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Signed Up June 2, 2015
Last Posted November 10, 2024 at 5:20 PM
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#44 Lockdown Throwdown Round 2 announced in News

Almost exactly 24h left to sign up! If you want to jump in the hypetrain you should not hesitate: https://lockdown.teamfortress2.com/
Since we likely will not reach the 72 team limit, the schedule will be reworked. We will keep you up-to-date regarding any changes to the format/structure and schedule.
Please also make sure that your Leader and your Deputy have joined the discord (with the nickname they signed up with / have on ETF2L.org).
That said, we have changed some nicknames to match the ones on their ETF2L profiles.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 why dafuqwizat didn't cheat: in TF2 General Discussion

prokyVII: cashing in on sauce respect

posted about 4 years ago
#32 Lockdown Throwdown Round 2 announced in News

Finally got around to working on the details:

- since the schedule and format work quite well, we will set a limit to 72 teams for now. Should we unexpectedly reach a lot more signups, we will reconsider and rework the format as well as the schedule.
- added format / schedule to the Tournament Description on toornament
- added the rules on toornament
most important:
--> The map pool features the ETF2L S36 maps, except cp_reckoner_rc2 replaces koth_product. This way it is a lot easier to solve tiebreakers. KOTH makes comparing results on the basis of round wins and losses impossible. We chose Reckoner because it was recently played in ETF2L S35.
--> Golden Cap (which is not played in open group stage matches) has a time limit of 10 minutes due to scheduling reasons
--> There will be a B-Tournament for all teams that got knocked out of the Open groups. No matter how frustrated you may be after your group stage matches, you will play a BO3 against other teams who placed equally. Also, if you win said BO3, you will continue to compete on Sunday. So if you sign up, make sure you can play both days!
--> We will be using the regular config (ETF2L Season 36) for the tournament. We figure it falls upon the leagues to test gameplay-altering changes themselves.

posted about 4 years ago
#7 Lockdown Throwdown Round 2 announced in News

Signups should be up and running now. Feel free to shoot me a discord DM if there are any problems, I will answer within 24 hours

posted about 4 years ago
#6 Lockdown Throwdown Round 2 announced in News

@blankk: not for now, but signing up sooner rather than later secures you the best spots ;-)

posted about 4 years ago
#10 Prepare your Facebook feeds in Site Discussion
smziAre people actually still using FB thought it died years ago

Yeah, but it is fairly unrewarding to maintain an e-Sports-Page there, at least for TF2.
Turns out people prefer the anonymity of twitteraccounts etc. over connecting their online-community-presence with their real-life profiles where all friends and familymembers can see how much of a nerd you are.

In the same timespan where ETF2L more than doubled its followercount on Twitter, Facebook page likes went from ~1.400 to 1.450. Admittedly posts were much less frequent there when we realised that there is not a lot of engagement, but still.

Good luck though, it can never hurt to add another channel to try and spread the message! (:

posted about 4 years ago
#4 SEXIEST TF2 PLAYERS in TF2 General Discussion

Yak404 is a hottie

posted about 4 years ago
#45 place ur money here in TF2 General Discussion

I also find it annoying that they are waiting till next friday to potentially ban me, which would not only mean i've wasted a month scrimming [...]

Tbf, if you really did cheat and got banned for doing so, nobody would give rat's ass about the fact that you wasted time scrimming. Personally, my compassion with cheaters is fairly limited.

posted about 4 years ago
#41 Will there ever be another international LAN in LAN Discussion

Maybe people just don't like you.

posted about 4 years ago
#39 Will there ever be another international LAN in LAN Discussion

Is anyone else beginning to read funhaver's posts and then kind of losing track of what he is talking about because he is not using punctuation marks I mean it is really annoying and I cannot understand how someone can write like this it drives me absolutely crazy

posted about 4 years ago
#22 Will there ever be another international LAN in LAN Discussion

Regarding CPH, we had reached out to the top 5 NA teams as well as to the AU scene.
Ofc There were funding problems - we could have helped an NA team get there but at the Cost of a cut from the overall prizepool. When FROYO made clear they couldn’t make it this year, a few others tried to make a mix team. Such a team will only ever happen if you can find 6 tippi top players, because nobody is travelling across the pond to play for third place.

Then corona and Australian wildfires happened anyway and everything went to shit.

TL;DR Copenhagen Definetly wants to be an intercontinental LAN. So far it simply has not come together.

posted about 4 years ago
#17 ETF2L Website not working in TF2 General Discussion

Genuinely expected this to be a Rickroll.

posted about 4 years ago
#120 TF2 and CS:GO's source code got leaked in TF2 General Discussion

This is kinda like the pandemic:

I have no idea whats going on or whats true, so I am simply gonna stay away from everyone/everything and watch some Netflix.

posted about 4 years ago
#36 Lockdown Throwdown online event announced in News

... aaaaaaaand the signups are closed!

Thank you all for your overwhelming enthusiasm, we have reached a dazzling 95 signups! Considering we were expecting something around 30-ish teams, this simply blows our minds.

It also means the waiting list is VERY long. Sadly we probably do not know if any of those teams will get the chance to play yet. The best you can do is make yourself available on friday, hoping teams drop out on short notice!
For clarification, below is the current waiting list:

1.Golden Gyps
2. ez$
3. Les Téchets
4. NC/AB
5. Sora Elektro
6. Feline Funnies
7. Ciganyok
8. Aim Allergics
9. Ocean Man
10. G3C1T4x
11. help tractor mk. 2
12. GM'sU
14. Ceu4ac_6ygeT_CMEIIIHO
15. henry hoover hoover henry
16. L A N D O G G O
17. Straight out of Turbine
18. Apina Lauma
19. Hotline Rebellion
20. The Feds
21. Good Vibe Tribe

All teams that have been accepted must check in to the tournament via the toornament website until 21 CEST tomorrow (thursday)! Check-Ins are open effective immediately!

All teams MUST have their Leader and Deputy join our Discord https://discord.gg/ufNKWXV with their nickname which they used to sign up with on toornament! If you wish to have your Leader or Deputy role assigned, ping a Tournament Admin!

posted about 4 years ago
#35 Lockdown Throwdown online event announced in News

Schedule All times in CEST!!!


Friday, 10th April
16.00: Group Stage Round 1 (1 map)
17.00: Group Stage Round 2 (1 map)
18.00: Group Stage Round 3 (1 map)
19.45: Round of 16 (Best-of-3 maps)

Open Group winners which won their first BO3 will play a knockout match in invite bracket at 21.45.

Saturday, 11th April

Schedule for all 2nd, 3rd and 4th placed teams which won their BO3 on friday as well as the group winners which lost their BO3.
15.00: Quarterfinals (Best-of-3 maps)
17.00: Semifinals (Best-of-3 maps)
19.00: Finals (Best-of-3 maps)
Note: no Bronze place matches!


Friday, 10th April
16.00: Group Stage Round 1 (2 maps)
17.45: Group Stage Round 2 (2 maps)
19.30: Group Stage Round 3 (2 maps)
21.45: Round of 16 (vs. Top 8 Open Group winners), Best-of-3 maps

Saturday, 11th April
15.00: Quarterfinals (Best-of-3 maps)
17.00: Semifinals (Best-of-3 maps)
19.00: Bronze Match (Best-of-3 maps)
21.00: Grand Final (Best-of-5 maps)

An attempt of a visualisation of the schedule can be found here:
Friday: http://prntscr.com/rtm53n
Saturday: http://prntscr.com/rtmytc

posted about 4 years ago
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