Account Details
SteamID64 76561198004663727
SteamID3 [U:1:44397999]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:22198999
Country United States
Signed Up August 19, 2012
Last Posted February 20, 2020 at 4:44 PM
Posts 1918 (0.4 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1.7
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
780 (850 in Drivers)
Refresh Rate
1000Hz Mouse
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Logitech G MX518 (hero sensor)
Keyboard Logitech G Pro
Mousepad Zowie G-SR-SE (Red)
Headphones Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro 80Ohm
Monitor BenQ XL2540 @240Hz
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ⋅⋅ 128
#115 Comanglia's Config / FPS Guide in Customization
2639 frames 11.816 seconds 223.34 fps ( 4.48 ms/f) 13.420 fps variability

Last update^

was using same settings and PC as before

2639 frames 11.478 seconds 229.91 fps ( 4.35 ms/f) 13.286 fps variability

about to release a benchmark for the no-explosion smoke script

2639 frames 11.524 seconds 229.00 fps ( 4.37 ms/f) 13.135 fps variability

2.5% Improvement for me, would recommend the no-explosion script.
I used the .vpk one here

posted about 9 years ago
#174 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
SetsulI might do more tests once I've got some spare time again in two weeks.

In the meantime:
Max FPS for Mid Quality PCs = Comanglia's stability cfg ?

Gun Mettle Update? Could you run the benchmark again?

If the results are the same now I'll definitely have to do some more tests before I can say something conclusive.

I'll test again when I get home, but their's no way performance would've dropped by 20%. It would've been noticeable in everyone of my configs.

posted about 9 years ago
#229 My FPS config in Customization
infinitycme(c:) > program files(x86) > steam > steamapps > common > Team Fortress 2 > tf > cfg
I've beet putting autoexec in ...>common>Team Fortress 2>tf>custom>Configuration>cfg since steampipe. Am I doing it wrong?

No. This is exactly how I do it.

Pls move to this thread.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Prem / Invite players Wanted in TF2 General Discussion

I really hope some people sign up to do this.

Would love to see video about when to offclass, and when to stop offclassing.

posted about 9 years ago
#172 TF2 benchmarks in TF2 General Discussion
infinityThought I would see how my dual core compares
2639 frames 15.886 seconds 166.12 fps ( 6.02 ms/f) 7.576 fps variability
2639 frames 16.154 seconds 163.37 fps ( 6.12 ms/f) 12.263 fps variability
2639 frames 15.901 seconds 165.96 fps ( 6.03 ms/f) 11.996 fps variability

CPU and overclock: G3258 @ 4.4 GHz
Graphics Card: R9 270x

dxlevel (default is 90): 81
Resolution: 1920x1080
Full-screen or windowed: Full
FPS configs enabled: Comanglia's Max Stability
Shadows enabled/disabled: disabled

Additional notes: mat_picmip -1, No hats mod, google chrome running, TF2 freshly opened, Win8.1

It seems the first run after opening TF2 is always the best for me
SetsulSeems like I was right.SetsulSo apparently the Pentium G3258 is the best CPU for TF2 now.

You don't have real proof of that. (you could argue maybe on the price point, but it's certainly not the best in pure performance)

I have tested with the exact same settings as infinity on my stability config with an i5 AND had a lower clock rate, with the same plugins, the same GPU even, but on Win 7 an OS that get's slightly less FPS than Win 8.1.
Only difference that I can immediately discern between our 2 tests is that I made sure Google chrome was closed, and even then that wouldn't account for a 40fps difference especially when I have a lower clock rate.

Hell you can just look at Phunk's result.
i7, with a lower clock rate, using a Max Quality config with shadows on with -dxlevel 98
get's basically the exact same FPS. The pentium is by and far not the best in terms of performance.

posted about 9 years ago
#227 My FPS config in Customization
ConcievedIslandcmeConcievedIsland Download WARNING unstable for Single/Dual/Tri Core CPUs v1.6a
so i clicked the link and copied and pasted all of the code into notepad++ but i have no idea what to call it when i save it or where to put it.
(c:) > program files(x86) > steam > steamapps > common > Team Fortress 2 > tf > cfg
thanks for telling me where to put it but do i name it autoexec or something else?
ComanglianobelharvardsComanglia has moved his thread to here.


I have a detailed step by step guide on that thread.

posted about 9 years ago
#52 Danpixed's MaxFPS compilation in Customization
R4ndomThis is my 11-August-2015 version

11 August 2015

> Added some order to my mess
> Added those additional stuff that everyone has
> Added my sound settings
> Added my net settings (commented)
> Changed some duplicate commands

You have A LOT of redundancies in your cfg.

"cl_localnetworkbackdoor "1"
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0"
cl_muzzleflash_dlight_1st "0"  
cl_localnetworkbackdoor "0"

^ just 1 example, I also noticed ragdolls were turned off twice.

hud_deathnotice_time "1"

Was I wrong in my assumption people wanted to be able to see who died for more than 1 second?

r_queued_post_processing "1"

as has been noted in one of my thread this command causes issues for people who do use post processing and have AMD cards

cl_threaded_bone_setup 0 

You have this under audio, this command is related to adding a thread for model bone animations. I'm also curious as to how you had better fps with this off than my FPS config for quality PCs.


showhitlocation "1"

about 90% sure this is for CSS and CSGO only

posted about 9 years ago
#28 Please use mp_tournament_readymode 1. in TF2 General Discussion

I've only played once on a server that does this, but prec didn't exec on round start.

posted about 9 years ago
#2 Powah needs your help in Off Topic

$100 for a new PSU? LOL, hmm actually he might have to pay shipping but still

posted about 9 years ago
#24 Eagle scouts? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#20 Eagle scouts? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#16 Eagle scouts? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#14 Eagle scouts? in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#13 Is 'Placebo' Bad? in Customization
flamein general you could probably make a case that blue team has a decent advantage on most maps due to the fact most skyboxes and background textures are white/blue and blue casts the darker shadow in low lighting areas making red easier to aim at.

You could also make the case that playing on Red makes blue players more likely to play overly aggressive, or that red players might play to passively against Blue players.

posted about 9 years ago
#11 Is 'Placebo' Bad? in Customization

Some real placebos

1. I aim better with the AWPerhand than I do with the sniper rifle (or vice versa) can be used with any weapons that are identical (Original and Rocket Launcher do not count)
2. Hats make me better. (or worse) Note: some hats make you stand out, or make you head look weird to a sniper though
3. I do better with Custom HUD 1 than Custom HUD 2 (true for the majority of HUDs assuming they don't do much to block sight)
4. I do better as X color on Viaduct / any other mirror map.

posted about 9 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ⋅⋅ 128