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Last Posted November 5, 2016 at 7:11 PM
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#5 hillary clinton chairman spirit cooking in The Dumpster


Way to leave out the most important piece of information, that he did not attend..

posted about 8 years ago
#24 bring back the invite happenings thread in Site Discussion

Call it the Invite Happenings 'Discussion' Thread

posted about 8 years ago
#107 How is this happening in World Events
sacKevinIsPwnComing from the perspective of a moderate independent, I instantly assume that anyone saying "but the democrats supported slavery" (or any variant) hasn't consumed unbiased news/media in years. It's straight out of "Hillary's America" or some shit. The parties swapped many positions through LBJ's leadership while passing the civil/voting rights acts. The southern dixiecrats bailed on the democratic party, and fled to the republicans. Read a book Jesus Christ
I don't think you should tell people to read a book, if you can't even read a few paragraphs and put it into context. I mean you're right in your paragraph, but if you read post #94 you see why i posted some historical examples, and gee historical examples, happened in the past. gee what a surprise, my mentioning of it, is directed to people like Jaeg, who have probably no clue on athe history of the parties before their birthdate, so anything pre 9/11.

manufacturing isn't just a sweatshop business, and do you think there is noone around to make sure everything in order when there is robots and heavy machinery is on the work place?

It boggles my mind to see people defending the TTIP and NAFTA.

Also, i'm pretty sure it's mentioned that both candidates want to tackle your crippling infrastructure, but only one of them actually knows how to do it cost effective. Just compare, Hillary in Haiti vs this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tx651fvHMPo

sac you're almost as baitable as Donald Trump...

posted about 8 years ago
#91 omg in Off Topic

"Respect her and be modest, that's the hottest"

posted about 8 years ago
#24 Turkey soldiers launch 'illegal action' in World Events

Modern Turkey's founding under Ataturk was based on a bedrock of separation of mosque and state. It has been extremely important to the country for the past 95 years. Erdogan, in his ~15 years as PM and now President, has slowly and methodically taken the country towards dictatorial Islamism.

He has essentially rewritten parts of the constitution and ignored others. There is a clause in the constitution that says the military is legally compelled to overthrow the government should it become run by religion. That is part of the reason coups happen so often: it is socially ingrained into the population.

Oh, and rural populations tend to be more religiously minded (less educated, more conservative), so they support Erdogan. Urban populations are more influenced by Western culture and ideals and are more educated so they tend to oppose him.

posted about 8 years ago
#3 Philando Castile in World Events

I live about 5 miles from where it happened. Shit's about to hit the fan.

posted about 8 years ago
#33 Marathon and Weight Training in Off Topic
deykuzorSo as a follow up, I've been making a new workout schedule. For clarification, those who told me to focus on the time rather than the distance, does this mean I shouldn't be worried if when I wear myself out it's shorter than my goal? As long as I'm running 30 minutes to an hour at a good pace (10 minutes per mile appears to be my goal).

I think this phrasing/mentality may be the issue. If you are regularly getting worn out before your goal, then you are either going too fast, are making poor workout goals, or most likely a combination of both. Pretty much every workout you do should be well within your own realm of possibility. If you get tired at 45 minutes, then you should be making your workout goals 30-40 minutes in duration, not 45-60. Going to exhaustion frequently is a recipe for mental and physical burnout (I've been there, done that. It can lead to serious medical issues). Always train well within your own realm of possibility, and don't rush to push your boundaries. This pushing of boundaries may explain why you are hitting a wall. You can't absorb the training when you are going too hard, so ease up a good bit and let your body absorb the stimulus you give it.

I will send you a PM with my email address. Feel free to shoot me your schedule or ask any questions. I don't really use steam anymore.

