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Last Posted February 18, 2014 at 11:24 PM
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#48 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

It all depends on how you set up your mge_spawns.cfg file. To make any arena a 2v2 arena just set the 4player keyvalue to 1. Currently the only arena that makes any sense to make 2v2 in v8 is bball, so that's the only one that I have set up to be defaulted to 2v2. 1v1 bball still exists, just set 4player to 0 in your mge_spawn configs and the arena will be 1v1.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion
KanecoCould you please elucidate me on some things...

So who's developing this mod atm? Lange or cprice?

I'm doing all of the coding for the plugin right now, lange is very busy right now and doesn't really have any time to put into developing it.

KanecoAlso, there are 2 different map types now right? The v8 and the duels maps with these new arenas?

Correct, there are 2 different maps now. They are both still MGE they just have different arenas.

KanecoHonestly I don't know who's working on v8 if it's lange, cprice, Jstn but I think that should be your priority right now to release a final version of that, not adding a new map with 2 v 2 arenas. Just yesterday I played on a server with v8, it was cool but still had a lot of edge or stuck bugs, particularly on spire where I noticed most.

The reasoning for dueling_v1 was because I wanted a map that showcased MGE 2.0's new features. Currently training_v8 is full, and no new arenas can be added because of a brush limit in the source engine, so the only way I could have a map with ultiduo/spireking/mutliple bball arenas was to have JSTN make a new map. I understand the confusion of having multiple maps, but because of the brush limit it was the only to do it.

Also V8 is still under active development, JSTN has just been very busy lately, and I've been forcing him to work on dueling_v1 instead of v8, so you can blame me for any bugs not being fixed. I believe hes said multiple times he didn't change anything on spire, but if you want to elaborate more specifically on what/where the bugs are I'm sure that would help him get those fixed.

KanecoAlso, I know you removed the advanced stats but that was actually useful for checking if you're improving or how you're doing with your different weapons and improve on that. Was also good for mge tournaments casts where casters had that information available to them. I'm all for improved performance, just saying it was a good feature.

The removal of advanced stats/accuracy was actually langes request/doing, I may try to find a better way to implement them, but right now unless lange changes his mind they aren't comming back, sorry :/

KanecoOther than the stats removal and the !top5 command what's new in the mod (and not the maps itself)?

Basically every arena can be played 2v2 or turned into a koth map.

posted about 11 years ago
#40 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

Just tested that hud with 2.0.1 and the hud text appeared for me, so hopefully your server just didn't have the fix in yet. Also I agree the cap time may benefit from being reduced but I'd like to get some more feedback before making any changes. and yeah, gunboats suck in mge, but it's up to the server provider to block them on their whitelist.

posted about 11 years ago
#38 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

Should be about 12.5 seconds? same as the cap for ultiduo, when I tested it it seemed to be you had to kill the other player 2-3x times in a row to get the cap back, which seemed okay, but I also remember it taking a long time to get an initial cap going.

Also if you could tell me/link me your hud so that I can try and debug the koth cap percent text not showing up that'd be great, thanks.

Also I think some people were asking about adding an ultiduo_baloo arena. Unfortunately with the way that koth currently works I can't create a baloo arena because baloo has a 2 tiered cap point (you can stand on top of or next to the pillar to cap). I may look into figuring a way around this in the future, but for the moment a baloo arena (or any arena with a cap larger than just a cap model) won't work with mge.

posted about 11 years ago
#35 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

I'm getting reports of people saying the timers are randomly dieing for no reason, making koth arenas unplayable. I'd hold off putting the mod on populated servers until I can figure this out, thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

git hub dl's are all messed up for me, took me like 3-4 tries to dl omp hud as well.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion
turtsmcgurtsplans on adding dynamic arena sizes? X vs Y?

Unfortunately I kinda fucked up in the way I went about implementing 2v2's. Now that I have a better grasp on how the mod works I could probably do this, but it would mean undoing all of the effort I did implementing 2v2. I still might do it because it'd be the right way to implement the feature, but right now I don't see any real use for dynamic arenas. If you have any ideas on making that actually useful that might motivate me to fix it/implement that :p

Not sure #29, but that should be an easy fix, I'll talk to JSTN about it later and see about getting it implemented soon.

posted about 11 years ago
#25 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

Also Git is updated, but beware the broken hud text problem, as it is scaring away a lot of people right now.

also if you don't see the point capture text, please post what hud you are using here, or message me on steam, thank you.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

update on the koth hud text, apparently certain huds break it, so if you use a custom hud the only fix I can offer right now is to try a different one. Again if you don't see the text in the bottom right hand corner of your screen that says "point capture: 0.0" as seen here : http://imgur.com/M0EntL1

then try another hud or play without it, just know that the caps still work.

Also frkn, that audio thing has happened before to me in older versions of mge mod, no idea what caused it, but I'll be looking into it. No idea what happened with your respawn either but I'll be looking at logs/working on this all night so hopefully I can fix as much as I can before too long.

posted about 11 years ago
#19 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion
grillzmilopoints dont cap in dueling
also no bball intel

you were playing in a 2v2 arena with only 2 people in it, I think I may have labeled one of the arenas wrong in my server, but you need 4 people for it to spawn intel.

Also it appears that the hud text is being buggy as fuck if you don't see this on your hud:


know that it works, but for whatever reason that just isn't getting displayed to you. Also realize that the points aren't real and therefor don't change color or make any noise when you start capping them. if you aren't getting this hud text when playing in an active arena, try restarting tf2.

