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Signed Up May 6, 2013
Last Posted January 30, 2019 at 12:15 PM
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#6 Most dangerous tf2 player of all time in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#8 Most underrated tf2 match in TF2 General Discussion

Can't find the video or stats, but I believe it was S13 LAN Mixup on Metalworks where Ruwin had ~500 DPM. If you like watching scout DM, this would be the match to watch.

posted about 8 years ago
#21 Our entire production crew has made an ow org... in TF2 General Discussion

These guys owe us nothing, and AFAIK aren't under contract, and you're calling them 'sellouts'? What the fuck?

Seriously, congrats to all of these guys for a well-earned paycheck. Frankly, production orgs have been stupid to not have already picked up some of the talent that was paying to produce for the tf2 scene.

posted about 8 years ago
#26 Fucked in Seattle in Off Topic
Geel9Update: called the airport and they have my wallet. Can't ship it to me though. So that's good?

IIRC it isn't too hard to get back to the airport no? Just hop on the SEATAC tram or whatever it's called.

*not from Seattle, visited a few years ago

posted about 8 years ago
#2 lft s18 in Recruitment (looking for team)

I had the pleasure of medicing cry for those 5 games.

He's a fun dude who really loves TF2 and spends a lot of time working to improve in MGE and DM servers.

Both him and I were new to open this season, so we struggled as a combo. If you have an experienced player on your team that can help cry learn how to lead pushes and ubers, then he's a solid pickup.

If you don't like reading sentences, I'll break things down in a list format:

-Pretty OK taste in steam names
-Good DM, always improving
-Positive attitude

Things to improve:
-Communications (what to say and when)
-Leadership (if main-calling)

Again, cry will improve in all the ways he needs to if he's on a supportive and fun team.

Pick him up.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 ill pay your league fees in TF2 General Discussion

I'll be paying for 50% of the league fees of a fourth team at the selection of Cook.

posted about 10 years ago
#3 UGC -> Open S18 prize challenge in TF2 General Discussion

Thanks for doing this!

I'll be tossing in $20, but that number will probably go up once I start working and have finances figured out.

Edit: I'll actually be piggy-backing on Cook's offer.

posted about 10 years ago
#13 ill pay your league fees in TF2 General Discussion
plinkoI'm trying to decide between sponsoring some low teams like this or just offering a cash prize to the top teams of new players/that make the jump from UGC/somesuch in Open.

Any suggestions/ideas?

Definitely the latter. There seems to be a lot of talent in UGC that could make the jump with a little nudging.

posted about 10 years ago
#49 $ 2,000 Boston LAN interest? in TF2 General Discussion

I go to school in worcester and would definitely help folks out with a ride! Also if it's in the summer I can host folks, I'll be moving into Boston after school.

posted about 10 years ago
#29 Computer Science Major? in Off Topic

You'll notice some programs teach more 'practical' skills:
-Directly teaching languages
-Focusing on IT, networking, DB, OO, Linux

And some that focus on theory:
-Language theory
-Graph theory
-Theres fucktons of sub-fields here

Keep in mind what interests you as you look for schools. If you just want a job, practical programs are what you want. But even then, some will teach you only a basic set of skills, so your job might not be as glamorous out of the gate.

I go to Worcester Polytechnic Institute, which I'd say falls in between the two camps that I've described. It's a mostly undergraduate school focused on teaching skills required to go right into the workforce. CS grads from here all get jobs (unless they are complete idiots) and the better ones go to the usual places (Google, Apple, Microsoft, whatever). Some will also go on to Masters or PhD tracks. If you aren't sure what you want, I recommend finding a school that has a pedigree of job AND graduate program placement.

In the end if you're smart and you work hard, you can make anything work out.

If you don't mind me asking, what schools are you looking at / have you applied to?

Edit: I just read through some of the other comments that might not put CS in the best light (do CE instead of CS, CS is all theory, etc.) This depends on where you go to school! Try to talk to students at schools you are applying to and ask them whats interests them and where they are / will be working, or if they'll be doing research.

posted about 10 years ago
#2 LF dedicated open demo in Recruitment (looking for players)

Definitely a team that will go places with a solid demo!

posted about 10 years ago
#9 LF high open scouts/demo in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 10 years ago
#16 Need Open Scout in Recruitment (looking for players)

Oh man, oh gosh oh man. Better not use parody names, or he might delay your game saying that you are "Mocking professionalism" and that hes offended.

At a charity LAN... at a school...

posted about 10 years ago
#6 first day at school/upcoming first day? in Off Topic

Helped move freshman in Sunday. Was super fun. Hyped for last year of college.

posted about 10 years ago
#20 Twitch offically aquired by Amazon in Off Topic

One concern is that amazon has a bad rep as an employer. Friends at companies who've been acquired by amazon complain about the new management, and some have left their otherwise very good development jobs.

posted about 10 years ago
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