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Signed Up May 17, 2015
Last Posted June 1, 2024 at 7:07 PM
Posts 2545 (0.8 per day)
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ⋅⋅ 169
#207 NHL Megathread in Off Topic
SpaceCadetCanucks going down tomorrow night

one of those days.;

posted 7 months ago
#9491 Frag Clips Thread in Videos

posted 7 months ago
#2 Best season possible in TF2 General Discussion

valve add this please

posted 7 months ago
#204 NHL Megathread in Off Topic

agreed. i cant put names to it atm but hearing people in the media taking him for less than a point per game this season made me scratch my head so hard

posted 7 months ago
#8 Ruleset Adjustment in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezethe problem is the infinite part not the first half. changing 80 minute maps to 70 wont fix it

80 minutes is oddly specific, any particular reason for that choice?

posted 7 months ago
#160 gush your happiness in Off Topic

im glad this thread still gets posted in organically. i know a lot of people sometimes dont have a space they feel comfortable sharing their happiness, because it will get ignored or shot down one way or another by those around them. sometimes people dont have anyone to share things with at all. the goal of this thread was to provide that space without it having it feel like unnecessarily/cringely flexing on people, and im happy it still fulfills that.

posted 8 months ago
#25 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion

OMG 2 is still on the first page of general discussion lets keep it up guys OMG 4 drops next week right?

posted 8 months ago
#63 RESUP LAN 3 - LocalHost Philly Sep 30-Oct 1 2023 in LAN Discussion

i dont wanna be that guy but gamers pls remember your deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and other toiletries. shower at least once during the weekend please. bring a pack of gum to chew between meals if youre gonna brush your teeth in the morning before grabbing breakfast with your homies (BONUS: that same pack of gum will help with popping your ears on your flight too so its like a double whammy omg!!!!) if im talking to you at 10am and i smell garbage in your breath im sorry but thats just unacceptable.

from everyone

posted 8 months ago
#45 most poverty comp tf2 setups thread in TF2 General Discussion
frbuzwe need pictures of people turning shit into gold

invite champion kobe1920

posted 8 months ago
#8 RGL Sixes Season 13 Pre-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion

also just for personal opinion i think the season 12 invite map pool was very fun and enjoyable. i'm sick of snakewater at this point and if i had to pick a map to remove for a season it would definitely be that lol. despite snakewater objectively being a very well designed map, but again, it has ended up as a personal choice for my teams the past 2 seasons to push "niche" maps to the side in order to refine the classics, only for playoffs s11 or the group stage last season to roll around with bo3's and then suddenly uh-oh we can only ban 1 map before they get to pick lets cross our fingers that they dont pick one of the other 2 maps that we havent touched all season.

the "obvious" solution to this would be 1 weekly map but that just reintroduces a bunch of cringery about having to play x team on y map and ohhh if we got to play them on z map instead we wouldve won and had a better seed. anyways im down for anything that could possibly force people to stop being babies about playing koth/"niche" 5cp maps early into the season, but i dont think introducing a map JUST for playoffs is the answer

posted 8 months ago
#7 RGL Sixes Season 13 Pre-Season Survey in TF2 General Discussion
Crit_Noobalso what playoff team would wanna play G unless it's a staple like process

yeah im not a fan of this wildcard aspect. this is the thing that currently holds all teams in pick/ban divisions back from having more diverse map picks in matches, which is being unable (usually by personal choice) to practice a map for the whole season. far far FAR too often teams dont wanna scrim koth, or like granary or sultry early in preseason or weeks 1-2 cuz they dont have a full roster yet, or are feeling the team out still. dont wanna play weeks 2-4 cuz they wanna focus on other maps first, dont wanna play weeks 5-8 because they're behind on that map compared to the rest of the teams in the division and find it more worthwhile to refine maps they're already decent at, and then in playoffs you can just ban the map outright if u still havent played it at all (this would be like map G in the jemond outline where yeaaaa you COULD pick it but do you really want to take that risk?)

this mentality is a TRAP that plagues this game so hard dating back to the pick/ban season introduction in ESEA season 28, 5 summers ago now. i strongly urge players in pick/ban divs to diversify scrim maps so much sooner in the season or even in preseason because it pays dividends for your team later on.

