Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
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#160 III in LAN Discussion
BilbertThe Shadow servers aren't even in LA. They're in Santa Clara. I would actually get lower ping at my house than at "LAN."

what the actual fuck...

The network cost alone to support that many users both as an internal network and going out and paying a ISP for something like that would be enormous especially since they would need a committed rate of at least 3Gbps (as in their minimum possible speed would be 3Gbps) to complicate it even more they would need it on a as needed basis as I doubt they have events of that scale every weekend that requires anywhere near that kind of traffic. Long term I'm pretty sure 90PCs with mid-tier hardware or contracting a different company to provide PCs for events would be cheaper.

Now I'm starting to fully understand why dashner would say to never work with Thunder Gaming again. These people have to be cutting corners somewhere and any large PC game LAN at this location would likely be an utter failure or they're hemorrhaging money on insane bandwidth costs to their ISP and to setting up an internal network for this kind of traffic.

posted about 5 years ago
#11 constant microstutter since a few weeks ago in Q/A Help
All_Over_RSmy microstutter never actually stopped so i've been living with it for the past 2 months, but i think i have finally found the solution. after 2 months or more of this shit, my tf2 now runs smooth like butter

mat_queue_mode was set to 2 by default in my gfx cfg, but I have since changed it to -1 and all microstutter has disappeared.

i dont know why it was at 2 by default when it is noted in the config that it can cause microstutter, but at least i have solution now. If anyone else has a similar problem with microstutter, I would suggest changing this cvar from 2. I chose -1 because it's what is suggested in the config notes, but others may work too.

(its worth noting that i use comanglia cfg, but when i changed to mastercomfig the microstutter persisted, so that must also use mat_queue_mode 2)

Quite an interesting fix.

Though I should clarify for you that the "stutters" reported with mat_queue_mode 2 are for 1000+FPS which most people never get near in a populated server anyway unless they go to some far corner of the map no one is at and look down. Even then "fps_max 999" would prevent this issue anyway (fps_max non-zero can cause stutters on some PCs usually it doesn't though)

Sidenote: 1000FPS is easily achievable on high-end systems with fps configs in local servers where there's few to no bots and the stutter is really noticeable. Oddly sv_cheats 1 seems to resolve this...

Also several of the bugs with having mat_queue_mode 2 and watching demos have been fixed.

I'd also urge you to take a look at this

posted about 5 years ago
#5658 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
_Kermitor use crosshair_alpha? Surely you could change it to 100 or something so it's transparent?

not sure about dx9 but cl_crosshairalpha does nothing for dx8 users same with the dynamic crosshair on the amby can't be turned off

posted about 5 years ago
#516 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
_brian2639 frames 9.188 seconds 287.23 fps ( 3.48 ms/f) 31.398 fps variability @ 1440p

i9 9900k @ 5ghz all cores
gtx 1070 stock
16GB 3200mhz ram

mastercomfig medium-low

Just a base overclock of 5ghz all cores for now will update when I OC more.

Edit: added resolution

"i9 9900k @ 5ghz all cores"

What kind of cooling do you have on your PC, and what kind of temps do you have during full load?

posted about 5 years ago
#152 III in LAN Discussion
dashnerIf anyone is curious about how we got to this stage

TLDR there are no PCs because they think cloud PCs in a data center with severe input lag and other severe problems can replace physical PCs on site on lan

Jesus what a great way to kill a esport center for actual tournaments. Competitive FPS? added input lag (however small) will be noticeable and no body will want to use it. Speedrunning? For games that rely on frame perfect glitches/maneuvers it's going to be a nightmare for anyone who didn't practice on a identical setup. Fighting Games? Again for people who practice frame perfect maneuvers they're fucked on this.

Now this would be good for a MMO convention or something though.

Beyond all of that from the pure technical aspect of this, this is mind blowingly retarded.

Now I'm going to use the number posted by Dashner earlier for 85 PCs. Which means a possible 85 users all trying to Cloud Stream games. Since this is a tournament location I would assume all the monitors would be 144Hz+. Most users play at 1920x1080.

