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Last Posted February 18, 2014 at 11:24 PM
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#58 Lanfest Atlanta 2013 in LAN Discussion

I don't think we even have 12 people coming for tf2, so you should probably come to play as well :>

I haven't been to this lan before but from what it sounds like the tf2 tournament is pretty informal, teams are usually formed the day of so don't think its some professional thing that actual teams are practicing for or anything. It's more just for fun, so if you like playing tf2 you should play.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Make map never change? in Q/A Help

mp_match_end_at_timelimit 0 in server.cfg should make the map not change when the time limit runs out.

posted about 11 years ago
#203 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
EBFCpriceFrom a competitive standpoint a stagnant meta is actually a good thing. Not necessarily for all games. The Dota2 meta changes all the time, and it seems like that is the primary game that Robin is using for comparison.

Yeah for all games, if the dota 2 meta was more stagnant that would allow the pros to practice a a style of play more and perfect it. Which in turn would lead to higher level games and a more competitive game.

The problem is unless you actually understand/play the game a high level you don't care about any of that, which is why people like robin and new viewers find it boring to watch.

If you do play the game at a decent level, then you can appreciate all the little things that go into making a player good instead of just watching for "new" or different things, which is why so many 6s players are against new weapons.

posted about 11 years ago
#195 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
EpochActually most Koreans played team games (2s,3s,4s) and still do. I get that 6s and pubs are entirely different, and it's a huge problem, which I think highlander can solve, but the point I was just trying to make is that a stagnant meta isn't/shouldn't be a "problem" that's holding tf2 back.
but it's not, DYE follow staircliff? like the koreans playing it? i played iccup although i was awful, it was a cool experience though. the most people played in terms of team was 2v2 but as it was never nurtured outside of a couple tournaments around mid 2000, it was only a pasttime between 2 friends who played competitive. most koreans definitely don't do that though, everyone still plays iccup solo ladder. americans do play those teamgames alot, but that's because we're all super casual.

edit: if you're talking about SC2 most koreans definitely play only 1v1 mostly, the queue for teamgames take forever on a korean account. but I'm getting offtopic, just love to gush about starcraft. but as semibalanced as BW was with 2v2, SC2 hardly is due to the immense strength of early game now that BW did not exactly encompass.

All I've heard from Artosis/khaldor/people in korean is that everyone that plays bw in pc bangs over there plays casual no rush 20 maps. I wasn't actually around for bw days but all I've heard is that now a days 90% of the koreans that play bw only play team games.

And bw is also still more popular in korea than sc2

edit: staircliff = starcraft?

posted about 11 years ago
#190 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion
Epochthe point robin had in mind was that competitive play and pub play differed too much -- in korea everyone played iccup and other variants so 1v1s were the staple from which KESPA and other organizations grew. This idea based of changing the meta based on pick-bans and balancing ala dota is something that no one has done before but I think Robin is making a smart executive decision as in this could be the make or break for TF2 as a largely successful competitive game.

Actually most Koreans played team games (2s,3s,4s) and still do. I get that 6s and pubs are entirely different, and it's a huge problem, which I think highlander can solve, but the point I was just trying to make is that a stagnant meta isn't/shouldn't be a "problem" that's holding tf2 back.

Like I said I think the new lobby system will be nothing but good, but also trying to balance the hundreds of weapons of tf2 is just too big of a task, and trying to include them in 6s wouldn't really do anything other than piss off a lot of 6s players.

The more I think about it the picking of weapon bans could be a pretty cool/good thing for highlander, I just don't think it has a place in 6s.

posted about 11 years ago
#181 How to Get to In-Game Comp Lobbies in TF2 General Discussion

From a competitive standpoint a stagnant meta is actually a good thing. Yeah it may be a little more boring to watch, but if you want to have the highest level of play possible so that the best teams win every time, then you want the meta to be as stagnant as possible. A stagnant meta allows players to actually practice doing the same thing over and over so they can get good at it and perfect it. If we start bringing in other weapons then the game turns into who can find the broken strategy first instead of who is better at executing/the actual game.

Look at sc:bw, the game was played with the same units/meta for multiple years and was extremely popular because it had such a high skill ceiling for execution.

In game lobbies will help grow tf2 for sure, but the idea that the meta is stagnant or that it is actually a problem is just silly to me.

Also I think if we actually want to start growing comp tf2 we need to stop identifying 6s and hl communities as different and merge them into 1 competitive community. This will probably never happen, but the current division between the two communities is nothing but harmful to both.

posted about 11 years ago
#84 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

I'm gonna try to attach an intel model to the back of the player with it intel since apparently a gigantic partical effect isn't enough...

Also spawns work the same as dm/mge/every sourcemod plugin ever that changes spawns so there really isn't anything anybody can do about the .1 second lag you get before you get teleported to the correct place, if that's what you're complaining about.

posted about 11 years ago
#82 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

updated bball it with bigger intel, let me know if it still needs to be bigger.

posted about 11 years ago
#79 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

It isn't, because it works entirely different from the old bball maps.

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

The capping thing is probably just tf2/sm being buggy or slow so there isn't anything I can do about that, and the spark is just the way it is. Either I remove it and you don't know who has the intel or it stays the way it is, sorry.

edit: I may have found a way to make the intel bigger, no promises though.

posted about 11 years ago
#74 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

It works now, sorry this keeps happening but it's pretty hard to debug something when nobody ever sees what happens in game for it to break and there aren't any error logs :/

posted about 11 years ago
#69 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

Just for future reference restarting the server doesn't actually fix it, you have to change the map to a map that isn't mge (ex granary) to unload the plugin and then change the map back. I still have no idea why this is happening, but hopefully I can figure something out soon.

posted about 11 years ago
#64 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

I already set up the bball it server to have 1 1v1 and 1 2v2 arena with unlimited cap. However making the intel spawn before there are 4 players in an arena is proving to be a lot more difficult that I previously thought so I don't think that's gonna end up happening :/

I also made some of the 2v2 arenas 1v1 since it seemed as those were getting used/filled up more.

posted about 11 years ago
#59 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

so changing the map to a non-mge map to unload the plugin then changing it back again to bball appears to fix not being able to cap/pick up intel. Hopefully making the map restart every hour will prevent this from happening anymore. Also a thing to let bball spawn when you have less than 4 players added/unlmimited caps is coming, so you can have arenas just like the old bball iT.

posted about 11 years ago
#55 Multiple-court BBall MGE mod! in TF2 General Discussion

So apparently caps for one team just stop working after the mod is loaded for an extended period of time, the error logs are empty as well...No idea what's causing this, but I'll do my best to get it fixed asap.

EDIT: restarting the map fixes it for now, not sure what's causing it to break. If anyone was on the server at the time that it stopped working, please let me know what happened right before as far as map change, someone winning/losing/leaving an arena and what arena.

posted about 11 years ago
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