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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#9 torrit..sukintoes hopes to set foot in Premiership in News

The standard of team names these days is incredibly low.

Bring back Dyslexic Untied.

posted about 6 years ago
#6 ETF2L Highlander S17 Semifinal: Super Dickmann's KANNONEN! vs TORPEDO in Events
Systemlessnice seeing highlander listed here

Makes the last 5 years of this website's content pointless.

posted about 6 years ago
#80 jediflamaster banned for life on etf2l in The Dumpster

Good stuff, hope ETF2L Perma ban all Pyro mains, except Goreston.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Medic's Primary Problem in Videos

Real question is who has more hours? Mustardoverlord or Nursey?

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Doomsday comp tf2 video in Videos

Video does a great job of highlighting the community effort, but focuses a lot on criticizing Valve for no support.

For a lot of people who donated money to the early I-series, myself included the main incentive was just to see great TF2 events we had to make happen ourselves, I certainly was never expecting Financial backing from Valve and I know some people hoped to see it but realistically people knew what they were paying their money for.

Still a great video, brings back a lot of memories but the slating Valve rhetoric for years for not financially backing the game is tiresome to me, most people figured out years ago there won't be financial and the money they are making tells me they didn't make a mistake in their decision, just they didn't do what we had hoped for in the community, can be a bitter pill to swallow but the community made this game great, not Valve, except Medals were huge bringing people into the competitive community, I still remember the 900 team Highlander tournament like it was yesterday.

Also disagree this game would ever been a Tier 1 eSport, wish well thinking but it does capture that there was something lost in this game without their backing. If anything Valve development support has been the biggest let down, even playing an ETF2L match other week a while after playing my last match and seeing they hadn't fixed the ubercharge bug just sums it all up to me. Won't even go into Matchmaking and decimating Community Servers.

It's always been the community who made this game, if it's actively engaged and able to replace it's best contributors then there will always be a good scene, if it can't replace them it will slowly fade - Only lesson I learn from this is the younger players who just played and watched TF2 should look to step their involvement up to keep the scene going because so many names have dropped off, nobody is going to replace them unless you step up.

Still, a great nostalgic video.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 SVIFT EU loses marten, casts Ombrack as replacement in News

You're in a better place now Marten (the place where you don't have to play TF2)

posted about 6 years ago
#17 the fellowship folds. in TF2 General Discussion
Olghacould it be possible to ban from competitions leaders that are unable to manage their team's season and drop ?
It's been already the 4th in div1/prem

I heard some bad ideas in my time and suggested a few myself but this is probably the worst I read.

Ban the portion of the player pool that is making and leading teams, yeah that is definitely going to make the league better. Great idea. Can't see any problems with it long term. Or make them pay to play, even better idea, they will definitely learn their lesson and not prioritize real life over TF2 again. Having led teams into ETF2L for over 20 seasons and only dropped once I can say it's absolutely mentally draining if you got a team thet doesnt work and are not fun to manage 5 to 8 players every day for every game and pcw and tactics session and then someone doesn't commit or has a sudden change in circumstance and you got to replace them quickly over and over again.

Its frustrating and as this isn't a professional league I don't see why the people who are the ones actively making teams and keeping the scene alive should be punished. They just won't want to come back, if I got banned the one season I dropped I probably never led a team again and it meant one less team, several players who maybe would not have played because of some rule.

I can't see how Connor should specifically be punished when it sounded like every pcw was a chore. Terrible idea.

posted about 6 years ago
#105 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion
toads_tflol europeans are a joketwiikuuZolakwhy creating all this shitstorm?The first page and a half was brigaded by the bottom of the European barrel to stir up a controversy on the basis that, if they lie and cry hard enough, the situations "Degu/Pred" and "Samski/Puo" would be considered "equal" and therefor the outcome should be the same, unfortunately for them, in the real world, those situations are not the same.twiikuuZolakwhy creating all this shitstorm?The first page and a half was brigaded by the bottom of the European barrel to stir up a controversy on the basis that, if they lie and cry hard enough, the situations "Degu/Pred" and "Samski/Puo" would be considered "equal" and therefor the outcome should be the same, unfortunately for them, in the real world, those situations are not the same.

Lie? Expressing an opinion is not lying, the opinion being on how ETF2L should view and decision behaviour. You don't have to agree with anything in life, but there are no truths in the scenerio apart from how it's intepreted. You want to accuse me personally of making shit up go ahead because you better be prepared to back it up with a long ass post I probably won't read because I am too busy working my job in ths real world. By the way people drop F bombs in the real world, but Lenny faces not really, free life advice for you.

Making absolutions on everything. My post wasn't exactly serious, just wanted to stir some amusement up but my main point about ETF2L being the police still stands, since the Degu and Pred affair it is effectively what they signed themselves up to be, but my general feeling on the situation was that as long as Puo didn't have any issues it could be resolved and that is exactly what happened. The lad had no beef with Samski so it's moved on. That is the rational conclusion to the situation in my view however if Puo had complained it should be taken seriously, just like the Uberchain complaints were taken very seriously, by everyone to the point where the league took action. I just wonder if he had complained if people even taken it seriously. Suicide is a topic people don't discuss but every day it's affecting people we know whether in TF2 or not.

You tell me to go kill myself I will laugh it off you tell someone else who is going through some personal troubles who knows what may happen. Samski should not be banned, to reiterate but I wonder if people like you even care about the issue?