In order to get high quality video of 1080p 144fps you'll need @ minimum 30Mbps* per user just to stream the game capture to them. For 85 users all simultaneously using this would require ~2.6Gbps and depending on implementation they might need to do that when just streaming people on the desktop and browsing the web. Note this isn't including any of the traffic created by those 85 users other than them trying to interface with a cloud system.

Now I'm going to assume that the Cloud Server is onsite for minimal input lag, and less network cost to whomever their ISP is since they would need at minimum of 5Gbps for just 85 users (imagine 200 or more rofl). Now beyond the straight up bandwidth of the connection you also have to account for 85 users requiring 17.7Mb every ~7ms the kind of equipment that support the packets per second to handle that kind of traffic are NOT cheap and can easily overwhelm switches that are a lot more affordable but would be "close" to being able to support that. Basically this is bordering on being a shit show if that kind of traffic happens.

*30Mbps is a highly conservative number here, the image quality would be noticeably worse during any kind of action than if it had been rendered on the local machine and overall color quality would be degraded to say the least. For reference single-link DVI which has a max data rate of 3.96Gbps (approx 130x 30Mbps) can't support 1080p 144Hz.

In Summary there will be MASSIVE compromises.
possible compromises

  • Resolutions will be much lower than what some people use.
  • Color quality will be degraded.
  • High motion scenes will be blurry/smeared.
  • Locked framerates and or sub 100fps gameplay
  • Input lag would be horrible.
  • Horrible stutters from network congestion or oversaturation of server hardware.
  • most likely most/all of the above
Thunder GamingThunder Gaming is at the forefront of gaming technology and will leverage the performance of Shadow Computing, which is fully compatible with Fiber, DSL, 4G, Ethernet and Wifi, starting from 15 Mbps.

To backup my numbers above where 1080p 144 FPS would require ~30Mbps (not including audio), My initial guess would be 1080p 60fps would be their initial estimate for bandwidth which would require ~12.8Mbps with audio.

oh and AFAIK the amount of lag added by cloud gaming (at absolute minimum) is Frametime + Network Latency so 144 fps and a Cloud server on LAN would be ~7.0-7.5ms of added input lag in the absolute best case scenario.

So I found out the kind of hardware Shadow used/uses

2.1GHz Intel Xeon E5-2620 v4 (Broadwell), 12GB of memory, and an Nvidia Quadro P5000

even with a dxlevel 81 + fps config, and performance settings in windows + no hats + no explosions I'm pretty sure at 2.1GHz people would be dipping below 144fps in team fights.

posted about 5 years ago
#7 TF2 Stats - Aggregated stats for comp matches in Projects


Man it's been a long time since I've seen you. I was very sad to see your site not working/being used the last couple seasons of UGC I played. Glad to see it's back.

posted about 5 years ago
#138 III in LAN Discussion
lucrativedashnerdashner: This is completely out of my hands at this point. From my unofficial perspective of all this I would just assume the event is not happening and be pleasantly surprised if something pans out. See if anything happens by Thanksgiving. Literally the only update I can give you right now is people are working on it. But just use your common sense that they're looking for 85 PCs minimum that can run tf2 at 144hz two months before the event. It should be pretty obvious that the odds of that aren't stellar. If you think you have some way to help with this. Contacts etc. I would dm will about it. If the event does go south ill probably do a write up going into more detail on what exactly happened here, at the very least to ensure people I know in the industry never work with Thunder Gaming ever again.
from the Episode 3 LAN discord

RIP Thunder Gaming for TF2 and probably alot of OW, not sure how well networked dashner is beyond that but I'm sure there's plenty of overlap.

posted about 5 years ago
#15 What is "soft/hard aiming" in TF2 General Discussion
rongolur laughing at me but i'm speaking from experience

Almost everyone started with a shit mouse. What might matter is what sensitivity did the first start learning with. With shit mice that typically have low max tracking speeds if you had a low sensitivity you had to have "soft aim" otherwise the mouse would literally spin out/stop reporting or you could have high sensitivity and "hard aim" cause you had barely any fine control.

