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SteamID64 76561198048614515
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Signed Up August 2, 2016
Last Posted December 8, 2024 at 5:21 PM
Posts 44 (0 per day)
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#110 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Weekly update #5
- New customization/options menu
- Added log out button to options menu
- Soundpacks are now available if you don't love the soothing voice of Gilbert Gottfried
-- Also includes each of the 9 classes, vibraphone, and Thurston Waffles. More will be added over time.
- Desktop notifications are now available
- Being subbed out now included in progressive ban length
- Servers now have an extra safe guard against being chosen for a new PUG if it's being used in a current PUG
- Reconnected notification no longer shows when never disconnected

posted 9 months ago
#109 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Smaller weekly update #4
- Fixed auth login stuff
- Increased post-pug voice time to deletion from 5min to 8min
- Fixed premature channel deletion before moving all of blu to red's voice
- Successfully moved the 2 Dallas servers to Chicago

Due to feedback from the community about b4nny config taking too long to play, we are currently working on reverting it back to the scrim config and adding a rule to break ties through who caps mid at the 30min.

posted 10 months ago
#103 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Not going to quote everyone, but we have plans to customize your experience, including different voice packs (feel free to send me ideas). A chat system is also currently in the works that would allow for easy moderation and cross-chat between discord and site. I am also working on distinguishing 6s and HL more as well.

JwOnce the bugs are fixed and the site is ready for full release, I had an idea for how a way to make elo "matter," and make RGL pugs more unique as compared to pug groups in the past. It would go like this:

1. The site releases. Everyone who has played, say, main and above is allowed to play captained pugs.
2. Everyone's elo is reset to 1000 or something.
3. The race begins! The first 6 players to reach 2400 elo "win" Season 1 of RGL pugs, and each receive a small prize (maybe keys).
4. Once 6 players have won, everyone's elo is reset back to 1000, and the race to 2400 begins again in a few days.

I think this would provide a fun way to make elo interactive, and to make the grind of pugs have some overarching meaning.

We are likely going to implement an "XP" system separate from elo, similar to what faceit had iirc.

posted 10 months ago
#102 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Weekly update #3 is now live!
Note that updates may not always release on Sundays over the next month since I'm in the process of moving.

- Added active PUGs count to sidebar
- Elo adjustments now show as alerts
- Added score to active PUG cards
- Added 2 more dedicated servers to reach a total of 4
- Changed 6s cp config from scrim to "b4nny" config (now that we have enough servers where hogging one isn't a huge issue)
- Increased PUG auto-kill timeout from 60min to 100min to adjust for potential overtime
- Increased ready up time from 45sec to 60sec
- Increased player pick time from 45sec to 55sec
- Added check if user is discord verified during login
- Added discord voice channel called 'MOVE TO TEAM' that will automatically move you to your team voice channel upon joining
- Increased channel deletion delay from 1min to 5min or whenever all players leave
- Blu team will be moved to red team's voice channel after 30 seconds
- Fixed PUGs not showing on profiles for red players
- Fixed default member card avatars on 404s
- Fixed blu scores not properly updating
- Fixed lobby falsely saying there are enough players
- Fixed valid lobby not starting upon 2nd captain toggle
- Fixed previous map vote display persisting
- Fixed browser interaction popup not showing
- Adjusted class breakdown grid padding on profile
- Refined pug baiting criteria
- Changed authentication session system (please let me know if this breaks anything for you)
- Allowed donovin to captain

posted 10 months ago
#90 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

The weekly update #2 - The "ARE YOU SURE?" update - is live!
(Apologies for the delayed weekly update, as I wanted to make sure everything was good to go instead of rushing anything.)

- Moved substitute player button from player card menu to a dedicated button
- Added required reason for substitution
- Reverted minimum sub votes to 3 to sub a player
- Added sub status to player card
- Added PUG bait warning when removing from class/captain in Ready-Up stage
-- If a PUG does not start, any players that leave after readying will be restricted from captain or banned. These get progressively longer.
- Added 2nd dedicated server, currently adding 3rd as well

- Captains should now properly be assigned to the top 2 elo players
- Alert sounds should now properly play provided page interaction
- Elos should now properly update if you have no elo upon login
- Servers should now properly upload to

Thank you once again to everyone that has been testing and providing feedback!

posted 10 months ago
#86 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
JuustinThere definitely needs to be separate dedicated servers for the HL and 6s Queue soon -- 1 server for both at queues at least.

I think with the ramp up and promotion of RGL PUGs into beta, a rush of players have flooded in, especially for HL again. This had lead to HL PUGs taking over the 1 dedicated server at times where 6s players want to queue up.

There was enough for the 6s captain queue today -- after waiting half and hour for the HL open pug to end -- and it look like it was about to happen until the HL Open PUG took the server instantly. This basically killed the 6s captain queue and much them moved to an in-house pug server. Nothing wrong with that, but if there's a need for testing, wouldn't you want to get feedback on both formats?

Obviously, there's been a search to find a decent server provider that works for the website, so I can't fault you guys testing with 1 server most of the time. Hope we can get more servers soon....

