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Signed Up March 13, 2015
Last Posted April 25, 2020 at 6:17 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 ⋅⋅ 38
#44 Shittalk.cfg - A Crowd-Sourced TF2 Insult Generator in Customization
povohatdavisA long time ago, I made the original shittalk.cfg.I see your post is dated 2014. I made a shittalk.cfg in 2009. I should be used to the wider TF2 scene taking things I created and using them without credit. - contains shittalk.cfg (which relies on a wait checking mechanism in aliases.cfg)

The alias naming convention you chose to use is highly similar to mine. Essentially find->replace 'smiley' with 'trashcan'.
The actual output and script logic itself is quite different and I'm not suggesting that it isn't original work. Enjoy your donations.

ah yes, "x0" "x1" "x2"

what a unique naming convention that only you could have come up with

posted about 8 years ago
#78 Highlander article missing in Site Discussion

I think it's a bit silly to call yourself the "home of competitive TF2" and then constantly and consistently shit on a major area of competitive TF2 in a rude and derogatory way.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Staff Recruitment in TF2 General Discussion

I'll cast trade servers

posted about 8 years ago
#15 how to disappear in Off Topic

change your name and pay for everything with tf2 skins

posted about 8 years ago
#8 Cartels Are Using Drones to Smuggle Meth in Off Topic

It shouldn't be too hard for the border patrol to set up jammers, though.

posted about 8 years ago
#12 do u get a real tree every christmas in Off Topic

I got a fake tree for my house :<

posted about 8 years ago
#23 new years resolutions in Off Topic

milk tf2 more

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Known scammer alt opening a gambling site. in TF2 General Discussion
DeltaTf2The website being made is not intended to be like sweetstakes, multiple members of the community were annoyed at sweetstakes buggy site, geel is more concerned in than he is in which is completely understandable. if you check the linked accounts steamrep the reason i am a scammer is a faulty steamrep. there was no images attached that i can find from the report, and i have full proof of payments of this unusual hat i had purchased at the time.

The unusual giveaway was to members who had contributed in making me an avatar
Shown Here: Groupyou must comment on my next post to once you have submitted a avatar to me to be entered into this giveaway for the unusual best avatar created wins the unusual.

I dislike statements like this. It's obvious that you didn't make this website as some sort of moral statement against my lack of involvement in You're clearly trying to take advantage of a perceived hole in the market.

At least be honest about the fact that you're trying to run a business, not save the world from geel.

posted about 8 years ago
#39 pardoxes in Off Topic
fatswimdude-fish-Dichotomy Paradox

To get from point A to point B, you must first travel half the way. To travel half the way, you must travel one fourth of the way, then one eighth, then one sixteenth, and so on. You must complete an infinite number of actions, so the motion cannot be completed.
well if ur just gonna treat taking infinite abstract measurements of a real world action as the action having infinite elements then i complete an infinite number of actions every time i take a shit, or walk to the fridge, or move my finger half an inch

i mean come on thats like saying numbers dont exist because they can be divided into smaller numbers and therefore can never be counted (thats not how fucking abstract measurements work)

at least use the achilles tortoise version so it at least sounds like a real paradox, goddamn

That plus the fact that you can't really move in a smaller increment than a Planck Length, so it isn't even an infinitely small length.

posted about 8 years ago
#36 pardoxes in Off Topic
EoNYour mission is to deny this mission, do you accept?

This isn't even a real paradox. If you deny the mission, you haven't "completed" the mission as you never accepted the mission in the first place.

posted about 8 years ago
#16 hype bois in TF2 General Discussion

Awwwww shit

posted about 8 years ago
#61 +Fragging your own posts in Site Discussion

i literally never remember to up or downfrag anyone but i always remember to upfrag my own shit

posted about 8 years ago
#80 if you had to eat one meal for the rest of ur life in Off Topic


posted about 8 years ago
#26 Adverts on in TF2 General Discussion

how much does it cost each month to host

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Adverts on in TF2 General Discussion

The raw cost of hosting servers is not necessarily a fair financial goal.

posted about 8 years ago
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