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Signed Up March 24, 2016
Last Posted May 31, 2024 at 11:45 PM
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#8 trade tf2 in TF2 General Discussion
DomoCatFaceyes me too while you're at it

dont give to domo, he is actually very rich. Give to someone in need instead, like the homeless person you pass on the street (me) ty, godbless and happy new year.

posted about a year ago
#8 TF2 Internet Safety Guide in TF2 General Discussion

"HG" or "High ground" means "A position of dominance and power"

"LG" or "Low ground" means "A position of submission and weakness"

In short, someone on high ground fucks someone on low ground most of the time.

posted about a year ago
#3 Prem/Div1 player MGE tournament 17.12 in TF2 General Discussion

All money on mulaa, get the golden chicken baby!

posted about a year ago
#3 if you could change the game mode 6s is played on in TF2 General Discussion


posted about a year ago
#18 sniper class limit 0 in TF2 General Discussion
LupusWhat Opti says makes way more sense than just removing sniper. All offclasses are annoying remove all of them (engie blows) and just play cookie cutter.

Pootis should be allowed. Is honourable class.

posted about a year ago
#5 Spotify Wrapped 2022 in Music, Movies, TV

posted about a year ago
#8 etf2l bs in TF2 General Discussion

The real tragedy was that you played an offi on a friday.

posted about a year ago
#14 etiquette of "gg" in TF2 General Discussion

There are many different types of "gg" and each one means something different, such as:

- GG (positive but maybe sarcastic - was it ACTUALLY a gg?)
- gg (apathetic, just types to not be labelled toxic but probably crying in mumble)
- good game (psychopathic)
- gg. (strong, forceful, the game is over and we do not talk further)
- GG! (either disgustingly positive or grossly sarcastic and game was filled with troglodytes both ways)

posted about a year ago
#4 Ultimates in TF2 General Discussion

Demoman should have an ult that can oneshot an enemy team player from anywhere on the map. Would be pretty cool, would fit in well with the rest of the ults powerlevel. Countered by medic and scout ult but works well vs pyro!

Sniper should have one that lets him live on 1hp like when he used to get headshot but have the snaggletooth set on so you got hit for 149. Basically buddha for like 10 seconds after being hit down to 0 hp just to troll spies and other snipers.

posted about a year ago
#276 98 dpm in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#6 will becoming a gay furry make me good as scratch in TF2 General Discussion
THEBILLDOZERu must chose one...

me when given this choice

posted about a year ago
#44 favorite teammate in TF2 General Discussion

Easily morni and ixy. Nicest 2 guys ever played with who were also good at the game so nice to play with in and out. Genuinely kind, mature, and skilled adults.

posted about a year ago
#6 Time to vote on the 8th in World Events
EoNI personally will NOT be voting, sorry

Am the same unfortunately, just goes against my beliefs.

posted about a year ago
#96 TF2 LAN EVENT IN GERMANY, 25.-27-11.2022 in LAN Discussion

What are the differences between spec ticket and player ticket? I don't plan to play, but if there are restricted areas for people with a players ticket then I may get one anyway just to be able to watch from anywhere and not from a single designated seating area.

posted about a year ago
#11 Ways to improve dm servers? in TF2 General Discussion

Could you not just have some bots walking around the mid point to give people a thing to shoot at until others join in? Similar to newbots bots where they strafe and aim kinda ok and they just waddle around the room or mid point area in a dm servers case. Have 6 bots, 1 for each class on each team that automatically come on/off the server based on how many people there are so there are at least 6 things on the server at all times. I would assume not too difficult to do since a few servers already do things like this.

Pitch it to the dm server overlords and see if they want to implement it and if it's possible.

posted about a year ago
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