And.you call me a liar? Makes me feel just sad to be honest. I have not enjoyed this community for a while, most my friends are gone and I feel a total disconnect to this generation of TF2 player. General staleness of the game to me I can forgive after 10 years where I worked harder than you have ever to make this scene better but the actual way people react in this scene to things just stops me wanting to come back. Started with Ruwin way back when, gone downhill from there. I am.glad ETF2L wanna take a stance on harassment something they have not done a good job of for a long time, but I fail to see how they can do it consistently. This is just the first of a long line of situations where there could be a potential reason to act, mark my words if they don't apply their pledge, and only way to make them act is to sensationalise an issue as proven. Years of non action but a massive drama filled campaign to ban some people for harassment got the job done, so if people feel strongly about an issue the best chance they got is public pressure to get something done. Making shit racial like Muuki did isn't the way to go about it (but I am 99% sure Muuki was trolling like he does in 90% of threads to illicit a response) but be damn sure you got to say something or nobody will act.

Fucking shame this community gone to shit. Big part of my life for so long now I log on I got to see you. Talk about scraping low.

posted about 6 years ago
#71 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion
gemmJynxiigemmi LOVE when all the big brain non-snowflake anti sjw warriors come out of the woodwork for threads like this
Imagine if i said something along those lines when everyone was jumping in on the uberchain fiasco, there would be hysterics.

Samski has been known to be a toxic twat for years and now hes finally 'crossed the line' by the standards that etf2l and tftv set, people see it as a non-issue just because samski turned himself into the victim by sending sad messages and removing friends from steam.

your reply doesnt make sense

im making fun of the same people showing up again and again in the same threads acting like they're 160 IQ jordan petersons

180iq* for me personally

posted about 6 years ago
#51 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion
JarateKingKissakalaStaying civil:
Was it on Pred or Degu to decide how they wanted to go from the point where they said the things they did.
I'm not defending them, but I'm not defending Samski either. Actually, I don't really care about the whole subject, but it doesn't seem that people are being treated equally.
Degu's apology was essentially "I wasn't serious, and therefore everyone else is wrong for reacting badly" and iirc pred never tried to apologize or even take the situation seriously. Their bans did take that into account.
KissakalaAlso, just to clarify, why does it matter what one has gone through in the past, whether it was suicide attempts or being a victim of something else?Because being worried about ones' safety is the #1 priority in all of this?

Have you considered training for the ETF2L Police academy? I think you are an ideal candidate for upholding justice and morality in the community.

You either ban everybody or you don't ban anyone unless you give clear guidelines on where you can and can't say things. Im half expecting to be banned for saying stuff in a private Discord server these days. Just making it up as you go along depending in how many people are outraged isn't the correct approach. Just like when they punish Pred by docking his teammates prize money but didn't punish Credu by docking his teammates prize money for dropping racial slurs.

By this logic I am expecting the last 6 teammates of Samski to be docked prize money for association. In fact I once played with Samski in the HL NC. Admins you want my last 5 years of winnings returned? Just give me the details? Don't want Aoshi on my doorstep. Didn't take long for the next drama did it.

Samski acting stupid in the heat of the moment isn't new but the lengths he is going to cover it up is just kind of hilarious but also sad. Don't worry Sam, once this drama pases and TFTV are short a caster I am sure they will ask you again, like they did Degu.

posted about 6 years ago
#28 check on samski ? in TF2 General Discussion

Where is the ETF2L Police? I thought toxicity was getting stamped out.

posted about 6 years ago
#15 Ora Elektro eyes Maroš and papi in News

Papi to destroy nerds this season and sleep with their girlfriends

posted about 6 years ago
#54 england nations cup 2018 roster released in TF2 General Discussion
Starkiedidnt think we'd have the chance to lose to france after croatia knocked us out but nunya's gonna fix that


posted about 6 years ago
#70 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion
RussianGuyovich-waxI dont think forcibly gutting froyo was a very smart idea just because ethically it seems wrong, but this outrage really only seems to stem from existing contempt for sigafoo and his league/format.
That's completely untrue. There's plenty justifiable reasons why this is a bad idea. I haven't followed sigafoo and his/her 7v7 league. I shouldn't have to point out that providing criticism for something which has many problems is in pursuit of a better solution more than anything.

Lots of respect for you RussianG but a lot of the outrage does stem from it being Sigafoo from a certain bunch of posters here who always do attack him. There may be a precedent that this isn't a case but I don't see too many people here playing regularly. I don't even like 7v7 nor agree with the decision he has made and it's fair to say if I ran RGL I would done so many things differently but I can understand why he has done it which if I gave a shit about the league I would argue against but since I don't I just want to defend my ex teammate rrom my The Syndicate days on a personal level since this forums witchhunting and mob mentality driven me on the edge to a point I have little love left for a community I been a part of for a decade.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 froyotech benched from playing as a team in RGL in TF2 General Discussion

It's funny cos even though I despair at the thought of playing RGL Sigafoo is actually right whether you disagree with his methods or not and I am guessing most people don't even play RGL or watch it nor fund it they just are insulted that Sigafoo is doing something not 6v6. Personally I wouldn't be insulted by this if I was always challenging Froyo, I would be more insulted that people are trying to stop me getting free prize money now that the best team in the league are restricted.

It's also funny people are trying to decide what should or should not be disrespectful to Ascent or whoever else failed to challenge them. I think truth kinda hurts here. Sometimes it does in TF2.

posted about 6 years ago
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