,67.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 ESA opens in TF2 General Discussion
downpourBy only for european teams, does that mean that NA teams cant sign up? or that it will only be played on euro servers.

Rather not. Ping will always be an issue to ensure an even playing field and the tournaments will last the whole day, if all slots are filled (11 CEST - 24.00 CEST).
If things turn out well, however, ESA will be looking to expand to other regions as well.

posted about 10 years ago
#12 ESA opens in TF2 General Discussion

Oh, you already found it, great!

For now, the ESA tournaments are only open for European teams. However, that may change, depending on the success of the European tournaments and the interest for this concept in North America.

The prize pool is based on premium subscriptions. For the first few months, 100% of every subscription will be recycled into prize money. More information on the model and the opening offer can be found here:

The prize pool is therefore subject to change and the entered value is based on ~1,000 subscriptions in June (4x £1,250 tournaments). From August on, the tournaments will not be open for everyone anymore but all teams are divided into 3 skill tiers (each with the same prize pool) to ensure fairer matches.

posted about 10 years ago
#281 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Salamancer#273 They don't even link to streams in DOTA, apparently. They don't want to take the risk that someone is displaying something graphic or otherwise NSFW.

Odd. They link tournament streams in CS:GO all the time :(

posted about 11 years ago
#56 Shoutcasting in TF2 General Discussion

Maybe it is worth adding the team names and league of the match to the video title? "Team Fortress 2 Shoutcasting" sounds a bit too generic to raise interest in the cast.

Still enjoy your voice. Sign up for VTV casts again maybe? Or try BlackOut Gaming TV (they are looking for upcoming casting talents all the time)?

posted about 11 years ago
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