With that said with enough practice you can effectively use both. "Hard aim" works best with low fire rate projectiles (grenade/rocket launchers) or massive short range projectiles (flamethrowers), "soft aim" works best with rapid fire hitscan/small projectiles (miniguns, needles) especially ones with minimal spread (smg, pistol).

posted about 5 years ago
#8 NVidia Control Panel settings for least input lag? in Q/A Help
AptI have another question actually. What about threaded optimization? I hear that it has the potential to cause input lag as well (although I don't know whether its just a rumor or not), so any reason why you have it set to auto?

Must've missed that setting as that was a screen cap from a different PC I setup. I use Threaded Optimization ON but honestly setting it to OFF for TF2 probably wouldn't make any difference at all.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 NVidia Control Panel settings for least input lag? in Q/A Help
BooopIsn't it bad to have maximum performance in your global settings? Shouldn't it be set to that in your custom game's settings and set to optimal power normally?

Might vary a bit from setup to setup and model to model. the majority of the time my PC is on I'm playing games anyway so it probably doesn't have much of a negative impact on my system. It may have a negative impact on setups that rarely get turned off even when not in use, but I doubt it's to big of a deal for most.

posted about 5 years ago
#2 NVidia Control Panel settings for least input lag? in Q/A Help

Settings I use

pre-rendered frames is the important one for input lag.

Low Values = Lower Input Lag
Higher Values = Less Stutters
Default Value = 3

Amount of input lag can be found by multiplying frame time by PRF value.

200fps = 5ms frame time
PRF = 1 (x 5ms) = 5ms input lag
PRF = 3 (x 5ms) = 15ms input lag

You can't have a lower value than 1 because the GPU has to receive at least 1 frame from the CPU before it can render a frame.

if you notice really bad stutters in framerate after lowering the value to 1 try 2 instead.

posted about 5 years ago
#8 logitech G900/G403/G305 wireless mouse jitter in Q/A Help
HellbentComangliaThis is quite interesting supposedly logitech wireless shouldn't be this susceptible to interference. Is your router/access point really close to your setup or just your phone?Yeah my router is on the edge of my mouse pad basically. A foot and a half away at all timesHrblsI own a G305 and I noticed some jitter whilst playing the other night.

Anecdotally my WiFi router is less than 2 feet from my mouse and receiver as well. I will try disabling the 5GHz range and report back.

Well you guys can both resolve the issue for good by moving the router to be over 1 meter away from your setup, could try to move it up or down as well.

Also pretty sure disabling the 5GHz isn't going to make your situation any better, try changing or specifying a channel on 2.4GHz first.

posted about 5 years ago
#3100 PC Build Thread in Hardware
SetsulThe jury is still out on 9600K vs 8600K. The 9600K is soldered but the die is so thick that it's not actually cooler while delidding became much more difficult and to get the full benefit you need to sand down the die.
Until we get statistics that it actually overclocks better than the 8600K I'd assume the worst.

Good to know.

SetsulYou're willing to spend more on the cooler than on the mobo? Either way Aios are really not that impressive.

So either get a good air cooler or go straight to semi-custom prepackaged sets for proper watercooling instead of spending 40$ more than for an air cooler just because you can't live without being able to see your RAM from all angles.

It's not about seeing the RAM. Adding RAM/removing RAM for troubleshooting is an absolute nightmare. In my current system I actually have one of the Heatsinks you mentioned "TC14PE" in a triple fan setup. honestly just wish ram was slightly further away from the CPU. Either way I can definitely still do air cooling.

SetsulThe cheapest mobo might do everything you need it to do, except overclock. The lowest end uncooled/unheatsinked 4 phase VRMs will not get you to 5 GHz, let alone 5.2 GHz. You need a good CPU to get past 5 GHz, which is luck of the draw, but you need at least decent VRMs to even get to 5 GHz and there's no luck involved in VRMs.

