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Signed Up September 14, 2013
Last Posted January 11, 2014 at 4:09 PM
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#3 No Round Edges? in Q/A Help
Tysroneif I'm right you mean to make it round??

if so, r_lod 0 and r_rootlod 0

Worked, thanks.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 No Round Edges? in Q/A Help

What's the command to remove the edges on round edges like on the AWP scope?

posted about 11 years ago
#34 how do i even snipe in Q/A Help

the thing is

i cant even hit heavies who are shooting their minigun across the map, and i don't even know where to aim.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 how do i even snipe in Q/A Help

I'm very inconsistent with my sniping. sometimes, I can't hit easy shots, no matter what situation. Sometimes, I can actually hit shots. Practicing sniping doesn't help at all, because I can't hit any shots.

posted about 11 years ago
#27 #justtf2things in TF2 General Discussion
ToastyTHTKiritoToastyTHTEricYToastyTHTEricYToastyTHTGOLDEN_NINJA_WARRIORi got detention once for walking to school on my own when i was 6I was a bystander to a drive-by surfing, and got detention for a WEEK
woah thats not hollister bro
That's so hollister but you prob wouldn't know cuz you ware white hanez and jeans if ur lucky

fite me
ur on nerd
can't hold us down

posted about 11 years ago
#22 #justtf2things in TF2 General Discussion
ToastyTHTEricYToastyTHTGOLDEN_NINJA_WARRIORi got detention once for walking to school on my own when i was 6I was a bystander to a drive-by surfing, and got detention for a WEEK
woah thats not hollister bro
That's so hollister but you prob wouldn't know cuz you ware white hanez and jeans if ur lucky

fite me

posted about 11 years ago
#19 #justtf2things in TF2 General Discussion
ToastyTHTGOLDEN_NINJA_WARRIORi got detention once for walking to school on my own when i was 6I was a bystander to a drive-by surfing, and got detention for a WEEK

woah thats not hollister bro

posted about 11 years ago
#11 #justtf2things in TF2 General Discussion

Anime is a diverse art form with distinctive production methods and techniques that have been adapted over time in response to emergent technologies. The production of anime differs from Disney animation by focusing less on the animation of movement and more on the realism of settings as well as the use of camera effects, including panning, zooming and angle shots. No single art style exists and character proportions and features can be quite varied, including characteristically

posted about 11 years ago
#8 #justtf2things in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 11 years ago
#111 Are you proud of being a (competitive) gamer? in Off Topic

All the kids who go to my school play console or minecraft.

rip me

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Scout MGE DM vs Scrim/Match DM in Q/A Help

So I've noticed that my Scout DM in scrims/matches is far worse than my MGE DM. I end up doing really shitty and just mashing adadadadadada and being a twitchy little shit in scrims and matches. But in MGE, I have good movement, and steady aim. Anyone else have this problem? How do you have constant DM in scrims/matches?

posted about 11 years ago
#185 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

(steel-silver scrim)

HL is fun if your team is good.

i was blu scout, and i play 6's at a silver 6's level. got 4 med picks, 2nd top fragged.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Hud health cross color in Customization
BoggyIt's possible, but not in the way you're trying to do it.

You need to use the replay/thumbs method to get a new texture in place of the default overhealed/dying cross. (Like how Broeselhud uses this method for its healthcross, hudas iscariot for its main menu, etc)

I've never heard of this. I couldn't find anything on Do you know where i could find that?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Hud health cross color in Customization

Could someone explain to me how to change the buff health cross color?

I'd like my hud's buff health cross to go to "115 255 165 255" (mint green ish) when I get buffed. I only can edit the text, but not the cross.

I'm trying to get the white to become "115 255 165 255"


posted about 11 years ago
#144 Taking HUD edit requests in Customization

I'd like my hud's buff health cross to go to "115 255 165 255" (mint green ish) when I get buffed. I only can edit the text, but not the cross.

I'm trying to get the white to become "115 255 165 255"


posted about 11 years ago