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Last Posted December 8, 2024 at 5:21 PM
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#266 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
hobophobiccityplannerSo we all agree that expected performance is awful right? Like why is it expecting meds to get kills? And it's still possible to lose elo while winning a pug.

Right now the data that the expected performance is based on is temporary until we get enough data from players declaring their league history, then we will be using stats from the pugs. Each role has a ratio of which score metrics make up the total performance score, such as prioritizing k/d less on roamer than pocket, and not considering kills for medics at all.

posted 1 month ago
#249 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

NOTICE: The PUG website will be down until 9:30PM ET while we roll out the new elo update!

posted 1 month ago
#19 RGL Lan 2025 in LAN Discussion
untamedI know this might be a bit goofy saying this, but since we already pay a bit to the rgl lan to begin with through league fees, isn't it possible to also do a gofundme or something of those lines for the people that might be interested in investing more into a lan specifically? I think you can get a bit of support behind it but it could also be wishful thinking.

Ideally any substantial amount of money raised beyond covering current venue costs would go towards compensating LAN players/staff basics like food, travel, and lodging before funding the major $10k+ upgrade to a fancier venue. I haven't seen that amount of TF2 fundraising outside of the charity events, but if those essentials are covered and we outgrow what our current venues can handle, I don't see why not.

posted 2 months ago
#13 RGL Lan 2025 in LAN Discussion
hannahAlso Philly is cool but can we pls have a lan somewhere else? Have been to the past 5 NA lans and they were ALL in Philly

Trust me, we would love to and have definitely explored potential esports venues all over the US, but the reality is that any good venues that have:

  • Space for 50-100+ spectators
  • Public transit and dining/lodging nearby
  • At least 24 SUPPLIED gaming PCs (players don't want BYOC and renting gaming PCs + 240hz monitors externally is too complex and pricey) - not accounting PCs for production, admins, servers, etc.

are completely out of our price range or straight up don't exist. It also doesn't help that the esports bubble is currently bursting post-covid and existing esports venues are struggling to stay afloat. For our first LAN in Foxborough, we were VERY lucky that Helix agreed to keep the pricing of the original New Jersey venue, which was much much smaller. For our 2nd LAN, we knew that players didn't like the lack of public transit and lodging/dining in Foxborough, Philly Localhost has experience hosting TF2 LANs, is accessible via the NE rail anywhere from VA to MA, was relatively affordable, and seemed like a safe bet. The LH in Denver was a close 2nd choice though.

The major reason is cost though. TF2 just doesn't have the money.

posted 2 months ago
#222 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
Wild_Rumpusdid the pugs quietly change to 30 minute + progressive overtime? i remember when the new servers were added people just assumed they hadn't been updated but i definitely prefer 20 minutes if it is going to be on the progressive ruleset and cant remember the last time i played one of those

I think the RGL updater plugin was overwriting the modified config files, should be fixed now hopefully

posted 4 months ago
#189 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
dbkthe site will do the "ready up" thing with 12 players queued for correct roles, but seems like it will only start when there's 13 people queued. pls fix, weird bug.

pushed fix

posted 5 months ago
#185 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
Wild_Rumpusthere should be a separate rating that only captains can see that tell you if the player youre picking took a bong rip just before queueing

will consider!

Seinfeldgenuinely i just got fatkidded by the website in OPEN pugs 5 times in a row. FIVE pugs in a row i didn't get to play. my elo isn't even the lowest in the queue. players with lower elo got picked before me, who had ALREADY played the previous pug. i'm 110% convinced now that open pugs should just function like tf2pickup. waiting in line for no reason is so boring and the same people just play the pugs on repeat

You're right and that never should have been the intention, should be fixed to prioritize earlier added players now!

posted 6 months ago
#168 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
crazyAn issue I've seen occur with the elo system a few times now is that sometimes winning a pug gives you 0 elo meanwhile the losing team has a range from +0.0 to +2.0ish.

A particularly egregious example of this happening is this pug:
My team had lost 4-5, but we all gained elo in the range of +2.8 to +7.4, meanwhile the winning team didn't gain or lose elo from it. Also it is not like this is a one off thing, I have other examples of it happening from just a few nights ago as well.

