I have an incredible ego and try and take credit for a lot of things that are only half truths, despite knowing what I am saying is wrong. I shittalk tons of newer open players who will honestly probably be better than me with the same experience, and that definitely already have better DM skill. I play on iron/steel teams as a mentor because I genuinely think I can teach them something, only to end up attempting to carry them because of my poor teaching ability and lack of experience on scout/demoman.
I am way to trusting with people, and should be more cautious with whom I trust information with. My server RCON is pretty much public within everyone I know, anyone I've tried to do anything with has fucked me over in the end, (Extreme PUGs Katie, Gold-IM PUGs Puppy, That wierd eSports org thing with that one shady dude whose name slips my mind). Only recently have I actually attempted to make myself stop looking like a mongoloid by attempting to do things like make a PUG group for new maps to benefit mapmakers. Even then my trust seems misguided, as one of my admins didnt even bother to properly host pugs when I told him in advance I'd be gone.
At the same time though, I feel like so much is out of my hands. I have a shitty mouse, so my shitty aim is potentially caused by that for all I know. I have a 144hz monitor, but can't really utilize it since my video card doesnt have outputs for 144hz 1080p. I have the money to buy new shit, but I can't use it, as it is in my tax return checks. I would cash them, but I have no bank account and can't create one because my parents lost my social security card and though they claim it is in the mail it is a week past the expected arrival of it. Because of this I can't get a job either, which is incredibly frustrating because my parents won't allow me to get a learner's permit unless I hold a job, and also because they constantly bother myself and my brother about it.
I probably have AD/HD as well, though my parents think I'm a retarded self-diagnosing 16 year old (despite consulting my therapist and friends with the disorder about it). Anything that would be usually seen as a "symptom" they seem to construe as "my son is a pathetic idiot who doesn't care about anyone but himself." Shitty focus and trouble remembering assignments/chores/appointments? Na, he just doesnt give a shit. Poor grades in school and homework incomplete, however not by refusal or inability? Lazy fuck. I've gone over the survey that they've given my parents to take and for them to give to my teachers, and I ring the fucking bell for every possible symptom. Either I have some sort of other brain damage, or AD/HD. But what do I know, being the edgy 16 year old that I am :P