LMAO I didn't even notice...

after some looking I'm thinking about these 3

I'm leaning on the asus z370 board mostly cause I like the layout more than the gigabyte and is cheaper than the z390 version lol

SetsulWhen did you look up the RAM? For that price you should get higher frequency and/or better timings.

~7 days ago. I see there is now a 2x16GB 2800MHz with CL14 that's cheaper than what I picked

SetsulThe PSU makes sense and there's nothing wrong with it, it's technically flawless, it's just not any cheaper than all the better options. EVGA G2, Corsair RMx v1 and Seasonic Focus Gold are simply better. G3, RMx v2 and Focus Plus Gold are much better. And none of those cost more than 80$ either. The G2 actually costs the same and the G3 right now costs less than the G1+. Until EVGA sorts out their MSRP the G1+ is basically pointless.

Fair enough, I just didn't want to pick a dud lol.

SetsulSound cards are complicated. Depending on your headphones/speakers I'm not sure it's worth spending that much.

Currently I have a HyperX Cloud headset "KHX-H3CLW" pretty sure that is the correct model number. But I'm looking to get something like the Sennheiser 569 headset + a dynamic microphone that I'm still undecided on the level of quality I want.

SetsulWhat's your current CPU? Removing the game load from the CPU only does so much, so I'm not sure you'll be able to stream at "significantly higher quality". here's the part list of my current PC. not listed are 2 other SSDs I have + 1 CPU Fan and I replaced some peripherals. CPU is at 4.7GHz

The primary way I plan on achieving that significantly higher quality is to go from Hardware encoding (NVENC) to Software encoding, but I want to do that software encoding on a different PC.

Stream Settings I currently use
Resolution: 1280x720
Framerate: 60
Encoding: NVENC
Bitrate: 5200
Lanczos Filtering
Audio Bitrate: 128

currently looking at Elgato HD60 Pro for the capture card.

New tentative list

posted about 5 years ago
#13 Adderall Fan Club in The Dumpster
reeceshits literally meth dude stop doing it

no it isn't

similar yes, but not the same. Meth is significantly more dangerous due to how fast if crosses the blood-brain barrier delivering a more powerful "high" faster. This also causes meth to be significantly more addictive. Methamphetamine also breaks down differently were the byproducts are neuro-toxic unlike adderall amphetamines. Yeah both are bad for you but Meth is still WAY WAY worse.

Now I have ADHD and have a dextro-amphetamine prescription, after having been on these meds for about a year now. I don't understand the craze for them anymore. It's nice to not be tired as shit anymore, but god is it annoying focusing on the most useless shit constantly. ex. Marveling at the texture on a cubicle wall while having a deadline to deploy new equipment. Shit when I play TF2 while on my meds I feel like I play way more like a bot than when I'm not. Maybe it's different for people who don't have ADHD / don't take it everyday.

posted about 5 years ago
#4 invalid ip configuration/cant communicate with dns in Q/A Help
SetsulYou could also check your current IP configuration and then check it when it's broken. Compare them and figure out what changed.

Also if your HDD is slowing down massively it could be either fragmentation or the HDD dying. So it's either easily fixable or close to screwing you over if you don't have backups. You might want to look into that.


It's also possible that if your HDD is dying that parts of your OS are starting to corrupt which could cause this issue. Another possible cause is that you've filled the vast majority of your HDD to where their's less than a couple GBs of space left.

Assigning yourself a static IP + DNS will almost certainly mitigate the issue (assuming you have an Internal IP and set it up on your router as well) but if your HDD is dying/full as shit/fragmented to hell you're going to have more and more issues elsewhere. If I were you I would first check if their's adequate free space on the HDD (I prefer to leave most of my drives with 10% available space) and if you have that much or more free space already I'd get a SSD/HDD ASAP and install your preferred OS on it and make the other HDD a secondary drive and get whatever you need off of it, and then I would defragment it.

posted about 5 years ago
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