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Signed Up May 6, 2014
Last Posted November 10, 2019 at 3:09 PM
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#11 yo in Music, Movies, TV

Ghost in the Shell 1995

posted about 7 years ago
#48 i61: Day 1 in Events

This is probably the best Insomnia ever holy shit. So many plays, so much excitement aaaaaa

posted about 7 years ago
#27 i61 predictions in TF2 General Discussion
FuxxCredu will pound effortlessly. Teams will tilt as a result

Prediction number 1 is already coming true

Now we wait for the others

posted about 7 years ago
#20 i61 predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Credu will pound effortlessly. Teams will tilt as a result
Silentes to go large and make everyone look like an idiot by comparison
Raptor to clutch one minute only to horribly fail the next for added comedic effect
Antic will play decently and then descend to mediocrity as others figure out their team cohesion flaws. Will only really shine if they turn up their aggression
Weebs vs Lowpander will be one of the greatest matches
Nunya to do something really retarded and it will somehow work
Se7en will continue to have their playstyle identity crisis that has gone unfixed ever since alle left. Set to provide the least entertaining matches unless they come up with a radical change in mentality. What they need is a KnoxXx.

posted about 7 years ago
#18 who is the 2nd best tf2 player ever in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#52 TF2 Blog: "Upcoming Changes to the Case System" in TF2 General Discussion

How was it not obvious to some of you that the Pyro update was designed from the get-go to be a bunch of community-made content slapped together as a thinly veiled guise for releasing more cosmetic bullshit behind paywalls? Call me a pessimistic fuck, but I'm glad they haven't released it yet.


You think you want it, but you don't.

posted about 7 years ago
#8 could this be the end? in The Dumpster

Break all convention and just go perma heavy with Natasha. Do it, pussy. Scout mains have peanut sized brain and will be unable to counter you and sollies will never bomb ur medic for fear of instant denial from the superior class that you are playing. You will be the coolest guy in your team and hang out with all the hottest dudes and all the female/homosexual medic mains will stand in line to heal your champion alpha male ass. You'll be the Chad of competitive TF2

posted about 7 years ago
#175 best alias in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 7 years ago
#298 tftv safe space (no harassment plz) in Off Topic
rzrI know its retarded, but for some reason I'm so nervous around my girlfriend and I don't feel as if I'm good enough for her. Ive thought about breaking up with her but that would put me where I was before, a complete mess. I feel trapped.

Listen, motherfucker: your girlfriend is an independent human being capable of her own thought process. Let's assume you're not some manipulative dickhead who's holding her emotions hostage in a self-absorbing display of egoism. If you are then there's your problem, but I know you're not that. Perhaps you may get this impression because you see yourself in such a negative light and her in such a positive one that you simply cannot fathom why anyone like her would ever love you if not because they were being held against their will, but odds are that this is wrong and you're being paranoid. Point is: if she didn't reciprocate some form of affection, she wouldn't be your girlfriend now would she? She's capable of making her own decisions and acting upon them. If she's still by your side then odds are she considers you at the very least "good enough".

That's a step above complete lack of self-esteem now isn't it?

Ah but you want to be more than just "good enough". The idea of dancing along the line of being the bare minimum to keep the relationship afloat terrifies you. You feel like it could break at any moment. One small little bullshit on a particularly bad day and bang, it's over. This stresses the fuck out of you. You don't want it to be so unstable.

You should begin by coming to face with some truths:
1) Most people consider themselves to be worth less than they actually are
2) You have unlimited access to all the bullshit that you've done wrong, because you lived it
3) You don't have unlimited access to all the bullshit other people have done wrong

Believe it or not, but odds are part of her wonders what makes you think she's good enough for you. Just like you are competing with a million other men that she could be more interested in, she is also competing with a million other women. She could find someone stronger, taller, more confident, more wealthy, more funny, who dresses better, who lives a more interesting life. Likewise she believes you could find someone who's more beautiful, sexier, wittier, ambitious, confident. At least some form of fear is reciprocated because love is essentially the desire of wanting someone else to accept you. This goes both ways.

This should hopefully make you more confident. Confidence goes a long way and I emphasize it here because self-doubt if your enemy. Confidence, even without reason, automatically makes you stronger. Self-doubt, even without reason, makes you weaker. If you let yourself fall into this vicious circle that you should doubt yourself because you're (in your mind) undesirable, this in turn makes you appear even weaker and thus less desirable. This is why you feel like being nervous is a rational reaction when it isn't. You look at all the ways you're sabotaging yourself without being conscious that the source of this sabotage is precisely your self-doubt.

Ruminate long and hard on these points and eventually you will see that you will have few reasons to be nervous and see that all and any problems will be nothing more than obstacles that you can tackle and solve directly, as opposed of feeling as if they are insurmountable by nature.

You will also come to realize that breaking up with her (and thus causing misery for the two of you) instead of working to improve your situation is idiotic. It's understandable that you feel that way, you love her and want what is best for her above what is best for you, but that doesn't make it any less stupid.

posted about 7 years ago
#57 euro soldiers and snipers in TF2 General Discussion
BBiA_duchessLiterally the one team famous for playing the most slow, methodical game of tf2 in history and waiting for their enemy to take action was EU.

Which came as a response to NA winning two Insomnias in a row by playing in a more scout-centric "wait for them to come to you" playstyle. They copied NA's style and took it the extreme. They're memed about it so much because it goes against everything that is typical from EU.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 euro soldiers and snipers in TF2 General Discussion

NA play super methodical, slow, extremely heal centric and only engage from far away. All you have to do really is spam from afar, dodge incoming spam and bait. It is a playstyle that only really works if you have a point lead and can afford not to push.

EU plays in a way that assumes that they are losing and need to bring the comeback. In that situation it becomes idiotic to play nice, clean and methodical, because if you're losing then it's because the enemy is better at it than you are. To break it you need to pull in the classes and playstyles that can reliably secure frags, thus big plays.


In what Universe would TLR have won this match if not for the flaming desire to win at all costs? Frankly, I think this makes for the best possible viewing experience.

posted about 7 years ago
#30 Wher 2 nuke -_- in Off Topic


I often joke that in an all out nuclear war I'd be spared because of how irrelevant my country is, but it must be quite spine-chilling to see images like these and know that someone somewhere with access to WMDs out there has spent the time and resources to write protocols and map locations of interest with the specific intent of reducing your entire nation and people to ashes.

posted about 7 years ago
#25 :thinking: in TF2 General Discussion

I'm frightened and confused

posted about 7 years ago
#13 Whats your honest opinion on b4nny? in TF2 General Discussion

As a person he does not seem like someone I would be quickly made friends with due to his apparent judgemental attitude which can border on the petty and childish, but it takes more than just that to actually understand someone and it is really not something worth stamping him with as a human being. Mostly neutral. He is however someone who through much dedication has done plenty to keep TF2 highly competitive and I think that we all as a community owe him at the very least some respect for supporting (even in ways some of us may find a tad obnoxious) the community we all adore so much.

dont stop the memes tho

posted about 7 years ago
#18 Artifact Teaser - New Valve card game in Other Games
loserline49what happened to valve man...

These types of retards giving them too much unnecessary praise, leading them to think they are incapable of wrongdoing


gaben xdddd our savior xdddddd valve best company on earth xdddddd

posted about 7 years ago
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