I understand that there's probably a lot of factors that go on within the elo calculations, but I don't think it's right for the losing team to gain elo and winning team to gain nothing. (plus that's generating elo out of thin air which probably isn't good)

The point of elo is to give an approximate skill level. The idea is that if you do better than expected, you gain elo and if you do worse than expected, you lose elo. There's reasons why we don't use simple W/L to adjust skill. Say that we have peak froyo vs a low invite team that play each other 1000 times, and froyo wins 5-4 for all of those matches. With the elo system, everyone's elo would eventually converge to reflect their skill levels, such as 2100 for the low invite team and 2200 for froyo. If we used W/L, the low invite team's elo would be deflated to below newcomer, and froyo's would be highly inflated. We used to have the winner's elo slightly decrease if they were expected to roll, but barely won, but enough players complained that we removed that, which is why we have the "elo out of thin air".

posted 8 months ago
#163 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Haven't talked in a bit. Been cooking up this larger profile update.
Moving forward, we will be switching from smaller weekly updates to these larger and more fleshed-out updates to prepare for official release soon*!

- Chat has been added!

- Sort players by last division played (or equivalent division by elo)
-- You can update your last division played from your profile once a week
- Captains are highlighted upon captain button hover
- Players with a 5 win streak now have a burning name

- You can now rank maps to automatically vote for

Pug Info:
- Elo info added to history dropdown
- Logs are now displayed in history dropdown
- Captains are now indicated in rosters

Player Profile:
- Added competitive website profile links (e.g. rgl, steam, logs, demos, more, ugc)
- You can update your last division played from your profile once a week
- PUGs can now be sorted by role, format, and captain
- Trophies are visible for players with top 3 wins
- Win/loss and elo gain/loss is now graphed
- Global rankings are shown under number of PUGs and number of wins

- Link to player log now includes steam id selected
- Player cards should no longer sometimes show as blank "Player"
- Player avatars no longer squeeze with long usernames
- Shit ton of optimization stuff to reduce load time
- Fixed stv password being inaccurate when none is set
- Adjusted pug ban durations
- Player menus no longer appear in the wrong place
- Fixed some matches not updating player w/l records
- Other smol misc fixes

posted 8 months ago
#152 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
ArieDolphInN...but we felt being able to directly handle the servers to insert our custom configs and plugins...
If we were able to 1. access to API, and 2. upload custom plugins, then we'd gladly explore using it.

This API is now a decade old and TF2Center has been running pugs without extra requirements. You can have a TF2Center game on a stock TF2 server as long as it has the map you're trying to play.
The other services don't require custom plugins, but even so, the previous incarnation of RGL pugs had a working API integration and their own custom plugin installed on all servers for stuff like team and nickname management.

That still doesn't really address the problem of our API keys being blocked when we were starting from scratch. Even if we didn't want to start from scratch, the previous developers that were running under the RGL PUGs label are not allowing us access to any of their work to look at. So while I'm glad other pug sites are finding success using serveme, we are going to use what works in the first place for us and would allow us greater flexibility in the future.

posted 9 months ago
#150 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
JuustinDon't know what's going on, but we definitely need some transparency right now.
We went from 4+ servers, to 2 servers, and then back to only using 1 server? Causing a 'little battle' between the 6s and HL puggers on who can own the server (you can guess who won).
No response at this time in the RGL beta discussion on its discord. Assumption right now is that the servers are down for maintenance because a recent connectivity issue? (specifically for HL)

Been across the country for the weekend, so I have been unable to maintain the servers. All 4 should be operational now.

ArieJuustinWe went from 4+ servers, to 2 servers, and then back to only using 1 server?
Meanwhile at TF2Center, TF2Pugs and TF2Pickup......

