cl_threaded_bone_setup 1
r_queued_decals 1 (especially if you're using more than 9 decals)
You'll get higher FPS on CPUs which can do 4 or more threads (usually Quad Cores or better)
Don't usually matter, but their's slight differences for Aspect Ratios.
16:9 you'll have the highest FOV and lowest FPS
16:10 in-between 16:9 and 4:3
4:3 lowest FOV highest FPS
// Launch options stated here. Copy these into TF2's launch options, and remove -dxlevel 90 after the first launch
You don't need to do this, and leaving that launch option in actually gives you a better average fps after consecutive launches. also -dxlevel 91 should be better optimized than 90 same goes for 81 vs 80
All hud elements such as cl_showfps and net_graph 1 hurt FPS by about 2-5% each (net_graph 4 eats a lot more than net_graph 1 as well)
I'd also make a separate CFG for laptop users as they tend to have PCs that overheat causing horrible stutters even at high fps, cl_fpsmax 132 should help them A LOT.
Forty-TwoFor those who want some more benchmarks:
2639 frames 30.954 seconds 85.25 fps (11.73 ms/f) 7.387 fps variability <-- maxframes
2639 frames 33.945 seconds 77.74 fps (12.86 ms/f) 5.714 fps variability <-- rhapsody dx9, everything disabled
2639 frames 35.042 seconds 75.31 fps (13.28 ms/f) 4.544 fps variability <-- rhapsody dx9, shadows and expressions enabled
2639 frames 31.143 seconds 84.74 fps (11.80 ms/f) 7.249 fps variability <-- rhapsody dx8, everything disabled
2639 frames 33.720 seconds 78.26 fps (12.78 ms/f) 6.121 fps variability <-- rhapsody dx8, shadows and expressions enabled
MedusaSome benchmarks:
dx9 frames: 2639 frames 15.872 seconds 166.27 fps ( 6.01 ms/f) 9.457 fps variability
highframes: 2639 frames 15.754 seconds 167.51 fps ( 5.97 ms/f) 9.654 fps variability
m0rehighframes: 2639 frames 15.853 seconds 166.47 fps ( 6.01 ms/f) 9.124 fps variability
Rhapsody's Performance Config: 2639 frames 15.798 seconds 167.05 fps ( 5.99 ms/f) 8.301 fps variability
m0rehighframes: 2639 frames 13.501 seconds 195.46 fps ( 5.12 ms/f) 11.780 fps variability
Rhapsody's Performance Config: 2639 frames 14.089 seconds 187.31 fps ( 5.34 ms/f) 11.110 fps variability
dx9 frames: 2639 frames 14.051 seconds 187.81 fps ( 5.32 ms/f) 10.759 fps variability
highframes: 2639 frames 13.940 seconds 189.31 fps ( 5.28 ms/f) 11.670 fps variability
Demo: From this thread:
CPU: i7 3770K@4.2Ghz
Additional notes:
- cl_threaded_bone_setup "1" for all of the tests (def. 0 in all configs)
- ran -autoconfig after each test
These numbers could be skewed depending what they did with -dxlevel XX in the launch options btw...