You're definitely right that we need to add more servers. Thankfully I think we've found a good candidate for a server host after the spree of unreliable ones (major nationwide server outages tonight didn't help with this). I'll likely be adding more from them this week after confirming with those who played on them.

posted 10 months ago
#84 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

The #1 weekly beta update is now live!
- Captains are now decided by top two elos
- Lobbies now accurately display that it's waiting for 2 captains, not more players
- Made elo a bit more visible on readied players
- Switching classes/teams is now blocked in HL pugs. We are still internally deciding off-class rules/guidelines for 6s.
- Fixed some more site crashes
From previous updates this week:
- Fixed bug that caused servers to stutter
- Fixed minimum captain elo acting as a maximum
- Fixed servers not properly being marked as used
- Fixed killed pugs affecting elos. This previously gave some users negative elo when the pug was not played.
- Increased minimum elo for captained pugs

We also now have a dedicated Chicago PUG server!

Thank you to everyone that has tested beta so far, please continue reporting any bugs/feedback!

posted 10 months ago
#81 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

We will likely not be running PUGs until item servers are back up, but rest assured we are making great progress with fixing all the bugs!

posted 11 months ago
#75 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Due to nfo server [issues] and site issues, PUG are currently on hold. We are working as fast as we can and will keep you updated, expect a fix by the ~10th after we do thorough internal testing and confirm things are actually working.

posted 11 months ago
#72 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Note that I am currently working on fixing some of the initial errors, thanks for your patience

posted 11 months ago
#71 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Welcome to RGL PUGs Public Beta v1!
As mentioned previously, this is a large update with some cool features:

- Reworked some UX
- Player list with leaderboards per-class & overall
- Player profiles
- PUG history with top captains
- You may report players by clicking on their card
- Servers now keep track of their own passwords, maps, and players
-- Any discrepancies should now be auto-corrected
- Moderators can now accurately track if servers have missing maps on the site
- More moderator tools
- Queues can now be more easily created/deleted/customized
- Elo fixes
-- All elos have been recalculated
-- You may now request your elo to be manually reviewed on your profile
-- Elos now recalculate properly after each PUG
-- Auto-captain now considers the classes you tend to play/win
- If you are not in a PUG, you can now choose to spectate it (if available)
- Subbing should now be more responsive
- Adjusted some class weights
- Added some more maps
- Misc fixes

Note that the site may still have some unknown bugs, which I will be ironing out over this week, so keep reporting them along with any feedback!

In terms of the path to full release, we now plan to have weekly updates EVERY Sunday throughout beta.

In no specific order or priority, we have the following public plans for beta:
- More stabilization, bug fixes, etc. (duh)
- More elo work
- Map nominations
- Customizations
-- Voice packs
-- Donor perks
- Pre-season test queues
- Party queueing
- Post-PUG surveys
- Built-in tutorials and resources for new players
- More moderation tools
- More statistics for analyzing your elo and tools for captains/moderators
- More stuff TBA

This beta phase is estimated to span about the next 6 months.

posted 11 months ago
#64 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Hi all, just as an update, we are aiming to enter the beta phase of PUGs come the new year (#NewYearNewPUGs). This will be a large update with the following:

  • Revamped UX
  • Player profiles
  • Leaderboards
  • Queues may now have a minimum/maximum elo for queueing or captaining
  • Ability to spectate current PUGs
  • Numerous moderator/runner tools
  • Player reports
  • Prevent players from baiting RUP/captain
    • Repeated baits will now have longer bans
  • Countless server fixes, including wrong maps/passwords, and auto-kicking players not in PUG
    • In the case that something breaks, players can initiate an auto-fix
  • Fix player subs
  • Elo fixes:
    • All elos have been recalculated
    • You may now request your elo to be manually reviewed on your profile
    • Elos now recalculate properly after each PUG
  • Miscellaneous fixes
  • Surprise features

I am aiming to have this released by Jan 7th at the latest. At that time, I will also announce the detailed 2024 road plan from Beta to Official Release, including specific features and timelines.

Thank you everyone for playtesting and providing invaluable feedback!

posted 11 months ago
#59 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

We are actively looking into why TF2 servers are being wonky with not accepting map/password/config changes. Every server host option seem to have their own problems, so it's been frustrating for us too. Getting servers and elo working reliably are the main items we are trying to conquer before moving to beta.

posted about a year ago
#5 Localhost Philly RESUP LAN #3 Open Democall in TF2 General Discussion

stv 19600 - stabby 4k

posted about a year ago
#54 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects

Been a bit since I made a post here, will be posting more frequent updates on the RGL forum thread (
Some notable changes/additions:

  • Lots of stabilization
  • Volume control
  • Enhanced picking process to be more intuitive, including captains not being able to be forced on a class they did not queue as, sorting players by elo / round win % / average picked position.
  • Elos are now dynamic and have an updated model to be more accurate.
  • Players that play pugs and win at least one round of HL or 6s (captained or uncaptained) since September 18th are automatically entered into an exciting raffle for an upcoming RGL project currently called '100 Fish'. The top 3 players for each format are guaranteed a spot. Click the new '100 Fish' button on the sidebar for a sneak peek
posted about a year ago
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