We actually originally going to use the serveme API for integration. However, we discovered that either my API key or IP must've been specifically blacklisted. Other RGL devs' keys seemed to work, but we felt being able to directly handle the servers to insert our custom configs and plugins, along with not needing to add another failure point of interacting with another service, was a better decision. If we were able to 1. access to API, and 2. upload custom plugins, then we'd gladly explore using it.

posted 9 months ago
#141 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Back to weekly update #6
- It's now random which captain picks first
- Winning a PUG no longer decreases your elo, regardless of other factors
- Volume per-notification can be adjusted
- Increased post-pug voice channel lifetime from 8 to 15 minutes
- There is now a pre-ready option for 10 minutes
-- We plan to add an alert when it expires in the next update, along with being able to customize how long you want your pre-readies to last

- Fixed players getting kicked from servers they are pugging on
- Fixed players not being able to use voice activity when channels are merged
- Fixed missing player stats in queue
- Fixed ineligible player role picks not being shown
- Fixed one of the servers having a 30min config instead of 20min

posted 9 months ago
#137 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
trippai would like it if the site 50/50d on who gets first pick after captains are chosen

Forgot to mention this in the big reply post, but this is ready to be pushed in the next update

posted 10 months ago
#135 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
hannahYo i just lost elo for winning a pug

Will be fixed in next update

posted 10 months ago
#130 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

(No update, just catching up on replies)

DivineATneeds option to pre-ready up for non-captains so u don't end up missing out b/c u left for a sec

Pre-ready has been in the works and should be ready in the next update.

JwI want to be able to wager my elo when I play a pug. There should be a button that says "x2" that would make me lose double the elo if I lose the pug, and gain double the elo if I win the pug

We don't want to turn a balancing mechanic into something other than balancing. There's already existing elo multipliers depending on number of pugs played as a class, which class you're playing, and your elo relative to the pug.

JwI'd like to be able to see my/other players' elo history, like a tab on your profile that shows a graph of where you started and how your elo has changed over time. Thanks!

This is planned to be included within a larger elo update in the future.

SOOOOOAPYMEISTERyou can sub people on the other team literally why

Throughout alpha, it was actually pretty difficult to get players to click the sub button in the first place. This might not be the case now with bug fixes and the relocated sub button though.

loafei think the map voting system would be a good way to introduce some map testing

We've discussed this internally previously and the route we would go is likely to have a separate map testing queue.

kawaplease fix the issue where after pugging, your alias on discord changes to a random person in the pug globally for a few minutes.

makes me extremely wary of the security of whatever is happening with user data, and im sick of having to explain what's happening to people who don't play the game

We actually do not change or touch your discord alias, nor does the app have permission to change a player's name globally across multiple servers unless you click 'Authorize' on a page like the following that says something like "Access to change your nickname" (which we don't do). We do not store any discord user data permanently except for your discord id. I have never seen this happen, so if/when it does, please DM me or document it somehow so that can get that figured out.

hannahPlease add chat

In the works for a future update, but we're still exploring ways that moderation could not possibly be an issue when it launches.

bearodactylhold on why do pugs not have a hard stop at 30 mins

We initially switched from a hard 30 minute config because players didn't seem satisfied with ties, but we are currently pending testing for a custom plugin (mentioned in #109) that would use midcap for tie breakage after time runs out in a standard 30min config.

bearodactylalso why does the discord channel for the pug go away a few minutes afterwards lol what if people want to just hang out after a pug
should make a general lounge voice chat or something (and having no chat for the website is pretty silly too)

There was an incident a few years ago that started a policy of not having any open channels for a long-term general hangout in the RGL discord. The current timeout is 8 minutes after a PUG ends, but can be extended to 15 minutes if that seems more reasonable.

bearodactylspamming this thread sry but plz make an option to only make noise when you need to ready up, even changing the annoying ass gottfried voice (which shouldn't be the default LOL) you still get spammed with unnecessary info like what team and class you got picked on, i muted it cuz it was too many alerts but then missed a game i added up for

other pug sites (tf2center, tf2lobby, pugchamp, pugme) all had this figured out, really don't understand why so many things are done differently / made overcomplicated

We will make it so that you can adjust volume per-alert in the next update.
Our goal isn't to replicate another website, and some things that seem simple may be either more complicated or not our current priority, Totally open to answering questions and discussing/clarifying though!

DivineATWeekly Monthly update when?

They should resume this coming Sunday, since the bulk of my moving is complete (see #102).

posted 10 months ago
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