I'm a little confused about the goal of the expanded whitelist. When initially announced, the stated purpose was to give the weapons a real shot, in serious competitive play- would they be that bad? The entire competitive community willingly or unwillingly took part in this experiment.
So, we got some data out of that. The atomizer and BASE jumper make 6s much less fun and less skillful, so they need to stay banned, at least in their current form. The air strike, beggars bazooka, the powerjack? They didn't really cause any problems, so there's no point in banning them.
There are some weapons that were previously banned that have divided opinions though, having given them months of serious play to test how they fit into 6s. Rescue ranger, Natascha, and Jarate received the most complaints. Now, with the stated goal of the global whitelist, it's completely reasonable, and should be expected, that we have an honest discussion about whether to reban them. In my own experience, they haven't bothered me much- but the overall community's opinion is valuable feedback and what matters.
After all, isn't banning a weapon after giving it a try the strongest possible feedback to Valve? I sure hope they know the Atomizer and BASE jumper need to be changed in order to be whitelisted.
Ignoring feedback on the global whitelist defeats the entire purpose of its existence.