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Signed Up March 1, 2014
Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
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1 ⋅⋅ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ⋅⋅ 87
#13 EU Team Elo is back in Projects
HildrethThink he earns waaaaay more money than ESL could ever pay :D

I would accept their offer so hard and fast that whoever offered it would be reduced to a cloud of rapidly vapourising flesh

posted about 8 years ago
#7 EU Team Elo is back in Projects
marteni guess ELO does not count a loss against a high team as better than a loss against an Open team? im just trying to find a good excuse for my team :D

It takes a while to filter the elo points up the ladder and relies on teams playing outside their tier. I could have assumed that teams in lower divs have a lower rating as a start point but that's a bit artificial and I'm interested in seeing how well it will adjust over time.

What I'll probably do for next season when I change the list of teams to scan is that new teams in a division will get the average elo/trueskill of surviving teams in that tier as a starting point.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 EU Team Elo is back in Projects
SetsulGentlemanJonAlso because I'm starting this late log pickup hasn't been brilliant (rosters change a lot and I've been matching them from weeks ago) so it's stillI get the feeling there's something you wanted to tell us but got censored by the illuminati.

Oops, OP completed

posted about 8 years ago
#1 EU Team Elo is back in Projects

From the same website that brought stressful performance judgements into your nice relaxing lobby, EU team pcw Elo has been revived! (with apologies to fraac)

You can regret going spy, engie and pyro to mid and losing your last game 3-2 here:

For those that don't remember the original EU team Elo, like the original I slurp up entries and find games that match ETF2L rosters then award rating points based on the results. For added spice I've also provided an alternative Trueskill ranking.You can explore team and player details to see how they achieved their current ranking.

Yes it also finds officials, no I haven't given them more weight, no I'm not going to detect them - it's a nightmare.

The updates aren't instant, they lag real time results by about 15 minutes or so. Also because I'm starting this late log pickup hasn't been brilliant (rosters change a lot and I've been matching them from weeks ago) so it's still adjusting over time.

posted about 8 years ago
#98 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

Grazie ragazzi

posted about 8 years ago
#95 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News
hoaxPost a link..

2 man lan has been lost to the great twitch vod deletion iirc. feelsbadman

posted about 8 years ago
#92 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News
MKYSideshowNow we can play CS:GO again!
I tried to find that clip of you "accidentally" buying a negev and getting tk'd by stark.

Stark becoming enraged by Sideshow is basically the highlight of all gaming I've watched on Twitch. Please be quitting TF2 because you're forming a 2 man stream team based around how much rage Sideshow can induce

posted about 8 years ago
#85 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

Wait a minute, ippz, is that you?

Pls come back. Mirelin seasons best seasons

posted about 8 years ago
#49 Starkie - The Rise To Sublimity in TF2 General Discussion
s1keStarkie's a marvelous scout that makes unbelievable offclassing plays consistently but how can you declare starkie is superior to b4nny and every scout in the world when Grant Vincent himself out damages starkie and pretty much every other scout in the game nowadays in every map of the rewind and essentially every tournament ever by typically plausible margins? Downfrag me all you want but it's true.

Damage is a routinely overrated statistic, it's not particularly important. 7 play a very methodical style and as a result tend to have low DPM, and if we know anything about Stark it's that he hates players piling up useless damage including himself.

If you watch Marxist's 9 precepts of scout video (made easily available at :D) he explains some of the very basic differences in scout style, and you need to remember that b4nny generally plays the mama bear scout role which tends to rack up far better stats because it is a relatively low risk role, receives lots of healing and often is able to attack players that aren't attacking him back because they're trying to kill the medic or demo. It makes sense to be near his combo of course because b4nny calls for his team. He plays it at a very high level and doesn't stick to such a simple formula, but it's a general guide.

Stark plays a higher risk role in probably the most risky and isolated way possible. He plays in a desert of heals even for a flank scout and doesn't hog packs either, takes up atypical positions threatening backcaps, high value picks or disruption to respawners and disrupts the whole standard flow of the game if given the chance. He is frequently in positions where he is being hunted by multiple enemy players with no prospect of support, although he usually does try to make these moves in the wider context of the whole team. This is not bad play, it's the requirements of the role at a high level. That his stats are as good as they are is a matter of making fine judgements about where and when to take these big risks. It would be easy to get the balance wrong and simply feed the opposing team, but Stark has finely tuned gamesense in these matters and good enough DM to make most players pay a high price.

Trying to compare the two statistically is truly apples and oranges, and I have written hundreds of thousands of words on comparing players statistically. They are very different players playing very different roles.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 Fanfictions in The Dumpster

Adding a writing round but I need the masterworks to set the baseline for excellence

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Fanfictions in The Dumpster
xersha sideshow x stark murder by uberchain sondi x sideshow special pt 1 b4nny x sideshow pt 2 b4nny x sideshow sil kos special kaidus x sideshow

Anybody still got these?

posted about 8 years ago
#43 Starkie retires from TF2, kaptain rejoins Se7en in News

These quotes are a cover up - you're being fooled, this is what really happened

posted about 8 years ago
#35 What to do with new server in Q/A Help
cadams002CoYoTeIs there a way to enable gunboats and market gardener?
Unless changed in the last 24 hours the server allows every weapon. I tested dh and reserve shooter and they both worked

Really? It should be etf2l whitelist. I must have fucked the config

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Why does asiafortress not stream on tftv? in TF2 General Discussion
sne4kysBioCappingTV has exclusive rights to casting asiafortress matchesoh. is there a reason? or is that just how it is.

First you have to outbid Rupert Murdoch

posted about 8 years ago
#405 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
BrenLooks really nice, I have a lot of love for this map as one of the first 6s seasons I played in was the Logjam cup. I really like Reckoner so I wouldn't want to see it replace that map but what alternatives would there be to see it in play?

Rip granary

posted about 8 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ⋅⋅ 87