TLDR play more maps earlier in the season or even pre season with your tryouts please god i beg that shit pays off SO much. personal anecdote below in the spoiler if u care to read it im not gonna post a whole gigantic block of text nobodys gonna read that shit

Show Content
for a personal anecdote: in season 9 adv with the covenant our largest strength was our willingness to play varied maps. it gave us more to think about in playoffs when picking maps other than "well we arent comfortable on it so ://// ban it lol". this was a team with a roster shakeup 3 weeks into the season (picking me up on roamer, moving catface to pocket). we all love to talk about how important soldier synergy is when talking about a team's success, so you'd think me having to adjust to this team's current playstyle, gaining synergy with dunker on the flank who played much differently than how i played at the time, as well as building up soldier things with catface, who also needs to understand his role better on pocket, and then losing to AG in regular season and having to UPHEAVE our playstyle in order to counter them to beat them next time, with ALL of that we'd stick to playing process/sunshine/snakewater/gullywash + another less niche map in order to refine ourselves right? no. we tried to play as many maps as we could and in my opinion is part of the reason we were able to win advanced that season. please learn from our example thank u
posted 8 months ago
#7 rahThread: Imagine ping cut by 1/10 in TF2 General Discussion

idk how lowering ping makes scrim/match times more lenient. thats entirely a time zone compromise thing. i guess multi-continental scrims/matches/cups/leagues could be a thing on weekends when people have entire days free but other than that? i dont see cutting ping to a 10th to be a catalyst for that on its own.

perhaps the added competition across continents grows the game somehow? but if the tf2 community has access to this tech then surely every other esport has access to it too.

posted 8 months ago
#9 Grape Juice Community College in Videos

thanks for the feedback, I have thought about these things and even had some of it in my script but cut it in favour of a <15 min runtime and a, i dont want to say dumbed down, but dumbed down script for simplicity's sake. I think the details behind who's calling what and when to be details far less fundamental than for simply SOMEONE to be calling what and when, its pretty common knowledge that every team operates differently and i'd rather reinforce broader ideas than specifics for this reason

for finding the clips i literally just go to my demos that i have saved on my pc and its pretty much just froyo vs witness vs g6 demos since they are easily the 3 best teams NA has seen in the modern day. I went out of my way to download other Invite demos from this previous season to help me find more clips and it paid off and i found relevant footage quite quickly (dothogs vs froyo, lebron vs cat posse).

as for showing examples of snipers getting picks and stuff, with my basis for collecting footage being FROYO/G6/witness demos, its much harder to find that stuff because... these players follow the fundamentals to a tee. i'd far rather use clips that show smooth, clean, near-ideal gameplay, found in a relatively short amount of time, than to take longer and find players fucking up, or dig for lower level demos, find these examples quicker and accidentally imply "these players are BAD they are NOT following fundamentals look at them SUCK". I think it was wandum or dreamboat who said about casting, something like "its better to highlight why a team is successful than why a team is struggling" or something along those lines and i think thats a good philosophy for these videos.

^for the sake of mentioning it, "a relatively short amount of time" in the case of the last push video is something approaching 3 hours looking thru demos, analyzing if what i just witnessed is a good example for the video, and then record it/rerecord it from different POVs, different angles in freecam (if anyone out there is skeptical about how long videomaking takes, be my guest to go search for this stuff yourself). combining that with writing and revising my script, recording voiceover, and editing, the video probably took something north of 10 hours to produce in its entirety.

That all said i appreciate your compliments, I'm not trying to whine and complain about how much of my time goes into this stuff too much lol

DoughyMaybe an idea for a future vid, idk.

for the sake of putting it out there, here are some things that are already on my agenda: KOTH, Maincalling + Communication, Sac Plays and Pressure Cooking, Competitive Vocab, and even updating Marxist's precepts videos for modern day TF2 (scout, soldier, demo, medic fundamentals respectively) i can't guarantee release dates for these, but im looking to have a few more videos out by the end of the year.

if anyone out there have other video ideas, or if other top players want to reach out with knowledge for the above topics, i'm all ears and wanna make the most relevant, accurate videos possible. you can post here or hmu on steam/discord

posted 9 months ago
#4 Grape Juice Community College in Videos

new video: Last Push Fundamentals

posted 9 months ago
#202 NHL Megathread in Off Topic
rip to the best commentator in any sport ever

posted 9 months ago
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