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Last Posted October 1, 2019 at 12:14 PM
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#61 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion
Hasssassin...the logs are there, and theres not much arguing with results

Rest assured you had clearly the best heal adjusted net kills per minute of any demoman.

Yes I live in my own world

posted about 8 years ago
#74 b4nny Documentary in TF2 General Discussion
randoi am very upset that i was not interviewed for this

Someone interview this man in mumble and we can make a fan edit along with djc's input

posted about 8 years ago
#27 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion
ShpeeismeBy slowing players down do you mean speeding up how fast they process info and therefor making it seem as if the world around them is slowed down? I mean since aderall and caffeine don't exactly slow down the user.
But what aderall does do to people who don't have ADD or anything like that is shorten the time it takes their brains to process things. Aderall is a lot like speed, only speed is more aimed at giving energy. And it can really mess with your ability to concentrate as it can make your eyes shake. And aderall is designed to enhance concentration.

The chess study resulted in players spending more time thinking about their moves, they got into time trouble more often. Obviously it's not really much like a video game and the study I saw didn't go into the effect on perception, just the measurable results like an improvement in playing strength (which is measurable by rating results) and things like time to move and game length.

I agree that it seemed counter intuitive to what I would expect, but the results were pretty clear. It was a reasonable sized study as well.

I guess an interpretation is that it cuts down on impulsive decisions making and makes it easier for a player to keep looking at a position to make sure their moves are good.

Edit: I forgot to clarify that the study was into the effect of ADD medicine, caffeine, etc on players who don't need it and don't have a prescription, not on people with a prescription (although obviously not for caffeine) who played on and off it

posted about 8 years ago
#23 Habib cheating confession?? in TF2 General Discussion
SaturniteAre there any guidelines on how much adderall on a prescription becomes abuse? I'm guessing anything over doctor's orders?

Completely irrelevant for TF2 but if you're in a game or sport covered by Wada (like Chess is an example that's vaguely similar) then you have much tighter rules governing what you get, simple medical need isn't the same threshold, there has to be more than one doctor agreeing, etc.

ADD medicine has recently been shown to improve Chess performance by about 15%, but caffeine also improves it by about 10%. The effect manifests itself in slowing players down, not sure how beneficial that is in TF2, but maybe the new meta is really defined by everyone trying to get that Adderall edge.

posted about 8 years ago
#41 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
OsirisThe problem is that in order to have any semblance of strategy, you first need to have an objective. Valve doesn't have such a direction for the competitive game, or it at least doesn't befit the game engine on which the game was built(e.g. stun weapons in a game in which the importance of movement is baked in at an engine level). Valve's TF2(no class limits, no weapon bans) is a mess of conflicting design philosophies which make any attempt at strategy a futile exercise. This also makes it really hard for new players to be attracted to the game, because they might for example notice that the game has fluid and creative movement, but then another element like the Natascha or stun-locking Pyro reflects do a full 180. There is no use in periodically introducing "a new meta" to a game which has no basic design objective; you will need a game before you can create a metagame(which is what the competitive community has done where Valve has failed). And if their idea of a design objective is a lottery of item and class selection, they have no clue what the word "competitive" means and are utterly incompetent.

Yes, I've posted about their lack of leadership in competitive before, but I really think their focus will be MM because it's an environment they control and can experiment in. That's why I think b4nny's points about providing feedback for Valve are a bit pointless really, partly because the feedback being provided really is just rehashing the same old reasons those unlocks were already banned (which have been ignored for long enough to tell us something), and partly because if MM leads them in a conflicting direction they will take that as a priority.