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Marathon and Weight Training in Off Topic

I used to cross country ski at a very high level and still coach athletes in endurance sports. At the peak of my training I would regularly run for 1.5-2 hours every morning then do a 2 hour non-running target workout in the afternoon, so it is completely possible. I have a few pointers:

1. If you can ever possibly avoid running on pavement or concrete, do it. It absolutely destroys your body regardless of how fast or slow you run. My runs were always on grass or on trails. Running on pavement severely reduces how far you can go in a single session and causes overuse injuries.

2. Long and slow is the way to go. HIIT is good for developing your lactate threshold and maximal oxygen uptake, but the single best way to increase endurance is Level 1 training (50-60% of your max HR is a good general rule of thumb). This builds your heart's stroke volume, lungs' oxygen delivery to your bloodstream, and most importantly it increases your capillary density.

3. Far too many runners train in Levels 2-3 (60% of Max HR - HR at which LT occurs). This gives gains somewhat quickly but after about a month it is a no-man's land for physiological gains. This is where high school runners train every single day in my experience.

4. If you say you run 7-9 minute miles, shoot for 9-10 minutes per mile in your long runs. It feels wrong to run this slow, but this is probably your Level 1, where you increase your aerobic capacity and muscular endurance.

5. Sprinkle in 1-2 high-intensity sessions per week. Lactate threshold training should use something like 3 x 6-8 minute intervals just at or over your LT, with 3-4 minutes recovery in between. VO2 max intervals are more like 6 x 2-4 minute intervals with equal recovery in between. You should be nearly on your knees after these ones.

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't or shouldn't be running ~10 miles everyday. I have about 20 high schoolers doing it and they are turning into monsters and staying healthy. I just strongly suspect that you are going WAY too hard and may be on pavement. You should be able to very easily have a conversation while you are on most of your runs. The hardest part is actually teaching yourself to slow down to the appropriate pace for physiological changes to happen. It feels too slow, but faster is definitely not always better in endurance running. Best of luck!

Edit: I agree with the person above who said run for time, not distance. Don't focus on your pace or distance while you run, just go have fun for 60 or 90 minutes and enjoy exploring.

Edit2: You should always take 1 day completely off of training no matter what. Not even a 30 minute run.

posted about 8 years ago
#53 Official Jasmine Tea i58 Fundraiser in TF2 General Discussion

On all fours or it doesn't count

posted about 8 years ago
#187 [BREAKING NEWS] phorofor cut from ronin in The Dumpster
kevcan we make this thread a gucci mane appreciation thread instead because he's free


My first gucci mane experience:

posted about 8 years ago
#68 GoT season 6 in Music, Movies, TV

I lost my shit to Tormund and Brienne this episode

posted about 8 years ago
#23 who would win in The Dumpster
triiipleisnt the sun made of lava just the sun

Lava is mostly aluminum and silicon (molten rock), stars only go up to iron on the periodic table (mostly gases). Completely different composition.

posted about 8 years ago
#32 Knife Enthusiasts? in Off Topic

Almost all home cooks just need 2 knives: a chef's knife and a serrated bread knife. All the extra little things sold in a giant butcher block are really unnecessary if you know how to properly use a gyuto. Here's my gyuto:


Too lazy to take my own picture, but mine looks exactly the same. Will last me for life unlike crappy western knives. Saving $$$ to splurge on a completely (unnecessarily) wicked-looking bread knife. That's all the knives I need.

posted about 8 years ago
#23 is shaving your legs ever acceptable? in The Dumpster

Do whatever you want to do. Who cares what others think. If they give you shit just say that you like the way it feels.

posted about 8 years ago
#152 Anyone here bilingual/multilingual? in Off Topic
CHERRYHarbingerNative English, read French and Spanish quite well but can't speak very well. Trying to learn Norwegian and Polish right now. Jesus Christ how do Polish people make sense of all the cases and genders.I'd say don't waste your time, but if you really want to do this I can help you ;D

I'm half Slovak and would love to learn that, but there are no good materials for learning it or Czech by yourself, so Polish is the logical next choice for me.

posted about 8 years ago
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