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Last Posted April 6, 2023 at 11:47 PM
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#143 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion
Fuxxtorrit2HildrethLot of people in this thread who are older school players were not underrated when they actually played.

You want underrated players you should pick people who were in-game leaders / held their team together like Hys but were always being outshone by the bigger named people around.
no offence but hys was actually overrated, rather than under, especially with how toxic he was
Agreed and his brief stint in Epsilon was shameful tbh

Point missed, once again.

posted about 6 years ago
#193 i63 Confirmed in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylI'm trying to buy BYOC tickets and it asks for a postcode so I entered my zip code (cause im in the us and we dont have postcodes lol) and it said please enter a valid postcode, so I just googled the one for the NEC and tried that but it and now it's giving me an error saying to contact the box office or something. I sent them an inquiry form or whatever and the customer service lady just said "You would need to enter the postcode valid with the card as this would be why it would not authorise,"

Has anyone else from the US/elsewhere been able to buy tickets successfully with this shit? I remember last year it being a huge hassle and having this shit happen but idr what I did :/

They outsource their booking to another company, and it's dogshite. When it was just multiplay it used to be good, but I had similar issues before with their customer service.

posted about 6 years ago
#38 What would a team of 6 yous be like? in TF2 General Discussion

The best looking.

posted about 6 years ago
#8 ETF2L Season 30 Premiership Preview in News


posted about 6 years ago
#13 why did most of tf2's secondary leagues die in TF2 General Discussion
MarxistI mostly inserted the phrase "fully dead" because some people do talk about UGC like it's dead or defunct when it's not; it's just smaller than it was 3+ years ago.

"I don't play this league therefore it is dead"

posted about 6 years ago
#28 Thaigrr temporarily banned from ETF2L in News
bearodactylI don't get it why do you guys care so much about every player uploading their own demos isn't that what STVs are for? Nobody legitimately thinks the guy cheats or anything do they?

I guess ESEA uses the client for anticheat purposes so that's why we don't have to do it but it still seems rather silly imo

It's been mentioned countless times by AC staff the best way to spot a cheater is to use a POV demo as it's recorded client side and STV demos are server side. This is pretty basic stuff even a tech goof like me understands it.

But putting AC methods aside, no matter how effective they are, it's just in the rules and has been for donkeys years and people not uploading are either lazy, stupid or cheating.

posted about 6 years ago
#11 ETF2L S30 Prem Qual UBF: Velocity EUSports vs. The Bus Crew in Matches

I wanted Bus Crew to win but Marten to lose, big dilemma.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 Thaigrr temporarily banned from ETF2L in News
coyoDon't really understand the need to make this a news post. He's still on their active roster he's just not playing etf2l officials because they don't matter until playoffs by which point he'll be unbanned anyway.
The ban is practically meaningless.

They remove Thaigrr from all his active rosters during the ban period so he isn't on any team and is ineligible to play any ETF2L matches in that period.
Whether 7 keep him or not when the ban expires is their prerogative.
When the ban expires on July 21st, the rosters will be locked as it will be beyond week 6 of the season when rosters look pre-playoffs so he can't be re-added to the roster until end of the playoffs.
However, assuming opponents agree, Thaigrr can merc after that date so he can still play any games on/after that date.
And 7 can, if they win prize money, pay him his cut as prize money is always distributed to a team leader and sorted out between the team externally from ETF2L admins.

posted about 6 years ago
#69 $100,000,000 for fortnite esports in Esports


Available 7 days a week from 7am to midnight,
Must quit my job and studies to focus on eSport career.
Must be equally dedicated.
Must sub to b4nny.

posted about 6 years ago
#48 ETF2L replacing Sunshine with Cardinal (also money in TF2 General Discussion
edit, what im trying to say is that if etf2l had indicated at all that they were considering trying out these new maps, people would have cared a lot more

LOL what do you think a map test cup is for? To test item cosmetics see how pretty the new Scout hat is? Jesus Christ.

posted about 6 years ago
#42 ETF2L replacing Sunshine with Cardinal (also money in TF2 General Discussion

Ironic how when there was a map test cup and feedback requested barely anyone cared but now its real suddenly everyone cares...

TF2 community has not changed in a decade and never will.

posted about 6 years ago
#20 ETF2L replacing Sunshine with Cardinal (also money in TF2 General Discussion

Good decision to put a new map in, whichever map they switched was going to be debatable as aside from a core 2 maps the rest have mixed views.

Good decision by the admins to put it in. Community is generally full of people complaining and not seeing bigger picture on the whole so it won't be appreciated but it's a good thing to do a new map even if it turns out to be as enjoyable as Sunshine or Reckoner or even tiresome as Snakewater or Prolands which are somehow favoured despite being the slowest maps in the pool.

posted about 6 years ago
#54 Most overrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

Nerd A doesn't think Nerd B is as good as Nerd C and therefore Nerd D who thinks Nerd B is the best Nerd since Nerd E won against Nerd F will get tilted.

Conclusion who gives a fuck.

posted about 6 years ago
#125 Most underrated prem/invite players of all time. in TF2 General Discussion

Lot of people in this thread who are older school players were not underrated when they actually played.

You want underrated players you should pick people who were in-game leaders / held their team together like Hys but were always being outshone by the bigger named people around.

posted about 6 years ago
#49 bring back pugchamp in TF2 General Discussion
KikiWhile I do understand the problems top players currently have with Pro League, it's sad to hear so many big names giving up on the opportunity it represents.

Changes like the captain priority system and server choice have demonstrated a willingness on the part of the devs to accomodate the complaints people have had, so it seems if the top players are willing to participate, and to meet them half-way, Face It as a platform has alot to offer this community in terms of its dev support, scalable structure, uniting the community, and clear progression through divisions, things that pugchamp can't do by design.

None of those changes would've happened if you hadn't actually engaged with b4nny and the developers. Given that a project like tf2pl requires the whole community's involvement in order to really work, I would've hoped for some more leadership on the part of the Invite players.

I played PugChamp for the first time in months and it was a lot more fun because I could add up as classes I actually wanted to play and I have never been picked for something else. That's the key factor for me, Faceit has some positives for sure and if there is enough interest I might queue for some Advanced games and I don't want to see it die like the cynics but I play in what I think is better experience for me, that's PugChamp.

If it gets better and active I'd go back, I do feel there is a section of the community extremely cynical against the website just because it's associated with b4nny. Like that 12 year old kiddie steam group I got invited to, no thanks.

With that said no invite player is actively obligated to make Faceit work for TF2, I don't even rate them as much of a company having seen their financial performance recently and their management policies (check their financial report for last year if you want a taster), I only see them as a short term partner in the TF2 world.

posted about 6 years ago
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