Just played a few rounds in my server on spire, it worked totally fine for me, but I can understand why if people aren't getting the hud text telling them what the cap percent is they might think it doesn't work.

posted about 11 years ago
#9 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

#5 short answer, no. long answer, I believe beta4a is full due to the the brush limit in tf2, so it's actually currently impossible to add any arenas to that map.

Dueling_v1 is more of a map based around fun minigames like bball, ultiduo, spireking ect rather than an actual serious "training" map.

JSTN7477 is currently the one responsible for all of the new maps and map making, so if you would like to see an arena removed in favor of another (since there isn't any room for new arenas in the map) let him know, or feel free to leave that feedback here.

EDIT: damn it JSTN

posted about 11 years ago
#1 MGE 2.0 release in TF2 General Discussion

Just pushed an update that should fix hud text. let me know if it still doesn't work for anyone.

Download/source link: https://github.com/Langeh/MGEMod


New Features
-2v2 arenas
-KOTH arenas
-Turris arenas
-Ultiduo arenas
-!swap command in ultiduo that allows you to ask your teammate to swap classes with you (This only works when the arena is active/the round has started/4 people are added up)
-!top5 is now a navigable ELO ranking menu that lets you view all players in the database
-Added command to allow players to drop the intel like normal. (Thanks to thesupremecommander for this)

Bug fixes
-Flag in bball is now actually a flag instead of an ammopack

Removed features
-Advanced stats

With the new MGE mod you can now play 2v2 in all arena types. KOTH mode also means that you can add a capture point
to any arena and play the arena as a koth map. Ultiduo mode forces players to only have 1 soldier and 1 medic. Turris
mode regens players every 5 seconds like the map Turris. Advanced/Accuracy stats were removed in order to increase server

Known Bugs/This is supposed to happen so don't tell me its a bug:

-When you die in 2v2 and you are waiting for your teammate to die/win you will be moved to spec
in order to prevent you from respawning, this is supposed to happen.

-Spireking currently regens you every 5 seconds like turris, I think it's more fun this way, but I am open to
feedback if people think theres a better way of going about regening people (ex. on kill, putting health packs on spire).

-In koth maps you must stand on the point model to cap the point, rather than the normal cap zone is. Unfortunately because
of the way koth is implemented there is no easy way of getting around this at the moment, so just stand on the actual point
for now rather than where the normal cap zone is. If this becomes too big of an issue I may look into fixing it but at the moment
I don't believe it is that big of a deal.

-the roof of the shacks on spireking a little sticky, but it doesn't really affect gameplay too much. If this becomes an actual problem,
please let me know.

New Maps!

2 new maps are also coming with the release of the plugin, both made by Jstn7477


-Granary Middle
-Granary Last
-Badlands Middle
-Badlands Spire
-Gullywash Middle
-Waste Middle
-Snakewater Middle
-Gravelpit C
-Process Middle
-Turris 1
-Turris 2
-Ammomod [MGE]
-No Splash
-BBall (2v2)


-Ultiduo 1
-Ultiduo 2
-Spireking 1
-Spireking 2
-Turris 1
-Turris 2
-BBall 1 (1v1)
-BBall 2 (2v2)

Servers running the new mod :

My server on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on duel_v1 -
\TG/ MGE on beta4a -
Dragula's server -
SkillPoint.PL -

Feel free to leave feedback here or message me on steam if you have a suggestion/idea/bug report. I'm also still feeling
out the countdown time/cap speed on koth maps. Currently the cap speed is the same as the cap speed on koth_utliduo for all koth arenas.


Thanks to crypt for letting me use his server to test on, my team for letting me make them play a broken mod for 2 months, Jstn7477 for making the maps,
and Lange for making the original plugin and helping me with random sourcemod problems.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Blizzard purchases IGNProLeague in Off Topic

Also #9 is right, I'm pretty sure the only reason shootmania tournaments even exist is because ubisoft is funding all of the prize money themselves.

posted about 11 years ago
#10 Blizzard purchases IGNProLeague in Off Topic

IPL was already dead, basically all they did was take all the sc2 people that were about to be unemployed and gave them jobs producing what I'm guessing is going to be this years WCS, which blizzard just announced they're dumping $1.6 million into, so I don't really understand how they "destroyed their games biggest competitive league" when IPL wasn't that big to begin with and was basically already dead when they bought them. The only reason the shootmania tournaments they were having were still going on was because they were pretty much 100% Ubisoft funded.

Anyway, blizzards been doing a lot of good shit lately in sc2 between this and WCS, hopefully sc2 starts to make a comeback between this and HOTS being so much better than WoL.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Spireking and Turris in TF2 General Discussion

So, I have a few questions for the community. Basically in the next version of MGE mod I'm going to have spireking and turris arenas and I wanted to get some feedback on what the best way to implement them would be.

Right now turris regens you every 5 seconds like actual turris does, but the cap point works like koth where you have to keep control for 3min to run out the clock, rather than cap it once and you win. Spireking's point also works this way and regens only when you kill someone(or will).

So my question to everyone is, basically is this okay? or should game modes work like the original where you just have to cap the point for a minute and you win? Also whats the best way to regen on spire king, when you kill somoene, every 5 seconds like turris, or just put big health packs on top like the old spireking?

I personally think that making them koth instead of CP is better since it allows for more of a back and forth game, and more clutching, trying to keep the point or fight for it when both players have overtime. Also I don't think koth mode was out when both of those games/maps were made so that may explain why they weren't koth in the first place.

Let me know what you all think.

posted about 11 years ago
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