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Signed Up August 17, 2012
Last Posted May 13, 2020 at 10:05 AM
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1 ⋅⋅ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ⋅⋅ 108
#47 Can heavy be banned yet? in TF2 General Discussion

The biggest issue is we haven't utilized the mobility of the QF as much as we have the heals. The heavy is a response to an under-developed metagame. Flanky, mobile pockets should be a fairly solid standard in post-QF tf2, but at the moment, we don't have that because of a lack of coordination and familiarity with the weapon.

posted about 11 years ago
#18 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion
KoobadoobsThe solution isn't a ban. TBH I'd like to see these invite teams form HL teams and try to take out a Wrangled sentry because they seem to have no clue how to kill something before it gets healed. Sticky traps have been dropping medics all day, but no demo has figured out yet that instead of throwing stickies one at a time they can lay two or three at once in the middle of a fight and BAM the QF is countered. If they can learn how to play against it the QF will become so weak it'll only be used in KOTH and on last after a midfight wipe.

I'm also waiting for someone to try direct hit. That seems like another counter to rocket-jumping medics...

DH is stupid. No splash means lower damage. You still have to hit an airstrafing med that is used to people airshotting.
Your point about not single detting is valid, and the teams that have been more effective this lan (Mix and HRG) have not been single detting on heavies or meds, unless there is another high dm player near the heavy/medic.
Will it get rid of quick fix?
GOD NO, it's the best medigun

posted about 11 years ago
#145 S14 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion

It's like all of invite have never dealt with the hell of a wrangled sentry.
Just single dets and dumb shit like that all over

posted about 11 years ago
#22 so in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like if they weren't bad at utilizing it those might have been good games

posted about 11 years ago
#49 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion

HRG was right about it being banned for the rest of this season.
This is fucking stupid

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Quick-Fix in 6s? in TF2 General Discussion
QuartzClandestinePzBefore: The new quickfix makes the game really interesting and exciting, it should be made the new meta and we'll savage anyone who dares to disagree.

After game 1: The new quickfix makes the game really stale and boring, it should be banned and we'll savage anyone who dares to disagree.

I don't really understand how the community's opinion can sway so easily.

Seeing top teams use it effectively it's the answer for your question

They wasted the aggressive potential.

posted about 11 years ago


I don't give a shit if it's blurry, the flash hurt my eyes.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 LAN Drinking game in TF2 General Discussion

Every time a thread gets derailed, finish your drink regardless of volume

posted about 11 years ago
#31 maybe tomorrow in TF2 General Discussion

Shit wrong thread

Good vid

posted about 11 years ago
#8 perma heavies in TF2 General Discussion

You can still focus other things. It's mentioned EVERY TIME Quick-Fix comes up.
Focus other targets and you can kill the heavy with 2-3 people easy.

posted about 11 years ago
#36 LAN Drinking game in TF2 General Discussion

Why is the OP deleted now?

posted about 11 years ago
#30 LAN Drinking game in TF2 General Discussion

After that game my face is numb. Keep it up Mix^, shit's getting good

posted about 11 years ago
#48 S14 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion

HRG confirmed most boring team in invite.

posted about 11 years ago
#14 S14 LAN Discussion! in TF2 General Discussion
WithADanceNumberMaybe I sound like someone who doesn't like change, but the quickfix is really boring to spectate.

Just wait until trihards and Mix^ play.

That'll be one crazy Match

posted about 11 years ago
#26 LAN Drinking game in TF2 General Discussion
TheManWithNoNamebad attempted troll is bad
Shrtsochill: Sup nerds. Brad here. I can never make my matches because I am so busy clubbing and meeting interesting people. Just last night I was at 40/40 New York downing some Armand de Brignac with Jay Z and Kanye. Shit was money. Got invited to the after-party at Jay's crib but couldn't make it after my Jag got a flat.

Straight tf2 history there dude.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 ⋅⋅ 108