With MM I guess they'll develop it along normal Valve lines, iterate changes based on data. That's their objective - they just want to get into a feedback loop where they can iterate changes over time based on player behaviour and improve the game around that. The chances that it leads to the 6v6 we run now are pretty miniscule but there it is. I guess it's possible that b4nny was told this at Valve and has interpreted it in a way that makes sense to his frame of reference hence his pushing for this. I would expect that they probably use far more empirical methods to make judgements though.

posted about 8 years ago
#13 TF2 resources index in Projects

The site is up to 288 training resources now and still growing, I just wanted to thank everyone who took the time to submit something

posted about 8 years ago
#21 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion
MenachemThey literally want(ed?) competitive to be the exact opposite of what I think everyone is here for. They want wins to have more to do with the weapons picked than the skill of each player and team. Un fucking real. What is with this mindset!?!?

What they really want is for the items they release into the game to be used by competitive players so that they can see what they do with them, what strategies emerge, etc, and then use that to decide on the next set of changes. Most similar games have a moving metagame stimulated by dev/player interaction in this way that can result in very big changes in the modes played. Look at Overwatch, the Tank meta lasted for a few months there, that was like multiple Heavies in a 6v6 TF2 game. There's not a lot in it for the devs to see players ignoring new items en masse, but it's their fault (well, Valve's fault - I doubt the dev's are the same now as then)

If they hadn't introduced whitelisting then we wouldn't have the situation we have now, but at the same time that was a tacit admission that they had no intention of listening to competitive feedback. It said: we'll let you play the game you want and stay stuck in a rut, but we're doing our own thing.

I honestly don't think they have much focus on what happens in the existing competitive scene at all. I'm sure they're much more interested in what goes on in their MM games and how they can improve that mode over time. The thing to bear in mind is that their timescale is completely different to ours. They have all the time in the world and surely they intend to use it.

posted about 8 years ago
#18 B4nny's thoughts on Whitelists in general in TF2 General Discussion

Remember when Sal made this thread? Highlander lobbies??

Well we've got 6v6 in game lobbies and we didn't do shit. Stubbornness works. Stick to our guns and unlocks will eventually come into line. Just another 3 years....

posted about 8 years ago
#52 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion
AlmieI got a little excited when I saw the title and the amount of upvotes, "maybe this is an actual good idea?" I thought...

That hurts

posted about 8 years ago
#41 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion
bLawow this is so stupid...

no oasis mod low-gravity 100% crit 2fort smh

Oh of course ctf is 2fort, wtf was I thinking. Editing OP

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion
niteI think this new and improved map pool could be the perfect opportunity to test out a little idea I have called "oasis mod"

Please this is serious

posted about 8 years ago
#9 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion
SerotoneI don't know what's real any more.

The graphic showing game mode server usage among the whole community is horribly, tragically real

posted about 8 years ago
#7 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion
Vulcanwhat about the "other" category? Shouldn't we include payload race and pass time?!

Passtime has less than 1%, we wouldn't be appealing to enough players. I'm assuming the "other" category are bizarre mods and weirdo formats (like tournament mode maybe) so unpopular that they don't even get an entry.

I've also realised that things like ctf weeks will probably take place on a 24/7 pub server. The challenge will be to do a 24 hour streamathon on pubs, with the winning team being ones to score the most points. The community interaction will be great.

posted about 8 years ago
#1 Radical new competitive format proposal in TF2 General Discussion

I recently saw this graphic illustrating data about community server activity among the vast majority of the TF2 player base harvested from the game coordinator

As a result of this I've developed this proposal for a new 7 week seasonal format that will broaden competitive TF2's appeal and bring us closer to the wider community

  • Week 1: cp_orange
  • Week 2: ctf_2fort
  • Week 3: trade challenge - players have 30 minutes to join a trade server and turn their refined into the maximum value - sponsored by
  • Week 4: Saxton Hale Mode
  • Week 5: Competitive MvM
  • Week 6: Payload Swiftwater (it's in matchmaking!)
  • Week 7: Achievement challenge. Players get a fresh account and have to get as many achievements as possible as fast as possible on an achievement server of their choice

Playoff format: pick/ban of the above formats, best of 3

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Did anyone clip the point in b4nny's stream... in The Dumpster
Getawhalewhere is cbear

Here's cbear

posted about 8 years ago
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